Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 123 Tree

In the center of the Milan Forest is an extremely huge tree. From the outside world, the top has rushed into the sky, far from the top, and the lush green branches and leaves extend far into the surrounding area, which is huge and amazing.

Every branch and every green leaf is amazing, completely different from ordinary tree branches and leaves, even if it is countless times larger than the bodhi tree.

Such a wonderful place, no wonder it is considered to be the place of wood jade, which is indeed very possible.

After Ying Yu and Yun Qingwu returned to the center, they saw the rest of the people of the Putian Temple and the underworld began a fierce battle again. Blood and sparks bloomed like fireworks. They had already entered an endless situation. In this case, they will naturally continue to fight, and no one can stop them.

And because the first ghost envoy was forced to retreat by Yun Qingwu, the rest of the people were not the opponents of the Putian Temple at all. This time, they were really beaten and retreated while fighting. Their purpose here can no longer be carried out.

The rest of the monks rarely watch the battle. Most of them have entered the excessively tall tree in the center. From the bottom to the top, there are shadows of these people everywhere, but Muyu is still missing.

After Ying Yu and Yun Qingwu arrived, some people quickly got out of the way and dared not offend them at all. No one here can fight with them. It is obviously unwise to have conflicts with them.

The previous traces of the battle between Cloud Light Dance and the First Netherworld still exist, and the ground is devastated. Even on the huge trees, there is a clear opening, and there is dust stained with war, floating in the air with the breeze.

"There are more and more people." The clouds danced quietly.

There are thousands of people you can see in your eyes. Who knows how many people will be in this forest?

Ying Yu understands that the news of Muyu's location is not only known by Tianyalou. Obviously, more and more people and forces have noticed this place. After all, such a lush forest is too conspicuous.

Of course, there are many people who deliberately disclose information. For example, the first underworld envoy who left not long ago knows that he can't stay here. It is inevitable that he will quickly publicize the news and deliberately confuse the place.

"We have to speed up." Ying Yu looked at the scene in front of him and frowned slightly.

There are too many people here now, and their advantages have disappeared. Now it only depends on their luck.

The two beasts quickly stepped into the huge trees leading to the sky. Each branch was as solid as a road, and every green leaf was like a green bed, trembling gently. They seem to have reached the world of giants, and they look so small here, like ants.

They didn't look at every corner carefully, because time doesn't allow it at all. They can only quickly pull up along the giant tree and roughly look at all the positions. At the same time, they listen to the news from all directions. If anyone gets the jade, as long as there is a slight omission, they may be found, and they are enough to watch the wind.

They flew up slowly and didn't know how many distance they had crossed. They only felt that the height of a mountain was nothing more than that, but they were far from reaching the top of the giant tree!

But along the way, a ray of light finally appeared in their eyes, shooting into a relatively sparse position, coming through heavy cracks. Under the mysterious forest, it was completely dark, just like in the night. The light at this moment made people know that this moment was still daytime, and the light pierced people's eyes slightly.

They flew upward at a gentle speed, with a slight surprise in their hearts. Such a scene may not be seen in their lifetime.

Ying Yu couldn't help sighing: "What a tall tree, this is the effect of wood jade. I'm afraid the vision produced by the five elements of jade in the rest of the place will not be much worse. Muyu must be found as soon as possible, otherwise when the rest of the jade emerges one after another, there will be no chance to compete.

They accelerated a little, and soon reached the top of this huge tree and stood in the sky!

Looking around, the sky is empty and boundless, and the blue sky is like an upside-down ocean, which makes people's hearts wide. The wisps of floating clouds all stepped on their feet, drifting by piece by.

Below is a huge giant tree, with branches and leaves extending in all directions, covering a large distance, which is unbelievable. In addition, there are more equally lush trees growing in all directions, endlessly, building into today's mysterious forests.

The breeze came, and the rain stood at the top of the trees, and their clothes swayed and relaxed. Fortunately, they did not forget the purpose of the trip, looked deeply at the scene, and then returned to the giant tree.

This huge tree has been inquired by the world. No one has found any clue about wood jade, as if wood jade is not here at all, but this is unlikely. In addition to Muyu, it is really hard to imagine what else will make such a terrible giant tree grow here in a short time.

"Muyu should be here. It may not be because it is not on the surface. Maybe it may be buried in the land below on a branch inside this huge tree, which is really difficult to find." Yun Qingwu said, and his guess was very reasonable.

Finally, Ying Yu and Yun Qingwu discussed and decided to divide the soldiers into two ways to find the two most likely locations inside the trees and under the ground respectively.

Because Yun Qingwu can't move its cultivation now, and although there are many people below, the average strength is also much lower, so it is better to let the little fox take Yun Qingwu to search below.

Ying Yu is looking for the situation in the giant tree. He has an unparalleled speed of people in the same realm and is not afraid of danger. At the same time, Xianyu is in hand, which can be said to be fearless, and there is no need to worry about safety.

After the discussion, the two immediately parted ways!

Looking at the light dancing figure of the clouds disappearing among the heavy branches and leaves, Ying Yu withdrew his mind and turned to observe the surrounding scene.

"It's not an easy thing, but it has to be." He muttered to himself and went back to the top of the giant tree, ready to search from top to bottom.

At this moment, he is not worried that the remaining five elements of jade will be taken away, because the situation of finding Muyu is very troublesome and can't succeed in a short time at all. He believes that the rest of the five elements of jade will not be easily found. The process must be very difficult, and there are still opportunities for him.

Standing on a branch at the top of the giant tree, he emitted a small wisp of his mind, extending along the tree into the interior, and quickly swept every corner.