Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 130 Lanxi Mountains

Lanxi Mountains.

The sky is clear, the white clouds are floating, and the ground is a mountain range submerged by the sea. It can still be seen that the upper part of some peaks is highlighted on the blue sea, which looks very bleak in the breeze and never goes back to the past.

The rippling sea is boundless, and there are occasional waves rolling in the distance. It is hard to imagine that it is formed by the existence of water jade, just like a real ocean, with light ripples and water lines in the wind.

The sea has spread to most areas of the Lanxi Mountains and is still slowly expanding. If so, sooner or later, the Lanxi Mountains will disappear from the sight of the world, but this will never happen.

On the way here, Ying Yu has told Yun Qingwu the effect of the five elements of jade on himself, confirming that he has not suffered many injuries to avoid the other party's worries.

No one knows these effects of the five elements of jade, but she didn't understand it until Ying Yu said it.

"Let's put this piece of jade at your place. I don't know if it can help you suppress the danger of counterattack, but it should help more or less." Ying Yu said and handed Mu Yu to Yun Qingwu.

Yun danced with a smile and did not refuse. This is a treasure for anyone, but she also understands how dangerous it is due to the law. She doesn't want Ying Yu to worry too much, so she put Muyu on her body.

"It is said that Shuiyu is in the center of this ocean, where there are already many people, and the battle has not been endless." Yun Qing danced, and they heard a lot of news on the way, which was widely spread among the crowd.

They paused for a moment on the mountain on the edge of the ocean, and then a group of people had flown into the high air on the ocean. Those who can't fly are walking on the waves. Everyone thinks that they have a chance to get water jade. Of course, there are many people who just want to watch the battle, and there are still many people who are self-aknowledgeable.

The two of them did not stay any longer. They turned into two streamers and flew to this high altitude, about 30 feet away from the sea surface, observing the central position.

Fortunately, there are many people here. You don't need to search around, and it's easy to get close to the center.

In addition to the monks, there are also some flying monsters who originally lived in the Lanxi Mountains. The law of their lives has changed dramatically due to a sudden flood, and they hovered in the air and kept singing.

A moment later, they saw a bloody sea, wisps overflowing in the sea, and the fishy smell slowly rose, which seemed a little amazing.

"It won't be long before we can reach the center of this sea."

Someone shouted happily, very excited, and flew forward at a faster speed.

Ying Yu and Yun Qingwu looked at each other, and the two beasts also flew forward.

I saw that the blood on the sea below was getting thicker and thicker. Originally, it was only a blue sea with blood color, but soon there was only completely red blood water left. The pungent smell was emitted in the sky, which was enough to make people's hearts tremble.

Yingyu wrapped themselves with spiritual power and fell to separate the sea, but the vision still suddenly became dark, and the scenery they saw was completely different from usual.

They swam quickly towards the gathering place of the crowd. Before they arrived, they felt the fluctuations of aura in front of them, and the war continued.

Under the center of this sea, the sea is boiling violently, ripples around, forming a very strong impact force. Those with low Taoism can hardly resist and can only leave far away.

In the turbulent sea, pieces of blood are shocking, and many people have lost their vitality floating in the current, like duckweed.

In the middle of the sea, there is a jumpy rock on which a jade with a moist luster is quietly placed there. It is it that causes a surging battle under the sea!

After Ying Yu and they arrived, they saw such a picture.

Powerful people fight with each other around Shuiyu, fierce and dangerous, and blood spills out from time to time and spread along the current. People who think they have no strength are watching the battle on the periphery and nervously witnessing the development of the situation.

This sea is full of people.

"It's too chaotic here. Even if you go up to rob, there will be no benefit." The cloud danced quietly and passed on his thoughts to Ying Yudao, which clearly expressed his meaning.

Ying Yu also frowned. This place is really too chaotic and full of people. Accidents are most likely to happen in chaotic battles. No one here dares to say that it can be safe and sound.

Water jade is easier to appear than wood jade, but it is also more dangerous!

At this time, Ying Yu's eyes swept around, feeling a little mysterious and suspicious.

"It's the people in the underworld who appeared. Since they will compete for the wooden jade, naturally they will not let go of the water jade here." Yun Qingwu said that although she could not easily show her strength, her realm did not decline and she could feel everything around her in an instant.

Ying Yu immediately thought that for people in the human world, people in the underworld will be attacked almost as soon as they appear. They will never participate in the chaotic battle ahead, otherwise they will definitely be besieged.

Therefore, if people in the underworld want to get water jade, they must use some means to destroy the current situation here and fight for the opportunity!

Ying Yu smiled and understood that he still had a lot of opportunities, as long as he acted according to the opportunity.

He told Yun Qingwu that the two beasts slowly withdrew without attracting people's attention and looked at this place from afar, waiting for the change of things.

The front war is still the same, and the people in the underworld are really approaching slowly like ghosts. Judging from the legend of Yun Qingwu, the strongest among them is also the cultivation of the heavenly realm, and there is no stronger existence.

It is said that most of the strong people in the world have gone to contain the strong in the underworld. The two sides collided violently and naturally have no time to come to grab the five elements of jade, so the cultivation of those who do this is the highest level of heaven.

But for a moment, Ying Yu and they found that the things ahead had changed!

A total of dozens of people in the underworld suddenly appeared, each wearing black robes, with unclear faces, surrounded by dark ghosts and demons, and suddenly inserted into the chaotic battlefield.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. The people who were fighting in the world stopped one after another and looked at the people in the underworld with different meanings.

However, no one expected that as soon as the people of the underworld appeared, they ignored the factions of the human world and launched a dense attack on the rock where the water jade was stored!

"Damn it, stop them!"