Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 25 Haoran God Fist

Ying Yu never thought of it, including Xiao Ruoli. Unexpectedly, Situ Yuan asked them this question.

Although monks and ordinary mortals are in the same world, there are many intersections, and the predecessor of monks is mortals, and the starting point can be said to be in the same place. But then monks and mortals will take two paths, which are completely different.

If a mortal suddenly asks if he is an ordinary person or a monk, I guess everyone will be stunned. This question is very abrupt.

Ying Yu thought for a moment and asked, "Why did you ask this question? Do you often see monks?"

Xiao Ruoli also looked at it with beautiful big eyes.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "For mortals, Taoist people can be described as dragons, but this is the previous situation. Nowadays, there are so many monks in this beautiful city that anyone who stays for the last hour can know. Naturally, it's not surprising.

"What's the reason?" Ying Yu asked, very curious.

Situ Yuan said, "These are not secrets. Please allow me to come slowly."

"Say it quickly." Xiao Ruoli can't wait to say, and she is also very curious.

Situ Yuan said: "It is said that Xu You, a literary master 90 years ago, wrote a beautiful article about the way of health preservation, so it has been treasured by the library. I heard from some practitioners that for nearly a hundred years, the great righteousness of the students of this college has been condensed by that beautiful article, which naturally evolved the meaning, and gradually gave birth to a health boxing method, called Haoran God Fist. Although it is a health boxing, it also has a vast sea-like powerful power against the enemy, which is a rare mysterious magic. That's why so many monks heard the news coming from all directions and didn't want to get this boxing.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli looked at each other when they heard the words, but they really didn't expect it.

However, it is obvious that this is another mysterious Taoist art naturally produced by heaven and earth. It is the same as the birth of the King of Chu Sword. No matter how bad it is, it will not be much worse. No wonder it attracts so many monks.

"Isn't anyone got Haoran's magic fist?" Ying Yu continued to ask.

With such a mysterious method here, how can monks be so quiet? I'm afraid it has been taken a long time, and there must be unknown reasons among them.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "It's true. Haoran's magic fist is still in the college and has not fallen into the hands of the monks.

"Why is this?" Xiao Ruoli was surprised.

Situ Yuan said, "I'm not very clear about the real reason. After all, I'm just an ordinary student. However, there are many monks who have punched Haoran, but none of them have succeeded. There seems to be someone or something in this book that makes monks fail, so they are afraid.

Haoran Academy immediately became very mysterious in the eyes of Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli. On the surface, it is still a prosperous appearance, but secretly there is already a surging undercurrent. Many monks will not have so good patience and will do it sooner or later.

"Yes." Situ Yuan continued: "You two seem to be ordinary people. I don't know what you need to do when you come to the college. Do you need help?"

"No, we're just passing by." Ying Yu quickly refused, and then left with Xiao Ruoli on his back.

After they left, monks appeared around without leaving a trace, and then left very naturally without any attention.

Walking on the street of Jinxiu City, Ying Yu whispered, "Little witch, what do you think of this matter?"

Xiao Ruoli's eyes glowed and said, "This matter has aroused my interest, so I plan to lurk into Haoran Academy at night to see if I can get Haoran's magic fist. At the same time, I see what is in it that makes so many monks afraid to enter."

Ying Yu asked in a stunned question, "You can't go to the ground now. How can you lurk in?"

Xiao Ruoli smiled and said, "What's the matter! Isn't there still you? Why don't you just take Miss Ben in?

Ying Yu rolled his eyes and said, "The feelings still drag me into the water. This is really your style. However, aren't you afraid of wasting too much time on this matter so that you don't have time to attend the Xuanhui?

Xiao Ruoli said, "It doesn't matter. Let's stay in this city for a day. It's natural for us to lurk in at night and get any results. But if nothing is achieved, we don't have to stay long and continue on the road tomorrow. Compared with this, Xuanji will be more lively. I remember that I was dazzled when I went to see it when I was six years old..."

Ying Yu's mouth was **, and he listened to Xiao Ruoli's self-talk and wisely chose not to interrupt. He took Xiao Ruoli to stay in an inn not far away and planned to act in the evening.

Time always passes quickly and never stays for anyone. In a blink of an eye, it has become night.

Today, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and only a few places in the city can be seen. When the distance is far away, there is only a faint light, which is almost invisible. The trees outside the window are ringing, which is the only sound in the silent night.

"Peeping maniac, it's time to start." In an inn, the furnishings were simple and ancient. Xiao Ruoli whispered and had fallen on Ying Yu's body with a smile.

Ying Yu tied the king's sword to his waist, stepped on the empty step directly out of the dark room, stepped on the green and gray wall outside, and moved forward like a flat ground.

Every step he took, he seemed to condense the land under his feet, spanning several feet, and the speed was very fast. After a while, he came to Haoran Academy with Xiao Ruoli on his back.

Haoran Academy covers a wide area. In addition to the gate of the west of the academy, the southeast and north sides are dense plants with no gaps. There are flowers and trees. In addition, the fence is blocked by the fence, which has an absolute barrier effect on mortals, but it is nothing in front of monks.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli looked at each other, jumped in, stepped on the divine footwork, landed silently, stepped on the withered yellow maple leaves without making any sound, and slipped into it lightly.

In the night, Haoran College was deserted, of course, except for Xixi's evening breeze and the mixed heartbeat of the two.

"I don't see that you have the potential to be a thief. If you study this way carefully in the future, there may be a world-famous thief in the world." Xiao Ruoli teased in a low voice.

Ying Yu glanced at her and chose not to return it very wisely. This kind of thing often prevailed. It can be said that it is unreasonable. Silence is the best counterattack.

The faint breeze spreads at night, and the indescribable strangeness is inexplicable. Occasionally, the fallen leaves on the ground float up a few feet and fall, and there is a slight sound.

Ying Yu glanced at Haoran College, which was more detailed than what he saw at the gate of the college during the day, and found that the college, which had been passed down for nearly 100 years, was really magnificent. The attic rooms are staggered and full of ancient meaning, but very neat, and it seems that people can faintly see the scene of many students reading.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli don't know where to start, but this does not prevent them from moving. Ying Yu swept directly into the pavilions ahead with Xiao Ruoli on his back. The speed was so fast that he was standing on the top of a small building in a short time.

"Look, there are others." Xiao Ruoli said softly.

Sure enough, in the depths of many houses, a dark shadow flashed away. If your eyes are not good, you may not be able to find it.

There is no doubt that the other party's appearance is for the same purpose as them, which is not surprising. It would be strange if only they came secretly. However, there are more monks who are still sitting outside and dare not enter easily.

The rain swept by like an eagle and quickly approached the interior of the house without shocking anyone.

Not long after he moved, his mind moved again and felt a strong wind rushing from another direction. He saw a middle-aged man with a beard rushing by, aiming in the center of a group of buildings.

is another person who lurks in, and is blatant and has no hidden meaning at all. Obviously, he disdains Haoran Academy and thinks that he can come and go freely.

Inside the college, in a wide courtyard, trees are planted at four corners, flowers are placed next to it, and the roads are connected in all directions, extending to various locations. There is a dilapidated hut in only one direction, which looks very abrupt, and there is another faint stream of aura.

It is the reason for this aura, including Ying Yu, a total of four people came here!

In addition to Ying Yu and the other two, there is also the bearded middle-aged man with a ape arms and bee waist and a straight posture. The last person turned out to be a woman with a beautiful face, persistent eyes, soft posture like willows, and a handful of a young woman.

The three eyes are intertwined, and they all fall on the dilapidated hut!