Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 39 Leaving

The real start of Xuanhui is still a month later, and this period is the ** time for people to arrive.

During this period, early people can't only stay and practice in their place of residence. There are many things they can do.

For example, in the outer courtyard of Xuanjiyuan, the monks need to communicate, and a place of communication has been established, which is the montor city. Among them, mony treasures can be traded, such as Dharma, elixirs, weapons and so on. There are also hospitality places such as teahouses and restaurants, most of which are opened by disciples of Xuanjiyuan in order to greet visitors from all over the world.

At present, Yingyu and the three of them came here along the road, and the flow of people around them gradually increased. Presumably many people are willing to come to relax instead of practicing numbly.

What's the use if the Tao is so profound that you have never enjoyed life?

"Look, that's the tenth fallen flower fairy on the fairy list, named Yi Ning, or the chief disciple of the Luohua Valley of the mongo sect. He has the same identity as Ye."

Nie Fengxing nagging all the way and kept reciting the identity of some famous people, especially when he saw the famous women on the fairy list, and his eyes were shining. Although it is so annoying, this insight is indeed rare and there is no mistake at all.

Ying Yu said, "You successfully called a fairy, and she came to you."

Just as Ji Caifeng recited the name of Yi Ning, the fallen flower fairy, the woman seemed to be aware of it and turned around and slowly stepped forward.

Nie Fengxing was stunned when he heard the words and said strangely, "Is it really coming to me?"

No one can answer him, because the fallen flower fairy has stopped in front of him, and a pair of wonderful eyes look at him for a moment, very obviously coming to find him.

"You have good eyesight." Yi Ning said with a smile.

This is a very beautiful woman, with a fair face, her eyes flowing, green silk growing to her waist, and her figure is slim. Like a peony among flowers, she can see at a glance that she is the king of flowers and has a beautiful temperament.

Yi Ning was surprised to see Xiao Ruoli, but her eyes still fell on Nie Fengxing, with a little interest in her eyes.

Nie Fengxing was surprised, but he was overjoyed and said, "I'm really becoming more and more attractive. The top ten characters on the fairy list all took the initiative to talk to him."

Nie Fengxing and Yi Ning looked at each other on this side, but Xiao Ruoli was impatient to look at each other.

"Let's go. Since they are interested in each other, we don't have to disturb them."

Ying Yu was pulled by Xiao Ruoli and entered a nearby attic.

Ying Yu looked at Xiao Ruoli helplessly, but the other party just laughed, and then wandered around the attic.

This is the temporary Tianya Pavilion, and a lot of books have been placed. It can be seen that the speed of Tianya Tower is quite fast, and Xuanji will have sorted out this place far from the beginning.

Ying Yu saw Xiao Ruoli reading everywhere and occasionally turning over the books without disturbing him. He looked left and right, and finally walked to the position of hanging the three lists in front of him.

Three golden scrolls are hung side by side on a wall, with beautiful fonts written densely above.

The list of immortals, the list of divine soldiers, and the list of fairies can be seen by the rain.

For the list of immortals, he doesn't have much language except for sighing. He knew that he was still far away from that position and might not be able to reach it in his life.

Innot only him, that is also the admiration list of people all over the world.

When he saw all kinds of magic soldiers on the list of divine soldiers, he couldn't help smiling. For this, he was quite lucky to get a sword of the King of Chu.

Although the ranking of King Chu's sword is only 99th, almost at the bottom, so what?

Lin Wudao chased him four times for this sword, and it can be seen that even for the chief disciples of the ten sects, the divine soldiers on the list of divine soldiers are still out of reach.

As for the fairy list, Ying Yu hesitated for a moment, and a few pictures flashed through his mind, but he still looked over.

He doesn't know why a name can shake his heart as if it were magical. But he knew that this was not something that could be touched at present, and his eyes fell directly on the rest of the position.

He saw that the second-ranked ghost fairy was called Youyue, with the same name as the sixth strong man on the list of immortals, obviously the same person. He didn't expect that the strong man in the underworld was still a stunning woman.

When he saw the third place on the fairy list, he was stunned again.

The third place on the list of immortals, known as the empty fairy, is called... Xiao Ruoli!

Ying Yu knew that Xiao Ruoli was very beautiful, but at the age of 17, she showed peerless glory. Her face was peerless, like a beautiful picture scroll, but it was not a painting that could express its description, which had reached a shocking level.

