Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 99 Tibetan Sutra Hall

Ying Yu can be sure that the thing that emits five colors of light in the Five elements pavilion is the five elements jade!

He can't wait to get the five elements of jade, but obviously there is nothing he can do. The pale golden light curtain around the Five-e elements pavilion alone made him helpless. He didn't know how to enter at all.

It is obviously not good to use a tough violent style, which will attract the rest of the disciples in Putian Temple. Moreover, there is also a contemporary chief disciple of Putian Temple, whose strength is strong, which makes it several times more difficult to capture the five elements of jade.

Ying Yu was in trouble and didn't know what to do.

For a moment, the old disciples of Putian Temple in the Wuxing Pavilion came out. It also emits a bright golden light all over the body, easily shuttle through the light golden curtain without any ripples.

The door of the Five elements pavilion was closed, the five-color brilliance was blocked, and Yingyu's eyebrows frowned!

He came to the place where the elderly disciple of Putian Temple walked and tried his best to feel the breath left by the other party. At the same time, he touched the light curtain, felt the energy in it, and wanted to understand how to achieve the conditions that did not disturb anyone to pass.

Ying Yu groped and said, "I don't know how to go there. Wanhua spiritual power can perfectly display all kinds of Taoist magical powers. It has a strong compatibility. I don't know if it can work?"

He thought for a moment, spread Wanhua's spiritual power all over one finger and gently explored the pale golden light curtain, looking forward to it.

As a result, he was disappointed. His fingers could not pass through the light golden curtain, and he could still feel a wall-like barrier.

"How can I get through it? If I am a disciple of Putian Temple, can I easily pass through it?" He thought anxiously that no one knew how long the two forces outside would be deadlocked.

"Yes, I can imitate the ability of the disciples of Putian Temple!" Ying Yu's eyes flashed and said secretly.

But how to imitate the ability of the disciples of Putian Temple is worth thinking about, but it is easy to think of the answer.

That is to learn the Taoism of Putian Temple to cover the whole body, and maybe you can enter the Five elements Pavilion. At present, there is no other way but to be a living doctor.

He looked left and right and thought about it. Before coming to the Five elements Pavilion, he seemed to see several buildings with good appearance, which should be the important places of Putian Temple, among which there was a possibility of the Taoist scriptures of Putian Temple!

With no hesitation and lingering, he immediately returned the same way and observed a building, hoping to learn at least one of the Taoism of Putian Temple as soon as possible to solve the urgent need.

I'm afraid this method is useless for the rest of the monks.

After all, the rest of the people have different practices. One person can't have two Dharma decisions at the same time, but the Taoism can.

But if it is not the authentic law of Putian Temple, even if the Taoism of Putian Temple is removed, it can only exert less than 60% of the power at most. Only it looks like a god and cannot be regarded as the real Taoism of Putian Temple, so it has no effect on penetrating the light curtain.

I think this is the means of Putian Temple. People who are not from Putian Temple can't enter the Five elements pavilion at all unless they have the absolute power to break the light golden curtain.

However, no one thought that Ying Yu was not in this column!

He practiced "Wanhua Xianjue", which is worthy of the name of Xianjue. No matter what Taoist magic power is exerted, it can show perfect power and will not reduce its power because of a change of spiritual power.

If he can learn the Taoism of Putian Temple and naturally exert his power, then entering the Five elements pavilion will no longer be false, but an action that is likely to be successful.

What is more difficult at present is that Ying Yu doesn't know where to find the Taoism of Putian Temple for him to practice, and can only find the past one by one.

In addition to searching, he also eavesdropped on the speeches of the disciples of Putian Temple to see if there was any news worth paying attention to. Maybe someone will talk about Taoism so that he can find clues.

After all, in the year after year of practice, the most important thing for the disciples of Putian Temple is practice. Their words will be related to practice, which provides a great opportunity for Ying Yu.

In a short time, Ying Yu quickly leaped in one direction with satisfaction. He has learned the necessary answers from all kinds of news and understood where the Tibetan scriptures of Putian Temple is, where the supreme Dharma of Putian Temple is recorded!

He believes that he will be able to learn those Taoist magical power in a short time!

Crossing one building after another and avoiding a disciple of Putian Temple, Ying Yu finally came to the Tibetan Sutra Hall.

Outside the Tibetan Sutra Hall, several disciples of Putian Temple watched. Although this is the hinterland of Putian Temple, they still did not slack off. Their eyes were like wolves and tigers were shining, staring at all directions, reflecting good Taoism. Unexpectedly, they were all of them were above the Taoist realm, which was obviously invincible.

Ying Yu pondered in the dark and said, "These people's way is not as good as mine. If they are found, they will fail. I have to sneak into the Tibetan Sutra Hall without them knowing.

A flash of light in his eyes strengthened his faith.

No matter what the difficulties and obstacles are, they can't resist him!

He restrained his breath and hid in the dense grass. He slowly approached the Tibetan Sutra Hall, step by step, and his muscles were tight.

When he was still three feet away from the Tibetan Sutra Hall, a young disciple of Putian Temple looked at the grass with a little doubt on his face.

Ying Yu stopped and broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the other party did not find him. He took a look and turned his eyes away. He continued to move forward slowly.

However, as he was getting closer and closer to the Tibetan Sutra Hall, his eyebrows were also getting deeper and deeper. Because several disciples of Putian Temple stood on the front line and almost blocked the entrance and exit of the Tibetan Sutra Hall. There were not many gaps and could not be passed by one person at all. If you continue to move forward, there will be 80% of the possibility of exposure, and Yingyu can't afford to take this risk.

He couldn't help but stalemate and think about all kinds of ways, but he quickly denied it and had no clue for a moment.

At this time, angry screams came from the distance and passed along the wind.

"Catch the dead fox and don't let it make trouble!" The shouts of some disciples of Putian Temple came from afar, with a sense of panic.

Ying Yu and the disciples of Putian Temple outside the Tibetan Sutra Hall were attracted to their attention and looked backwards.

I saw the little fox running here. His petite body was as fast as lightning and no one could reach, but obviously he had not exerted his full speed and easily played with a disciple of Putian Temple in applause, which was not to be said to be tough.