God Ling Nine Days

Chapter 67 Clouds Sigh the World in troubled times

The sky is getting late, the sky becomes red, and it looks like a different flavor on the back of the dragon, especially the three girls, who are fascinated.

Ye Qianqiu has already left the side of the man in purple and returned to Yunyue and Han Xiaoxi. Now he is looking at the distance with a solemn face.

Yunyue came to him, looked at him, and then said, "What's wrong? Something went wrong when you came back from there!"

Ye Qianqiu breathed a sigh of relief, then shook his head and said, "This hundred-city war will be the most intense in history!"

"Oh? How to say?" Yunyue looked at him curiously.

Ye Qianqiu sighed and then told him everything he knew. After listening to it, Yunyue's face also became very solemn. Both of them felt that this Hundred Cities War was very unusual!

In the end, both of them were silent, and this matter was no longer clear to them.

The man in purple quickly went to the junction of the four states. On the way, everyone wanted to eat or drink water, so he threw out a mustard bag, saying that it was prepared for them and would be used in the Hundred Cities War!

Later, the flying dragon arrived in the eastern part of Jingzhou. It was neither late nor early. It was at the end of dusk that the red and cloudy still hung above the sky.

At this moment, Ye Qianqiu suddenly felt that there was something in the distant clouds.

Looking at it, it is a shocking picture.

In the clouds, several figures flashed. If you look carefully, those figures are the royal dragon guards that Ye Qianqiu and Yunyue have seen.

Ye Qianqiu counted carefully, and there were about 30 dragon cavalry guards, several of whom were popular and blood, which seemed to be undoubtedly the most sacred.

Even the dragon cavalry guards in the most holy realm have been sent out. What does the royal family want to do? This is Ye Qianqiu's idea in his heart.

Suddenly, those dragon riders all took out a strange thing and held it high in the sky. They didn't know what they were going to do.

"Boom" "Expanded"......

What Ye Qianqiu didn't expect was that it was like fireworks, but it was composed of several divine lights.

The divine light rushed into the sky and immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked up at the sky.

Then, the Taoist divine light formed a huge Chinese totem, a dragon totem in the sky!

This technique is the same as when Western countries surrendered, but it is much more shocking than the scene of the Western alliance, with countless eyes high above.

The dragon totem gradually disappeared and was replaced by a huge mirror. Yes, a mirror made of divine light.

In the mirror, a magnificent figure gradually emerged. It was a heroic man with purple dragons surging all over his body.

At this moment, even those who have no knowledge know the identity of this man - the Chinese Emperor, Ji Zhenyu!

Ji Zhenyu was dressed in a court uniform and sat on the dragon chair, overlooking all sentient beings in the world.

Ye Qianqiu felt that Ji Zhenyu may have reached the level of wind and soul, enough to look down on the world and be proud of all sentient beings.

When the eyes of everyone in the land of China were on the sky mirror, Ji Zhenyu said, "Dear people of China, today, I have something to announce." After saying that, he paused and then waved. Suddenly, a man in brocade appeared in the mirror, and there were 20 scrolls in his hand.

Then, Ji Zhenyu continued: "With the leadership of Jiang Shenjiang, not long ago, our Chinese army has brought down all the West. Now, the world respects China! In order to smooth out the monarchs of Western countries, I decided to carry out the feudal system of ancient China and divide Western countries into vassal states! Today, I will tell the world that the world belongs to China and respect China together!"

As soon as Ji Zhenyu said this, Shenzhou really shook, and the whole land of Shenzhou was boiling. This time, people's voices shook the sky and the earth!

At this moment, some people cheered loudly, some people cried and cried, some people laughed so much that they couldn't find the north, and some people cried like dead parents... In short, all kinds of voices echoed in China's Shenzhou. This is an exciting day, a moving day, and a day that people can't see the future clearly.

Has it really calmed down in the future? Is this troubled world over? No one knows, indeed no one knows.

Somewhere in the 100,000 mountains, he smiled and stood on the top of a towering ancient tree, looking far away and whispering: "Has China...unify the world?"

not far from him, Kun Peng and others also looked at the distant sky and whispered something to themselves.

Deeper than the 100,000 mountains that the demon clan did not enter, a man rose up and said, "It's time... In this era, the world can't be peaceful!"

On the edge of the Yellow River, an old man shook his head, looked at the Yellow River rolling east, and sighed softly, "Is it really a good thing for China to unify the world? Is this the end of the troubled times?

In the deepest part of Taiyi's forbidden place, a man looked at the sky and said, "It's almost time. The second stage is coming!"

At the same time, some people in the sects of Wumen, Tiandao Mountain, Seven Killing City, Proud God Sect and other sects for many years were saying to themselves or sigh.

This day is destined to be an extraordinary day. On this day, the sects that have been hidden for many years began to officially operate; secret orders were issued from everywhere and sent to unknown places; powerful people flashed in the world; a soft sigh was sighing at all the troubled clouds in the world...

This is the day of the end of the old era, the day of the new era, and the day of connecting the two stages. This day must be engraved in history and passed down through the ages!

Ye Qianqiu stood on the back of the flying dragon, looking into the distant sky and deeply felt the extraordinary day.

Cloud Moon also has a solemn face. He has lived in Taiyimen since he was a child, and he has also studied the celestial phenomena. At that time, he looked at the sky with his inner breath, but he saw that the celestial phenomena were strange. It was actually Jackie Chan's image of fighting against tigers, which is simply contrary to the current situation of the world returning to China.

Which side is wrong? Yunyue asked himself, but the answer has already been formed in his heart.

Then, he and Ye Qianqiu also thought of what the three elders of Taiyimen said about the chaos when they went down the mountain. Finally, in the eyes of the two, it is now a celestial chaos, and the words can be crossed out.

The flying dragon carried them to the distance, leaving their respective sighs in the air. These two sighs were sighing for this sad era or melancholy for the unknown future. No one knows, and even Ye Qianqiu and Yunyue who made these two sighs.

From this day on, the future will go in an unknown direction again. What is waiting for everyone in that direction, what will come to this world, and what unpredictable things will happen...

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--God Ling Nine Days—Volume One - Clouds and Smoke in troubled times—End

Please look forward to it - Volume 2 - Dark turmoil