Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 73 Counterattack

This cave in the tomb of the demon emperor is completely chaotic.

The cold whistling sounded in the cave, which was the aftermath of the terrible battle bombardment, which rolled up the dark walls and kept cracking traces, and there were rocks rolling down from the top, roaring loudly, setting off bursts of dust.

In the northeast of the cave, the seven-color streamer flashed, and the clouds gently danced to stop the nine most powerful monsters here with their own strength. The sound of the piano was sonorous, the rhythm fluttering, and the seven-color arc blades flew, showing shocking power.

The nine-headed monster roared wildly and was extremely unwilling. It hit the defense line of Yun Qingwu again and again, but they were all injured and retreated and could not take more steps.

Even if the two world-class monsters, the silver-winged roc bird and the double-headed magic lion, can attack forward for a distance, but under the attack of the cloud light dance, they are also bombarded and retreated.

The seven-color light is shining, like a seven-color rainbow covering this area, mixed with endless killing and angry roars!

On the other side, the little fox showed his life's speed to the limit, shuttling through the water and fire.

The endless explosion sounded, and attacks often bombarded from unpredictable angles, mixed with destruction, spewing out bloody murderous intent!

Forbid, the little fox's cultivation can be regarded as one of the best among a group of monsters, and its body is shrinking and not easy to be attacked. It pulls out a phantom between runs and has not been affected.

It held the golden beads of the golden demon emperor, and its exquisite body shuttled around. It seemed to be skillful, but it struggled to retreat to the entrance of the cave and did not dare to stay in one position for more than two breaths.

Blood flew, and Ying Yu pulled the sword of the king of Chu out of the body of the fifth monster and silently watched this scene.

Huo Di opened his eyes wide, which seemed to be stained with blood red color, and he couldn't help shouting, "Be careful!"

The sound echoed in the cave and submerged in the sound of falling rolling stones.

On the passage, a row of black shadows appeared, each tall, and the breath came like a remnant cloud, making people feel as if they had fallen into the ice cellar and the bone marrow was cold.

A group of belated monsters appeared. They crossed the road steps, broke through the fantasy, and directly appeared in the chaotic battlefield. They opened their sharp and sharp fangs, and even saw mucus dripping down, and the killing was quickly transmitted in the smell of blood, filling the whole cave.

These monsters are all the strength of heaven, but they appear at the moment when the little fox is unpreventiled.

"Hum!" A golden knife mantis rushed up like a gust of wind, and two of them were shot down fiercely like the forelimbs of a blade.

The little fox screamed, the six tails swayed, and the pure white glow on its body formed a barrier.

"Kka!" With the crisp sound, the pure white barrier created cracks, and the little fox in it resisted the difficulties.

Another powerful monster rushed to the front, with a long body and wings. It had thousands of feet and looked like a centipede. It opened its mouth and spit out a cloudy smell of bloody corrosion, covering the protective barrier of the little fox.

"Karat!" At the moment when the protective barrier was burst, the little fox danced with six tails, and the more violent white light bloomed, rushed away the surrounding shackles, jumped to the outside world, and continued to run.

However, it can no longer be satisfactory. Every inch of its surroundings is locked by the rest of the monsters, constantly showing various mysterious attacks, destroying its delicate and exquisite small body.

After a while, blood overflowed from its mouth, dyed pure white hair, and dyed the demon emperor's golden beads red!

Ying Yu was very anxious. He liked the cute monster like the little fox very much in his heart. How could he bear to see it hurt?

He immediately rushed to the little fox's place and was ready to use the golden font to temporarily improve his Taoist cultivation.

Yun Qingwu also saw the difficulties here, but it was not easy for her to resist nine monsters in the same realm with one person's strength. How can she do it empty?

Each monster was stronger than the wolf and tiger, and fiercely rushed to the little fox, accompanied by a deadly attack.

The sharp golden knife mantis, the bloody and terrible winged thousand-foot centipede, the silver-gloss steel wolf, the scorpion with several sharp scorpion tails... A terrible monster, all cover the little fox with murder.

Ying Yu was anxious and thought, "If the little fox dies unexpectedly, it must be sad... Why do I care so much about her emotions..."

He suddenly woke up and didn't think much more. The golden brilliance rushed out of itself, and it was majestic and surging like a dragon. His cultivation jumped to heaven, and the sky could not stop it!

At this moment, many inexplicable feelings gushed out of his heart. His thoughts were like flying in the clouds, overlooking the world, and his heart began to sublimate, and many unknown things that had melted like winter snow.

In his eyes, if the chasm is a mountain, a stable passage appears in it. If the sky is like an abyss, a strong bridge has been built on it.

The golden light broke through the darkness, and he quickly rushed to the little fox. But he was horrified to find that because of the distance, he was completely unable to arrive before the little fox was attacked by a group of monsters, as if he could only watch.

"Wo!" There was a demon emperor's golden bead in his mouth, and he didn't know how the little fox sounded, so that the monsters around him could hear it clearly.

A pure white glow is like the sunlight that cuts through the dark night, and like the first ray of light at the beginning of heaven and earth, lit up in this cave.

"Bang bang!" The light is like a thorn, penetrating into the skin of the monsters.

Blood is like a note, gushing constantly, spilling on the ground, and the space is surrounded by a strong and pungent smell of blood.

A sharp forelimb of the golden knife mite was broken, and green blood flowed out; the wings of the thousand-legged centipede were broken, and one-third of the thousand-foot was broken, with black blood; the steel giant wolf was deeply sunken like soft mud, bleeding and completely died.

All the monsters around the little fox were severely damaged, ranging from serious injuries to death!

At the same time, the little fox also fell to the ground weakly, with white fur and messy, and the dark red wound was clearly visible. Although it showed its power in an instant, it had no resistance at this time.

But the monsters that were injured just now are only a small number, and more monsters rushing from around, including many monsters in the realm of heaven!

At this time, Ying Yu rushed over, and his figure was almost past the meteor. In the flash, he picked up the little fox and held it in his arms. The soft touch came from his heart and was lovely.

He was golden and his breath was surging. He held the injured little fox in one hand and the sword of the king of Chu in the other. He was not afraid to face the surging monsters.