God Ling Nine Days

Chapter 4 There is a handsome meteorite in the fairyland

Ye Qianqiu and Yifeng came aside, far away from the crowd. At this time, Yifeng suddenly said, "By the way, Brother Ye, I once said that after my crown, I will tell you what my surname is!"

Ye Qianqiu took a look at him, then smiled and said, "I have guessed it!"

Yifeng looked at him in surprise and said, "Oh? Brother Ye actually guessed it?"

"Your surname is Ji, your full name is Ji Yifeng, the legendary new generation of military god, the seventh prince of China!" Ye Qianqiu stared at him and said so.

Thinking this way, it is not too surprising that Ji Yifeng has reached the peak of the seven heavens in four years. With the background of the royal family, there is no problem in doing this!

"A new generation of military gods? Ha, so that's what everyone thinks!" Ji Yifeng smiled and shook her head.

Ye Qianqiu frowned and said, "Is this similar to the ideal you said at the beginning?"

Ji Yifeng looked up at the sky and said, "That's true, but since the general trend of the world has been set this year, our fate as descendants of the royal family has also come. My father has made it clear that everything depends on the performance of our brothers. Three years later, we will become a prince!"

"Three years later... then you..." Ye Qianqiu will not speak with another attitude because Ji Yifeng is the seventh prince of China. He is still talking to him from the standpoint of a friend.

Ji Yifeng slowly lowered his head, looked at him, shook his head and said, "Prince? Oh, I haven't had this idea for a long time!"

frowned, Ye Qianqiu looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Why? Shouldn't all men born in the emperor's house want to get to that position?

"Maybe I'm an alternative! Since childhood, my brothers have had to learn dragon climbing, but I am not interested in that thing at all, so I choose to learn military law from my uncle. Ji Yifeng said so slowly.

Ye Qianqiu nodded and did not reply. The two were silent and relatively speechless.

At this time, the two people who went to investigate also came back. They ran to Ji Yifeng for the first time. One of them said, "Sir... That place is so horrible. It's a trapped fairyland!"

"Oh? Trapped in fairyland? What is the blood? Ji Yifeng frowned and asked.

The two looked at each other and didn't say anything, or they didn't know how to say it.

At this time, Ye Qianqiu looked at the two and frowned and asked, "Are you trapped in the fairyland? Have those white bones changed?

The two did not reply, but looked at Ji Yifeng.

Ji Yifeng nod her head slightly and said, "But it doesn't matter. This person is my friend!"

The two answered, and one of them replied, "Those white bones are all gathered together, as if they are going to form something!"

Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu closed his eyes slightly and meditated. After just a while, he opened his eyes and flashed in his eyes.

Looking at several people, he said in a low voice, "It's broken, trapped in the fairyland, and the road ahead has been broken!"

Ji Yifeng was slightly shocked and said, "Brother Ye still knows the study of terrain?"

Ye Qianqiu shook his head and said, "I just understand a little, but now the most urgent thing is to keep everyone away from it and can't get close to it anymore. If the demon is born, there must be blood!"

I heard the words. Ji Yifeng looked at the blood column rising in the distance and said, "This demon, at least at the peak of Longyue, is absolutely invincible!"

"Yes, only when we retreat can we find vitality. If we move forward, there will be no vitality!" Ye Qianqiu's face was slightly dark, and the Taoist light in his eyes became a little inhuman.

Ji Yifeng looked back at the people in the distance who didn't know the details, then nodded and said, "Well, let's go away together!"

After saying that, he and Ye Qianqiu walked into the crowd and shouted, "Guys, there is a fierce place ahead. The road has been cut off. We can't move forward for the time being, but retreat far away!"

"Why? Just by one of your words?" This is what the people in Taiyuan said.

"I'm afraid you lied, right? I want to cheat us and move forward by myself, so that I can take the lead!" This is what Changping said.


All kinds of statements have been made, and most of them are not believed, believing that Ji Yifeng and Ye Qianqiu are deceiving people.

Ji Yifeng's face was slightly dark and said, "Since you don't listen, it's no wonder, Brother Ye, let's go!"

After saying that, he shook his sleeves and turned around and left.

Seeing this, Ye Qianqiu frowned, then looked at the cloud moon and said, "What do you think?"

Yunyue looked at the huge pillar of blood in the distance and said, "Only retreat far away!"

Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu nodded and said to the people in Jinling City, "Let's go. Let's wait for a while!"

Immediately, the nine-person team in Jinling City also went in the direction where Ji Yifeng and others left.


After retreating dozens of miles, Ye Qianqiu and nine others and Ji Yifeng all stopped.

Ji Yifeng looked at the distance and said, "Do they... really not believe it?"

"There's nothing we can do! No one can control the things of people's hearts. Moreover, the victory symbol of the Hundred Cities War, the three sacred weapons of the Imperial Hall, are not very attractive!"

