Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 118 Five True Truth

The blue thunder broke through the sky and fluctuated greatly. Almost all the people close to the Tianlong Mountains flew over.

The world thought that Jinyu was born, and their faces were excited and quickly came to the place where the vision occurred. At the same time, people they met on the road talked about the five elements of jade.

In the brightly lit cave, Ying Yu's bulging white clothes gradually returned to peace, as if the great turmoil a moment ago did not occur here.

He opened his eyes, and the sharp electric light in his eyes flashed by, like a Thunderbolt, which was extremely shocking.

Yun Qingwu came in from the outside. His skirt was like a cloud, his black hair was soft, and his face was blown with surprise. He said, "You actually understood the true meaning of the five elements."

Ying Yu was stunned and asked, "What is the true meaning of the five elements?"

He has never heard of this term and doesn't understand it at all, but looking at Yun Qingwu's surprised appearance, he knows that it will never be ordinary, and he is even more curious.

Yun Qingwu quickly said, "Now is not the time to talk about this matter. You have caused a big vision. I'm afraid it will attract some people. We'd better leave this place early so as not to be found out that the golden jade is in our hands, which will be a little troublesome.

A previous thunderlight broke through the sky for no reason, which was powerful and extremely similar to the vision emitted by one of the five elements of jade. Nowadays, the world is talking about the five elements of jade, and naturally it is easy to think of it.

Ying Yu was stunned when he heard the words. Only then did he find that the top of the hole on his head had broken a huge opening, and a golden glow sprinkled in from the outside world, during which he could faintly see a small dust floating.

"Go!" He also knew that he had to leave this place immediately.

Although Yun Qingwu is very strong and is not afraid of ordinary monks, they are far more than these people who peep at the five elements of jade. Who knows if many strong people in Putian Temple want to recollect these jades?

And the people in the underworld are scattered in the human world and have no intention of going back at all. They have to make people imagine their purpose, which is probably on the five elements of jade!

Although he fought in Putian Temple that day, and the Mingtian split simply attacked the five elements of jade, in that case, if he did not take action, he would be blocked by the next moment. After that, he may not be able to move the five elements of jade again, which was forced by the situation. Therefore, this does not mean that people in the underworld have no idea about the five elements of jade and have to be prepared.

The two immediately walked out of the cave, and the bleak cold wind outside blew the leaves, and the hula sound passed through.

The two quickly left with the little fox and disappeared in the distance in a blink of an eye. They want to leave, but no one can find it. After all, there are not many real strong people, and they can't all reach them in a short time and can't detect them.

Not long after they left, the first people who were close arrived first. They looked around on the mountain, and soon locked the cave where they lived some time ago and rushed over.

However, before they approached, waves of people flew behind them, occupying half of the sky in an instant.

Nowadays, due to the five elements of jade, there are many people near the Tianlong Mountains. When strange things are found, the number is naturally amazingly large and black.

The people who arrived later did not have any extra words. Seeing the earlier people coming towards a target, a group of people launched a direct attack without any care.

For a moment, the sword spirit crossed the world, and the pillar of fire and frost swept all directions... A good mountain forest has turned into ashes and ruins with light wind.

The power of so many people attacking at the same time cannot be underestimated. Some unlucky people fell to the concentration of the attack, spilled blood and died on the spot, and even the bones were difficult to survive. Those who are lucky are to retreat and avoid it, but it is also difficult to avoid injury. No one can reach the cave where Yingyu lived before.

was suddenly attacked, and the group of people who took the first step refused. What's more, some relatives and friends died face to face, and they were even more angry and fought with others on the spot. This mountain forest, which should be quiet, suddenly hit like a storm and was destroyed everywhere.

Later, more and more people arrived here, and the battle escalated again and again, covering several mountains around, roaring endlessly, and even several mountains collapsed. In troubled times, smoke and dust rolled through, which lasted for a long time.

It was not until a strong man who broke through the sky appeared behind him and suppressed it. The battle subsided, and the fire did not continue to spread.

People began to approach the cave where they lived, but it had already turned into ruins during the battle, and there was no trace of people living there.

Here, everyone dug nine feet of the ground, but still did not see the golden jade, so they could only retreat without saying a word. They became a puzzle about why the thunder in the air was generated.

After Ying Yu and the two beasts left, the question about what the five elements are true are asked.

They walked in a forest with deep green leaves, and the little fox ran around, leaving its shadow everywhere, and the breeze gently brushed everything.

Yun smiled and said, "There are five elements in the world, which are beyond the magic power of the Dharma and exist in them, which is very mysterious."

Ying Yu was completely puzzled and asked, "What is this?"

Yun Qingwu explained patiently, told Ying Yu in detail the meaning it represented, and finally made him understand.

The divine channel method learned by the world can manifest all kinds of forms, of which the five elements are one of them. Taoist monks can wave into a sea of fire and freeze their fingers for 300 miles, all of which are powerful and terrible. But if you understand the true meaning of the five elements, such as understanding the true meaning of fire, the Taoism learned by the world about fire can become more powerful and become at least twice as powerful as in the past!

In addition to the five elements of the true meaning, other magic powers also have such abilities, such as swordsmanship also have the true meaning of the sword. At this point, the same power will become stronger and stronger. Understanding the true meaning is equivalent to making people reborn.

"You have learned the true meaning of thunder, and you will definitely make great achievements in this regard. Unfortunately, you don't have any magic power about thunder and lightning at the time, otherwise your strength will be improved. Yun Qingwu is quite regretful.

Ying Yu gradually understood it and immediately continued to ask about this matter. He wanted to know more thoroughly.

Then Yun Qingwu told him that above the true meaning of the magic method, there is also the meaning of the origin, which is more difficult to understand, but if the meaning of the origin is understood, the growth of strength is by no means bit by little. On the original basis, it will increase by about ten times, which is what people dream of.