Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 122 Love Letter

Ying Yu's heart is very eager and concerned, which is a feeling he has never felt before, which makes him anxious, worried and distressed...

From Yun Qingwu's words, he heard that things were wrong. From the other party's look, he seemed to see an unknown future, which made him almost crazy and panicked.

The cloud danced softly and smiled, and his smile was like a pure white cloud, which made people relaxed and happy. The world's face was a pleasant and smiling face, and there was no disturbing appearance, but this was even more heartbreaking!

"If I insist on falling in love, I will be fiercely counterattacked by the Book of Forgetting Love, and I will not escape death in the future." She said slowly, as if she had just said a trivial thing.

Ying Yu was trembling when he heard it. He didn't expect that the other party was just a love and had to pay such a big price. Could it be that it could only be extinguished in the end?

"Yeah!" The little fox also jumped up and shouted, with a few traces of worry in his small purple pupils, which seemed quite flexible. It fully understood the emotions of the world.

"Is there any other way?" Ying Yu asked, and the anxiety in his heart was progressing, hitting the heart.

Yun Qingwu wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "According to the above-mentioned decision, cut off the feelings and say goodbye to all emotions, and naturally they will not be devoured again, but I think I can't do it."

She looked straight at Ying Yu, and the strong emotions in her eyes could not be diluted. It was so profound that it was deeply imprinted in Ying Yu's heart and survived forever!

Ying Yu felt a little dry in his throat and continued, "What is the last road?"

He seemed to see a cruel road in front of him. No matter which direction he went, he was in danger, but he couldn't stop!

Yun Qingwu gently closed his black hair and smiled calmly and said, "It seems that I can only choose the third way. As long as I use my body to suppress the counterattack of the Dharma decision, I can be temporarily unharmed and will not hinder my practice. Once my cultivation reaches the realm of immortals, I will no longer be bound by the Dharma decision. If I love each other, I will love and be free. It's just that, because I want to suppress the method of cultivation, I can't do it any more, otherwise it will be dangerous.

She looked at Ying Yu and said everything she knew without any concealment.

Under ordinary circumstances, when she encounters such a thing, she should be right to keep it secret and not let Ying Yu worry. But every time she sees Ying Yu's eyes looking at her, she will have unspeakable heartache, which is completely different from Ying Yu's previous two generations. This is what she doesn't want to see, and why he insists on getting the five elements of jade to go to the underworld.

She hopes to treat him as usual and wants to enjoy the feeling of being loved, like a cloud and smoke in the past, so she told the bad news without reservation.

Ying Yu was stunned when he heard the words. How distant but desirable the goal of fairyland is, but how many people can achieve it in ancient times?

His mood suddenly became heavy, like a huge mountain straight down, and he could hardly breathe!

He can't imagine that in such a difficult situation, why didn't Yun Qingwu simply obey the way of "Love Letter"? Have their feelings really reached an incredible point? So he doesn't remember the past at all, and how cruel it is to Yun Qingwu?

Instead, Yun Qingwu behaved relaxedly and said with a smile, "Unfortunately, when I knew that Love Letter had this drawback, I could no longer stop practicing. Even if I don't practice deliberately, this method will definitely work automatically. I can't help it.

Although she behaved lightly and didn't care, she was also a little anxious. Although she wanted to see the gentle eyes that used to be full of love in Ying Yu's eyes, she did not want the other party to worry, which was not in line with her intention. So she tried her best to look indifferent, but she didn't know that it made Ying Yu's heart throb even more.

Ying Yu's lips moved, and his beautiful face seemed to be so resolute at this moment. The thick black hair danced without wind, with a unique momentum.

"From now on, you can rest in peace. Everything is with me." He said this word by word, and his bright eyes were very sure.

Yun Qingwu looked at Yingyu at this time, and the pictures in his mind were intertwined, and various scenes came. The smile was very sweet, beautiful and touching.

"Although you can no longer show your strength, there is a little fox to protect you, and I believe that not many people can hurt you." Ying Yu clenched his fist.

"Yeah..." The little fox swings its forelimbs, playful and cute.

After it shouted, its fingers changed to the size of a horse in the wind, with pure white fur, and six tails as big as the body gently shook, and came to the front of the cloud dance and shook its head with a clear meaning.

Yun danced happily and sat on the little fox. His white clothes were fluttering and his hair was light, and the scene was very beautiful.

Ying Yu looked at his heart and thought, "Even if I meet a strong man who is so powerful that the little fox can't face, I will use all the golden spiritual power in the fairy jade. No enemy is so terrible!"

He made up his mind that he must not let the woman who was struggling with him suffer. No matter what the danger is, we must shoulder it together.

I don't know why, at this time, he suddenly thought of Xiao Ruoli, who was far away in the sky, the naughty and playful woman who likes to call herself a young lady. She hasn't seen her again for a long time. I don't know how she is doing now.

Shaking his head, he threw the superfluous thoughts behind him and thought about the matters in front of him.

Since it is Yun Qingwu's desire to enter the underworld to find the reincarnation disk, he is bound to help Dacheng, no matter what is stopped!

With Jinyu in hand, they have mastered a little advantage, and now Muyu is here. Of course, he can't miss it and has to do everything he can to get it.

For good, the biggest threat is that the first underworld envoy has been forced away by Yun Qingwu, and the rest of them are at most the Taoist cultivation of the heavenly realm. Although he is not an opponent, the little fox can fully cope with it. After all, it has entered the underworld with one foot, only in the mysterious forest. At present, it can almost be called the strongest.

"Let's go and find Mu Yu. Little Fox, you have to protect Qingwu." Ying Yu said, and did not forget to tell the little fox.

The little fox snod his head, which is very spiritual, and his eyes are full of wisdom. He knows how to act, which can make people completely reassuring.

Yun danced softly and smiled softly. This feeling of being protected really made her very much. She could clearly and clearly feel the care of the people beside her. The gentle care can almost melt her heart, and nothing is easier to satisfy.