Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 61 Leaving

Under the moonlight, the infinite jade flows with a little brilliance, which is very charming and has a mysterious atmosphere.

Ying Yu withdrew his sight from the infinite jade and came to the opposite side of the cliff.

The understanding of the infinite jade is over, and he has got what he needs, which is enough. Then he continued to stay here and had nothing to do, so he had the intention to leave.

His original intention was to go to the Northern Regions.

When he came to the top of the mountain, he saw Nie Fengxing's figure, wandering at the door of the cave, looking calmer than before, and no longer impetuous.

As for Shen Xian, I don't know where he went.

Seeing Ying Yu, Nie Fengxing was stunned and then smiled and said, "You have finally come back. You have got a lot of benefits from the infinite jade."

Ying Yu laughed and said, "It's true. It's very helpful for my practice. If you have time, you can also go and have a look. I believe it will only be good for you, not harmful.

"I'll go when I'm free." Nie Feng's way.

The two came to the other end of the mountain and sat on the slope against the night wind, looking up at the clear moon and bright stars.

"Senior Yuqing broke through the barrier not long ago." Nie Feng walked slowly.

Ying Yu was stunned and thought a lot in an instant. He said, "In this way, Shen Xian should have met the elder Yuqing?"

Nie Fengxing nodded.

"Is what happened behind that as expected?" Ying Yu asked.

Nie Fengxing said with a happy smile, "Of course it is. Elder Yuqing first met Shen Xian. Before the two sides could explain his identity, he opened his eyes wide and asked Shen Xian if he knew a woman named Shen Shumei.

"Even in the past 20 years, all kinds of Yuqing predecessors in the past have not been forgotten, and all of them were recalled in an instant." Ying Yu sighed.

"Yes, what happened after that was taken for granted. The father and daughter recognized each other, and there was joy in mourning and tears in laughter. It was really touching. At that time, I was embarrassed to stay longer." Nie Fengxing laughed and said, as if his eyes were still reflected on the scene of the day.

Ying Yu smiled and said, "If the father and daughter recognize each other, then the gap between Xunxianguan and the Bihai Chaosheng Pavilion should be reduced. The two sects should be harmonious."

In the silent night, the breeze brushed the sand, and the two of them waved their sleeves and their long hair gently.

"Not necessarily, do you know what happened 20 years ago?" Nie Fengxing suddenly said, and his face became heavy.

Ying Yu's heart moved and understood that a big event must have happened in the past year, affecting the highest level of the two sects.

"I'm really curious about what happened?" He replied.

Nie Fengxing exhaled and said, "Twenty years ago, it was also the world where the mysterious society unfolded. Elder Yuqing led the disciples in the door to watch the battle, and Elder Shen Shumei also arrived in the Bihai Chaosheng Pavilion... After a drunkenness that no one expected, Elder Yuqing somehow appeared in Shen Shumei's room, and then..."

Ying Yu's face became extremely strange and said, "This is the reason!"

Nie Fengxing said thoughtfully, "But there must be something strange in it. Who is Elder Yuqing? Even 20 years ago, he was still a peerless strong man who broke through the heavens, and it was unreasonable and had great problems. After being drunk, Elder Yuqing was obviously helped back to his room, but when he woke up, he did such things in Elder Shen Shumei's room, and there were tricks everywhere.

The more Nie Fengxing thinks about it, the weirder it becomes. In fact, the two sects are not stupid, and they knew at that time that this matter was strange.

But what?

Shen Shumei is really losing her innocence. Although it was an accident, it still exacerbated the estrangement between the two sects.

If it hadn't been for knowing that there should be someone else behind it, the two factions would have killed a river of blood.

"Twenty years later, with the magic power of the two sects, is it still unknown?" Ying Yu asked.

Nie Fengxing nodded and said, "Yes, not even a trace was found, as if Elder Yuqing really had bad intentions with Shen Shumei and then acted. Because of this, the relationship between the two factions has become worse and worse over time.

Ying Yu thought for a moment and said, "But now that Shen Xian and Yuqing's father and daughter recognize each other, the relationship should be improved."

Compared with the Bihai Tide Pavilion that has helped him, Ying Yu has a lot of good feelings in his heart, not to mention knowing Shen Xian.

Although there is no one he knows, it is said that the help of Wu Yubi to him can't feel bad about it during these days. Even if Shu Shangqing said everything frankly in the end, it also made him feel that the other party was not guilty, but just set himself to defend the teacher and did something wrong.

The peaceful and peaceful relationship between the two factions is the picture he wants to see.

Nie Fengxing said with a wry smile, "It's hard to say. You should know that Elder Shen Mo is not a good temper. Twenty years ago, when he learned that his sister had been humiliated, he killed Xunxianguan on the spot, and fought with Elder Yuqing, which shocked the world.

Ying Yu took a deep breath, and he could imagine what kind of picture it was, and the endless earth turned into ruins.

Nie Fengxing continued: "It was the battle that made the two factions not get along with each other all the time, and except for a few parties, the rest of them don't understand why the two factions are fighting. Even we in Tianyalou can't figure it out."

Ying Yu asked, "What is the final result?"

Nie Fengxing shook his head and said, "Elder Yuqing is at a loss. How can he win even in the face of Shen Mo's predecessors strength? In the end, he was defeated as a matter of course, so the ranking on the immortal list was also one place lower than Shen Mo's predecessor, ranking eighth. However, in terms of real strength, he may not be under the predecessor Shen Mo!"

Ying Yu heard the words and sighed in his heart. Those are all things that are beyond his reach, and they are still very far away.

When the sky was about to dawn, Ying Yu put forward words to leave to Nie Fengxing.

Nie Fengxing was silent for a moment before saying, "I knew you were going to the north, but I couldn't keep you. Can you stay in the fairyland, or is it because of the infinite jade? Now the infinite jade has done its role for you, and it is indeed time for you to leave.

Ying Yu smiled and said, "I'm leaving today. I hope you can successfully pursue Shen Xian. Let me see a different picture next time we meet, instead of you chasing others around.

Nie Fengxing's face rarely turned red. Thinking of the fairy-like woman, his heartbeat accelerated in an instant, as if it sounded in his ear and heard it clearly.

After dawn, Ying Yu waved goodbye with a smile and left the View of Immortals.