Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 259 Immortal

In the morning, the light revived from the distant sky, broke through the darkness, cut open the sky and illuminate the world.

The cold morning wind blew, and everything in the world seemed to have suddenly come to life. The trees are swaying, the flowers are overflowing with fragrance, and the grass is dripping with dewdrops...

Little Ya lives in the middle, and the spring of the night is over, and the clouds and rain are all over.

The sun shines down and flows down on the two people, reflecting on the white bodies, as if with a little golden brilliance, deep and charming.

"Wow..." Xiao Ruoli muttered gently, opened her eyes, and her pupils gradually woke up from confusion and saw everything in front of her.

All kinds of feelings immediately came from the body. The white body is a mess after a night, and traces are clearly visible everywhere. The feeling of the lower body is the most clear, and there is a faint trace of pain.

"Is this your person?" Xiao Ruoli looked at the sleeping Ying Yu and muttered, then laughed at herself and said, "Even if I give you my body, I may not be able to really enter your heart..."

For a moment, Xiao Ruoli got up. In the process, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and the pain in her lower body stimulated her again and again, but there was a soft smile on the corners of her mouth, but it disappeared in an instant.

"How would he feel if he knew about this?" Xiao Ruoli thought in her heart, looked at Ying Yu obsessively and was silent for a moment.

Then, Xiao Ruoli ran her spiritual power, cleaned up the messy traces on her delicate body, and quickly put on a piece of clothes. In a short time, she looked like when she came last night, but on the skirt, she could see a little red.

She then quickly made clear the traces on Ying Yu's body and put on Ying Yu's clothes, just like after falling drunk last night. Who can see his spring breeze overnight?

Under the morning sun, Xiao Ruoli looked at Ying Yu for a moment, left without leaving a trace, and disappeared into the sky.

It was not until the sun shined three poles that the sun covered the whole attic. It was bright and bright that it woke up from a deep sleep in response to rain.

"What's wrong with me..." He unconsciously muttered and looked around before slowly coming back to his senses.

Shaking his head, Ying Yu stood up and frowned slightly. He always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't see it. He almost thought it was his illusion.

"What is this?" Ying Yu's eyes suddenly fell on his sleeves, where a red blood stain had dried up at this moment.

He frowned deeper and looked carefully at the red spots on his sleeves, as if he wanted to recognize what it was and when it fell on his clothes. However, he could recognize the blood stain, but he didn't understand when and where the clothes were stained with this trace.

"It's weird." Kicking the wine cup at his feet casually, Ying Yu thought deeply, but there was no clue.

On this day, he didn't think much about it. Instead, he sat on the edge fence of the three-story attic, looking at the blue sky and looking at the clouds; then looking at the green mountains and rivers in the distance, the grass and warbler flying nearby, experiencing all kinds of nature, and slowly calming down, as if to integrate with heaven and earth.

The practice of Wanhua Immortal Decision has made Yingyu closer to nature than ordinary people. After eating Bodhi, he is directly close to nature, and can wash his soul in nature, sublimate himself and be detached from vulgarity.

One day passed, and another day of sunshine came, and his mood was a little calm, but that's all.

The emotions that go deep into the heart and even the bone marrow are still affecting the rain. Although he doesn't know where this feeling comes from, it is real and makes his mood change constantly.

In addition, he realized that he had lost a memory and a person he had loved, which made him upset. Even if one day he was close to nature and tried his best to calm down, the effect could only last for a short time. As soon as time passed, he looked distracted again, and it was difficult to calm down.

The next day, Xiao Ruoli suddenly flew in and appeared in front of Ying Yu.

Seeing Ying Yu, a panic suddenly appeared in Xiao Ruoli's eyes, but she immediately hid it well and did not want to be noticed.

When Yingyu saw Xiao Ruoli, he also contracted his pupil and felt something strange. But if he finds out where the strange is, he can't say it, only deep doubts.

"Tianyalou has drawn up the new three lists, and I'll show it to you." Xiao Ruoli lowered her head, quickly finished her words, and quickly threw the brocade in her hand to Ying Yu.

Then, Xiao Ruoli turned around and flew away from here and disappeared in the sky in an instant, leaving Ying Yu holding the brocade of the three lists to look at the sky strangely. She didn't understand what this meant. The woman who usually liked to stay with him for a long time actually simply said a word and left.

"Let's take a look at the three lists first." Ying Yu shook his head, picked up the top brocade cloth and opened it.

This is the list of divine soldiers!

Scanning all the way, the change on the list does not seem to be great. After all, compared with the other two lists, this is indeed very difficult to change.

After all, the magic soldiers in the world cannot appear endlessly, and even if they appear, they may not be able to be on the list. In addition, the divine soldiers are hard and formed by heaven and earth, which is very difficult to damage. Therefore, there are few changes in the list of divine soldiers.

"The king of Chu's sword actually entered the 56th place?" Ying Yu opened his eyes wide and was slightly surprised. But as soon as he thought about it, he understood again.

When the king of Chu's sword was born, only a few days before the completion of the first three lists, the people of Tianyalou could know that the appearance of this divine soldier was rare, but it was not easy to know the accurate information of this divine soldier.

Three years ago, Tianyalou ranked 99th based on a sword spirit of the king of Chu's sword, which could not be accurate. Xiao Ruoli once said after seeing the power of the sword of the king of Chu that the next time he remade the list of divine soldiers, he should raise the ranking of the sword of the king of Chu. Unexpectedly, he directly reached the 56th place.

"I was really lucky to get this sword at the beginning."

Put down the commentary of the list of divine soldiers, Ying Yu looked at the next brocade and opened it. It turned out to be the list of immortals!

There are a lot of changes on the list of immortals, which is simply appalling.

Among them, Master Tianchan fell from the second place to the fourth place, Mingtian rose from the third place to the second place, Qin Mengli rose from the fourth place to the third place, Shen Mo from the seventh place to the ninth place, and Dao Wuwei rose from the ninth place to the fifth place. Li Changyi and You Yue both fell by one place, and the top ten did not move.

And the name of the northern demon emperor disappeared from the list of immortals, and the demon emperor of the East China Sea replaced Mu Shizhen as the eleventh. The twelve were Ren Tianxiao unchanged, and the ghost demon emperor came to the thirteenth, but Mu Shizhen fell to fourteenth.

Many people's ranking has changed, and Ying Yu will continue to watch.