Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 63 Familiar and Unknown

The grassland in the northern region is endless, monsters are everywhere, and Ying Yu has killed all the way in!

All kinds of monsters can be seen, the winged wolves roaring in groups; giant eagles with thousands of wings hovering, majestic; lions with red flames crawling all over, the size of a mountain...

This place is simply a paradise for monsters. All kinds of roars and screams are endless, and ordinary monks can't go deep at all.

With the current cultivation of Yingyu, it is still several adventures, or rely on the speed of empty steps to be safe. Even once, he almost had to use the golden font in half of the jade pendant. If the silver-winged Dapeng hadn't been chasing him, he happened to meet the two-headed magic lion and fought with each other, how could he escape so easily?

keeps marching in the prairie, and Yingyu doesn't know how much time has passed. He just feels that this is a long journey, and it should come to an end no matter what. In fact, he was still wandering in the vast grassland, unable to see the edges, and did not even see a second person.

The vast grassland can be seen that no one knows how far away it is. If half of the jade pendant on the item had not faintly guided a direction, perhaps he had been lost in almost the same grassland.

Another day, looking into the distance, a green grassland suddenly appeared a thick color. The trees in front of them stood tall and strong, stretching like a forest.

After entering the northern grassland for a few days, he finally saw a different picture.

He flew quickly across the sky and came to the deepest part of the forest. He was surprised to see pieces of white tents rising, staggered, beautiful, and rare curling green smoke, clear clouds, and vague voices.

There are people living here!

Ying Yu flew in and appeared in the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of the aborigines here.

Looking down, he was quite surprised to find that the people here were all monks. But later, when he thought about it, he understood that in this place where monsters are horizontal, how can non-monmonsters be born in peace?

For the arrival of Ying Yu, the people of this grassland tribe did not show hostility. After all, although there are few monks passing by like Ying Yu, they are not non-existent. Occasionally, there are one or two, which makes them quite enthusiastic.

Ying Yu saw the leader of this tribe, a top strong man under the sky, but he was more than 100 years old, very old, white hair scattered, his face was full of wrinkles, and he was already old.

Obviously, the old man in front of him has no hope in this life, which is also the destination of the vast majority of monks.

The realm above the sky may not be able to break through even those who are talented and hard-working. It takes a certain amount of luck to succeed.

"Young man, where are you from?" In the tent of the tribal leader, an old man named Shen Tianqiong asked.

"I'm from afar." The rain is not slow.

Shen Tianqiong smiled and said, "It's okay not to say it, but why did you enter the dangerous grassland?"

"For the future path of monsm." Ying Yu answered calmly.

Shen Tianqiong smiled again and said, "It is indeed a good way to find opportunities in the crisis and find the way in danger. But you have to be careful, otherwise the corpse capital will be difficult to complete.

"Thank you for your concern." Ying Yu thanked him and then asked about something about the grassland.

Shen Tianqiong did not cherish himself. He told Ying Yu what he knew, and finally let Ying Yu know many things about this grassland.

There are countless legends circulating here!

This is the land of monsters, which can be seen everywhere. And breaking through the heavens, there are also monsters outside the world. The road is deep, and the sky often collapses and the earth is cracked, and the sun and the moon are not light. Fortunately, such powerful monsters are not common, as long as they don't provoke them.

I heard that there are still descendants of immortal beasts that exist here. There is no need to practice. As long as you don't died, you can grow up slowly until you fly to heaven...

Ying Yu heard a lot of things from the old man in front of him. He originally planned to stay for a while and leave, but in fact he stayed for half a night.

He found that the old man really knew a lot of things. This grassland was vast and endless, but many of them were told in detail by the old man one by one, which showed that he was knowledgeable and contained great wisdom in his eyes.

Finally, he asked what existed in the north. Shen Tianqiong replied that there was forgetfulness, in addition to the polar north ice field, among which there were naturally endless monsters.

Ying Yu couldn't help touching the half of the jade pendant hanging on his chest. The smooth and cold touch came from. I really don't know where this treasure came from. It was so incredible.

The north guided by half a piece of jade made him come here, but it still hasn't come to an end. In the north, it is the Wangqing Road and the Polar North Icefield, one of the ten sects. Is the other half of the jade pendant in the Wangqing Road or in the Jibei Icefield?

Thinking about it, before leaving, Xiao Ruoli was full of worried words, saying that he would encounter the biggest change in his life in this trip, which made him slightly worried.

He was calm and not afraid of anything, but as he approached the north, his heart began to beat violently, and finally there was a feeling of worry and anxiety, filling his heart without leaving a gap.

He couldn't expel this feeling, but felt that his chest was full of expectation, impulse and uneasiness...

In this night, he roared and shocked countless people. He rushed out of the Shen tribe, turned into a streamer and flew into the distance without saying goodbye to anyone.

Only the old man Shen Tianqiong walked out of the tent and looked at the distant sky with a smile: "This is a young man with a story."

Ying Yu rushed to the north and hunted in purple. No matter what kind of monster stopped him all the way, he would be killed fiercely. Blood was sprinkled on the earth and could not hinder his progress.

He didn't know why he was like this, and why he suddenly wanted to find the other half of the jade pendant. He didn't understand!

Although he originally came for the other half of the jade pendant, he was not in a hurry. Why did he feel impatient at this time and let him make him do actions that were not in line with his previous personality?

It's not like the emotion he should have. He feels it deeply, familiar and strange, and doesn't know why.

In the end, he didn't want to think about it anymore. He was afraid that he would sink into this fruitless speculation. He simply obeyed his own decision and quickly rushed to the north in the direction of forgetfulness.

At this time, he never found that half of the bird jade pendant that had been hanging on his neck emitted a hazy jade color, just like the color when he first saw it.