Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 124 Rumors

A wisp of idea is invisible andzhiant, penetrating into the trunk at the top of the giant tree, and you can clearly feel that one of them contains certain regular lines, as if you can see it with your own eyes, which is extremely clear.

Ying Yu extended his thoughts along the trunk at the top of the giant tree in all directions, and nothing could escape his awareness.

Every branch was included in his search, and every place may be Muyu's hiding place, and he had to observe it carefully. This is a huge job, and it is estimated how much time it will take.

As the day flew by and the night came, he, as always exuded the idea of exploring every corner of the giant tree, looking very attentive to ensure that there would be no place left behind.

After such a period of time, the battle between the people on both sides of the Putian Temple and the underworld has ended. There is no doubt that it is the victory of the Putian Temple. After all, they have one more person than the underworld.

However, the people in the underworld did not die, but a small number of them escaped, including three people with heavenly cultivation. As for whether they will leave or hide in a corner and come out at any time, people can't know.

In addition to them, there are other people everywhere who also have occasional contradictions. Battles happen from time to time. Under the lush green branches and leaves, I don't know how many bones have been buried and spread sadness in the wind.

Once it comes to the battle, human life is like grass, and it's really nothing!

With the passage of time, a small number of people have left here. Muyu has not been found for so long. People think that Muyu does not exist here at all, or Muyu has been discovered and secretly taken away. Many people are impatient to stay any longer, so they go to him to look for other five elements of jade.

Since there are people who have left, naturally there are also people who have come. Some people who are far away from the Milan Forest have heard that there may be wooden jade here, and they have come thousands of miles away. Generally speaking, the number is still increasing, and you can see different people walking around everywhere.

"It seems that there are still many smart people who understand what the problem is." Ying Yu once explored some of the trunks and branches and looked around and said to himself.

Today, many people have also begun to stretch their minds and explore the interior of the trunk. These are people who have stayed here for a long time and understand that Muyu should be here. The reason why they can't be found is that they have not found a key location. And the place they haven't looked for is in the trunk or under the earth!

In this world, there are often many smart people, and more and more people are exploring giant trees at the same time.

The tree has aroused the greatest suspicion that it can turn into such a huge tree. Most people search for this tree. As for other trees and the earth, the search is much smaller.

Ying Yu sighed slightly when he saw this, so that he would inevitably be taken the lead by others. Who knows if others will be lucky to find Muyu in a short time?

But he has no choice. He can't look everywhere with the idea of a fluke, but to make sure that no place is missed, so he still spends a lot of effort to find it from top to bottom.

A few days later, he suddenly heard a piece of news from some passers-by.

After the people in the underworld in Luonan City rushed over to the masters of the human world, they left early and made a group of strong people in the human world very angry. Then they appeared all over the world, making people in the world run around, as if they were playing, so angry that the masters in the human world did not look good.

However, this situation can't happen all the time. Finally, once the two sides met in a mountain forest. As soon as they took action, they were earth-shaking. There was no mercy at all, and the sun and moon were simply shining!

I heard that someone passed by the mountain forest and saw a boiling desert. Even if both sides had left, there was still a violent and horrible aura fluctuation in the land that turned into a desert, which was really creepy.

In this battle, it is said that the two sides lost nearly ten strong men who broke through the sharp, which is already a lot of numbers!

This news only made Ying Yu slightly distracted, and then he didn't pay much attention to it, which really had nothing to do with him.

But it didn't take long for another news that made him frown.

Someone found a vast ocean in the southeast of the Western Regions, in a continuous mountain called the Lanxi Mountains, which has flooded several towering peaks and is still expanding endlessly. The scene is extremely strange.

This quickly reminds people of the location of water jade. Countless people went to the Lanxi Mountains like crazy to get water jade. Even in the Milan Forest, many people flew away from the Lanxi Mountains. After all, people can't see any hope here. It's better to try their luck elsewhere. Therefore, many people left in a short period of time, and the flow of people suddenly decreased sharply.

For this news, Ying Yuruo said that it was impossible not to care, and Yun Qingwu also rode the little fox to find him to explain his idea.

If others get water jade, it will be a little difficult and may have adverse consequences for them.

But there was nothing they could do. Finally, they discussed it and decided to find Muyu as soon as possible, and then rush to the Lanxi Mountains. There should be a chance.

Muyu is so difficult to find. I believe that Shuiyu will not be easy to go anywhere!

"I don't believe it. Muyu, you won't be able to hide for long." Ying Yu gritted his teeth and said that it was really not easy to do the same laborious thing for several days.

He used the fastest speed, from top to bottom, swept through many positions, and explored areas. It took a lot of effort, but he was able to stick to it.

If you are upset, meditate on the clear mind, and you can recover as before. As for the physical fatigue, the monks are still very tenacious in this regard.

After arriving at the Milan Forest for ten years, more and more people have left. Many people think that this is just a place that coincidentally appears, and Muyu is not here. On the contrary, the Lanxi Mountains that have just been discovered are even more attractive, which represents a hope.

Just when Ying Yu was a little helpless, he had found the middle section of the giant tree. It took him ten days to achieve this achievement. After all, this tree is really big and frightening.

On this day, when his mind swept through a position, he was about to change his position and continue to act, but suddenly felt something was wrong!

He immediately glanced back at the position just now and immediately found that there was a hexagonal-shaped dark green crystal in the center of the bronze-like trunk, which was clearly wooden jade!