He only got along with Xiao Ruoli for a long time, so he rarely felt amazing, but he did not deny the beauty of the other party. Occasionally, when he saw Xiao Ruoli, he would still be in a trance and his heart beat faster.

But no matter what, he never thought that Xiao Ruoli was the third woman on the list of fairies. Perhaps when he saw the women on the list of other fairies, he already knew that Xiao Ruoli was a famous person on the fairy list, but he did not expect to reach the third place!

This surprised him and smiled bitterly.

"Peepyeur." Xiao Ruoli didn't know when she stood beside Ying Yu, with a beautiful face and big eyes looking at him.

Ying Yu said, "It seems that you must be a daughter who is loved by thousands of people. I don't know if you can tell me something about you at this moment. I suddenly want to know."

Xiao Ruoli looked at Ying Yu and said, "Okay, come with me."

This area is connected in all directions, and the scope cannot be calculated, but it is still in a general space. On the east and west sides of this square city, it is the place where monks live in the outer courtyard, which is staggered and covers a very wide area.

In the middle of the city and the residence, there are also forests dotted among them.

Now it is late autumn and winter, and the weather is cold and the wind is blowing. The forest is bare, and there is not a leaf on the branches, which looks very desolate.

There were fallen leaves and bald trees everywhere in front of him. Yingyu felt slightly cool and waited for Xiao Ruoli to speak.

"My grandfather is Xiao Taixu." After stopping, Xiao Ruoli said so.

Ying Yu was stunned at first, and then he would no longer be shocked. Although his wisdom is not outstanding, he is not a stupid person and understands the meaning of such a sentence.

Who is Xiao Taixu?

Xiao Taixu is the first in the list of immortals. At the same time, he is the leader of the Void Church in the top ten sects. Even the fourth void eye in the list of the divine soldiers is in his hands, which can be said to be invincible in the world!

Xiao Ruoli is Xiao Taixu's granddaughter, and many things can be easily explained.

Why was the arrogant Jiang Ren on his way to chase them? He was so shocked to see Xiao Ruoli's big handprint of Void, and he did not dare to do anything against Xiao Ruoli again. Because it was the Taoism of Voidism, he did not dare to offend Voidism.

In Haoran College, why did Fu Yunwen look strange after hearing Xiao Ruoli's name, and then never call him directly, because he knew that that would cause Xiao Ruoli to be unable to join the group, so he only called Xiao.

Why Lin Wudao, as the chief disciple of Tiandao Sect, is noble and dare not offend Xiao Ruoli, even if Xiao Ruoli claims to destroy Tiandao Sect in front of him, because Xiao Ruoli is the first granddaughter of Xiao Taixu.

Everything has an explanation and a reason!

Ying Yu smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that there is a big gap in identity between you and me. It is a matter of how many young talents in the world envy me that I can accompany you so many times. I guess those who know will be jealous."

There is inevitably a gap in his heart. Is it because of an accident that he can step into monism? Otherwise, most of them are still ordinary people with no guarantee of life.

And the other party is the granddaughter of the first person in the world. The gap in identity is indeed very big, no wonder it makes him feel inexplicable.

Xiao Ruoli wrinkled her nose unswervingly and said, "What do you mean by this? What can your identity be? Since I have regarded you as a friend, how can I care about the identity gap? If you don't recognize me as a friend because of this, I have nothing to say.

Ying Yu was stunned when he heard the words and didn't want Xiao Ruoli to speak so directly.

However, the effect was obvious, and his inner frustration suddenly disappeared. He couldn't help laughing, shaking the branches in the woods.

"That's what you said, how can I surrender my identity?"

Xiao Ruoli laughed and said, "This is almost the same, otherwise I won't kill you."

The two continued to chat for a long time and had a general understanding of many past events between them.

Ying Yu knew that Xiao Ruoli had no father or mother. She had been spoiled by Xiao Taixu since she was a child, and the young lady had a bad temper. However, this phenomenon has been reduced a lot along the way.

Xiao Ruoli also learned that Ying Yu had no relatives. The first person she met after leaving the Nanshan faction was herself, and she couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"I can feel that Grandpa is coming. I have to see him." Finally, Xiao Ruoli said.

Ying Yu nodded and said, "This is supposed to be. You can go. With your ability of Void Religion, it is not difficult to find me in Xuanji Garden. You can come to see me at any time.

Xiao Ruoli agreed with a smile, like a butterfly shuttled through the woods and left the land.