Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 246 All Magics

From the outside, there is a heavy breath of the Void Hall, which is fearful. But inside, it is a completely different atmosphere.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli walked into the interior of the Void Hall, and a vast land immediately appeared in front of them. Among them, the colorful streamers flashed across the void. Items recording the divine channel method, or ancient books, or jade slips, or handnotes... were stained with brilliance and distributed everywhere in the sight, which seemed to be messy, but in fact they were neatly classified.

There is no end in front of you, and there is only the vast nothingness, which gives people a small self-feeling, as if they are in the endless sky, and their weak power is completely unparamountable to heaven and earth.

"Are these all divine channel methods? The quantity is really large. Ying Yu looked around and sighed.

Items that record the divine channel method float in the void, flowing with divine light and overflowing with colorful clouds, and any of them looks extraordinary.

"In fact, the more outside, the more inferior these divine channel methods are. Only by entering the depths can you see better magical power!" Xiao Ruoli whispered that she would inform Ying Yu of the real situation of this place without any concealment.

He nodded in response to the rain and did not stay too much in the outer ring. After a brief look at the objects that recorded the divine channel method around, he quickly went inside.

Xiao Ruoli is in the rear and also follows.

During this period, some of the other Void disciples in the Void Hall showed surprise when they saw the two people flying by.

They are not unfamiliar with Xiao Ruoli, but they can't recognize the man who flew with Xiao Ruoli. But since he is a stranger with Xiao Ruoli, who else can there be besides Ying Yu, who entered the Void Religion in the rumor?

Thinking that Ying Yuyi's outsiders can actually enter such a heavy place as the Void Hall, many Void disciples have changed their color.

"They have entered the fifth zone." A young woman of Void Religion looked at Ying Yu and the two who left with some envy.

"There are nine areas in this empty hall. Which area are they going to?"

"Every time you enter a higher area, you need more conditions, and Mr. Yu actually went straight in like this?"

"They... flew into the seventh area." A man wandering in the sixth area was unwilling.

"Don't they want to go directly to the ninth area?"

Even though Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli disappeared into the vision of the disciples of the Void Religion, everyone still talked about it and was quite unwilling.

Even those who belong to the disciples of the Void Sect can only look for the divine channel method in the first few areas, and can only take one divine channel method away at a time, and the time between them to enter the Void Hall twice is still extremely long. However, Ying Yu, an outsider, went directly into the depths, making people very unsentful.

Void Hall, the ninth area.

Ancient scrolls, books, jade slips, handnotes, engraved pictures... All kinds of objects that record the divine channel method appear around, shining and colorful!

"There is only the divine channel method here. If you need a decision, you have to go somewhere else." Xiao Ruoli said in a loud voice.

"No, I want profound magical powers." Ying Yu immediately said, looking around and his eyes shining.

Ying Yu has never seen so many profound magical power stored in one place at the same time. That's the foundation that only the mongo sect has. Who usually gives him these treasures?

"There are many divine channel methods extending from Void Magic. As long as you simplify a magic, you can change into a second-class magic power." Xiao Ruoli explained to many magical power, "However, in the ninth area, they are all the most complete magical power and the deepest magical power in this religion."

Ying Yu nodded and understood that just like Haoran's magic fist, he can also be decomposed into many small magic powers with a large number, which can only be unable to catch up with the original Haoran's magic fist, which is purely for disciples with low levels.

Looking at the magical power around, Ying Yu slowly came forward and stood in front of a blue jade monument. This is the only jade tablet here, and the magic power recorded on it also makes Ying Yu very curious.

"Extreme God Return to the Virtual Art!" Ying Yu meditate and carefully crossed the records of this magical power.

"This is a magic power for recovery." Xiao Ruolilian stepped forward, looked at the jade tablet and said, "It is said that no matter what injury or even strange symptoms, as long as someone exerts this magic power on it, it can recover instantly. It's very magical!"

The effect of nodding in response to the rain is really amazing.

"It's just that the demand for this magic power is very serious and requires one life, and the performer will turn into nothingness." Xiao Ruoli continued, "So, this magic power can't be used for yourself."

Ying Yu frowned and said, "Such magic power is almost equivalent to chicken ribs and is of little use."

"It's okay." Xiao Ruoli smiled and said, "Maybe I need to use this magic power at any time, so I once learned this magic power."

Ying Yu was stunned, and a sense of worry suddenly emerged in his heart. Then he turned around and stared at Xiao Ruoli and said, "You can forget this magic power. You should know that I have Muyu. Even if anything happens in the future, it can be treated slowly. There is no need to bear the sacrifice of this magic power."

Xiao Ruoli's heart was warm and she said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll come to you if I have something to do."

Nod in response to the rain and continue to watch the rest of the objects that record magical power.

"Keep watching here. I'll go first." Xiao Ruoli smiled and said, "You can learn whatever you want. No one will stop you."

If you want to learn a magic power, it will never take a short time. From ten days to several months, this is still an ordinary level of Taoism. Once you learn extremely profound magical powers, the time spent will be more and more amazing.

Ying Yu was able to learn the dark thunder in just a few days because he understood the true meaning of thunder and lightning and had great assistance to learning. And if you learn the magic power of other categories, such advantages will be gone, and you can only see the situation of understanding.

For example, in the three thousand worlds, the key points of this magical power were captured by Ying Yu in an instant, so he can learn it directly in a shorter time. Of course, this kind of opportunity for epiphany is unavoidable. Many people have had such an opportunity, but few people have made good use of it, and there are few people who have an epiphany again.

"There are a lot of magical power here, and I don't need to rush to learn powerful effects. Anyway, I have enough time." Ying Yu looked around and thought, "The effect of the cave virtual magic that the little witch once said must be extraordinary. It must be learned first, and it should be of great help to me in all kinds of things in the future."