Ye Qianqiu stood beside him and said so.

not far away, the clouds and the moon moved their hands and drew a large array in the void, shaped like heaven and earth, a small world!

"What are you?" Ye Qianqiu looked at a large corner of the void and asked.

"Deduce the sky of this small world!" The cloud moon replied like this.

Exuduing the heavenly machine, Ye Qianqiu took a slight breath of cold air, which is a great technique against the sky!

Ji Yifeng also looked at a corner of the void with burning eyes and stopped talking.

Yunyue's hands moved together, her eyes were like fire, staring at the corner array, and her mouth kept chanting spells.

After a period of time, the divine light flashed, and the words spit out from the cloud moon mouth turned into golden charms one by one, and then disappeared into a corner array in an instant.

At this time, the cloud moon shouted softly, and the divine light in his eyes shot out nearly half a foot long.

Ye Qianqiu was shocked to see it. At least this is the magic power that the sub-saint can have, but the cloud moon has exerted the cultivation of the peak triple sky. Is this also the special feature of the innate Taoist body? Ye Qianqiu asked himself.

Then, a large array disappeared, and the light in the cloud and moon's eyes was also annihilated.

A trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and then he looked at Ye Qianqiu and said, "The tigers eat dragons for life!"

Tigers eat dragons! Ye Qianqiu was shocked. This is a strange celestial phenomenon. It is said that it will only appear when a sect or dynasty is about to be destroyed, but now, it is obviously not these two situations.

"Oh? Tigers eat dragons, that is to say, the demons trapped in the fairyland are dragons, and we are tigers. Only by fighting in groups can we have vitality!" Ji Yifeng said so.

Ye Qianqiu suddenly nod his head and said, "It's very likely! Dragons and tigers all have symbols, and this heavenly phenomenon wants us to fight against demons!"

Finally, Yunyue also nodded and said that he would gather everyone as soon as possible.

Ye Qianqiu and Ji Yifeng quickly gathered the crowd. There were 18 people in the two cities, 16 of whom were at their peak, which can be said to be a team with strong combat effectiveness.

Subsequently, everyone introduced to each other that the nine people in Chang'an were led by Ji Yifeng, and two of them, that is, Tianfeng and Tianxing, were arranged by the royal family.

As for the other six people, they are the first in this imperial examination, that is, today's champion, Liu Tianshu.

Ye Qianqiu saw Shuhong's eyes looking at him were very unusual. After asking, everyone knew that Shu Hong was the second in this imperial examination!

The champion, the top eye, and the exploration of flowers are collectively known as the "three tripods". It is the wish of Confucians in the world to win one of these three titles in the final examination.

However, except for some Confucian students who can see through everything, most of them like to express their love to the mountains and rivers and feel the way of heaven and earth between them.

Liu Tianshu and Shuhong stood together, and a magnificent atmosphere emanated from their bodies. Their momentum made one of several people in Chang'an couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This person is called Wei Zhuhun and is the eldest grandson of Lord Wei, Minister of Military Machinery in Chang'an.

The remaining four people are Li Chengfeng, the second grandson of Prime Minister Li Tianzhi, Murong Xin, the second daughter of General Murong Xing, and Cheng Dongxue, who has no family*.

There is also a person who claims to be ghosts and gods, saying that his cultivation skills are very special. To a certain extent, he can understand the world and see through the past and the present.

Almost everyone chose not to believe his words, but Ji Yifeng, Ye Qianqiu, and Yunyue had a trace of confusion, so they left a thought about it.

Although the ghosts and gods saw this in their eyes, they also pretended not to know, just smiling and saying nothing.

At this point, the team of 18 people was formed. Ye Qianqiu and Ji Yifeng wanted to find some people to act together, so they took everyone to the place where they left before.

When the sun went down, everyone returned to the place where they were separated from the crowd, but they did not see a person here.

Ye Qianqiu let go of his consciousness and looked around carefully. Finally, he frowned and said, "They... have all gone over there!"

With that, he turned his head to the place where the pillar of blood rushed up.

Seeing this, everyone also understood what was going on, and everything was unspoken.

After standing like this for a while, Ji Yifeng said, "Anyway, let's go and have a look!"

Everyone nodded, and then the eighteen people carefully walked towards the pillar of blood.

On the way, Ye Qianqiu kept looking around carefully, as if he was detecting the terrain, while Yunyue had been deduing in his heart. Among the 18 people, one of them was also doing strange things.

This man is a ghost. Every time the team stops, he will squat down, press his palm on the ground, and then close his eyes. He doesn't know what he is doing, but Ye Qianqiu can feel that his consciousness fluctuates rapidly.

The fluctuation of divine consciousness becomes very fast, and only occurs when fierce battles are strongly stimulated, or when using secret arts, but ghosts and gods obviously do not belong to the first two. In this way, it is using secret arts. Ye Qianqiu thinks so.

Soon, they came near the pillar of blood, which was originally a very dangerous place, but at this time, everyone's expressions showed that this was no longer dangerous!