Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 262 If You Leave

The sky and the earth have been strange. In the following days, it has been raining heavily all day, constantly bombarding the earth, and there is a depressing atmosphere in the whole world.

After Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli separated on that day, the two often met... or persuasion.

Ying Yu wandered in the idea of whether to leave or not to look for Yun Qingwu. He doesn't want to remember the loss, but he also knows that even if he forgets his feelings, he won't get anything. Therefore, I fell into endless thinking and made a choice in my heart.

And Xiao Ruoli doesn't want Ying Yu to leave. For what reason, only a few people know, but not Ying Yu!

Time passed, and a few days passed in a hurry.

The two met several times in the wind and rain, but they did not talk loudly, but almost quarreled. No matter what, it can't be negotiated whether to go or stay.

Over time, it turned into a real quarrel...

"Don't go. If you forget your feelings, you may really lose your life."

"You care too much. It's my business. The choice is up to me. You don't need to say more."

"It's too dangerous..."

"Originally, I was just thinking about it, but now that I have decided to go to the northern region, it is necessary to figure out the problem of doubt. No one can stop me."

"Can you not go?"

"You are so annoying."

After repeated negotiations, the hearts of the two have changed complexly, and the relationship is ever-changing, no longer the same as before.

Finally, one day, the wind and rain were vast, and the world was hazy. Yingyu said goodbye to all my friends, left the Void religion, and went outside, trying to find the lost memory.

As for learning magical power in the Void Church, he has no longer paid attention to it. His current magical powers are much more than ordinary people, and he no longer need to learn more. All the magical powers he already know are enough for him to wander around the world.

Moreover, he is worried about memory and can't learn new magic power at all. Even if he spends more time understanding, I'm afraid it will be empty. Instead, it's better to leave as soon as possible, look for lost memories, and act in line with what you think.

In the vast rainy day, Yingyu's body was like electricity, quickly and amazingly crossed the sky and left the Void Religion.

In fact, when Xiao Ruoli found that she could not stop Ying Yu from leaving, she had planned to follow her colleagues to the dangerous northern region.

However, this kind of thing is not allowed. The northern region is too chaotic. In case Xiao Ruoli has a mistake, even the murderer is difficult to find. If there is no security, the people of the Void Church will definitely stop her.

And it is even more impossible to make the whole void religion directly against forgetfulness!

If you can become the top mons, the overall strength of each other will not be too far away. If you really fight, I'm afraid that the Void Church will also shed blood and suffer heavy casualties.

Therefore, Ying Yu was destined to leave alone and soar in the sky.

Tianshan, Tiandao Gate.

The towering and towering buildings are presented in front of us, winding and wide, showing the fairy style and fascinating.

In the Tiandao Gate, a disciple of the Tiandao Gate shuttles around and does all kinds of things, and the flow of people is very large.

At the door of a palace, a figure just came out, and his eyes glanced in all directions.

This is a powerful middle-aged man, with burly figure and black hair like ink. Just standing there, he has a strong breath.

Huh? Is there any news? The middle-aged man looked ahead and said slightly, only to see a young man rushing over quickly.

When he arrived in front of the middle-aged man, the young man immediately pasted him, leaned over the middle-aged man's ear and quickly said something to tell the news he had just arrived.

"That Yingyu finally stopped shrinking from the empty religion and came out of it?" The middle-aged man was stunned at first, and then laughed: "Hahaha, many people have long wanted to find this trouble of Yingyu, but he has been hiding in the Void Religion. No one can directly fight the Void Religion, which makes us wait and wait."

Since Dao Wuwei issued the order, it can be said that there are wind and cranes, grass and trees in the Tiandao Gate. Everyone is excited and wants to kill Yingyu so that he can get rewards from the sect!

If it succeeds, the people under the sky can directly become the chief disciples of the contemporary Tiandao sect. And the people above the heavenly chasm can get the personal guidance of Dao Wuwei on the Secret Scroll of Heaven, which is more useful than a few years of personal practice, which is what a group of strong people of Tiandaomen expect!

"The accurate news of Ma* Yingyu has been reported. I have to go quickly so as not to be preempted by others." The middle-aged man said with excitement in his eyes.

At the same time, similar situations have occurred in the rest of the Tiandao Gate. Everyone found the trace of Ying Yu and brought the news back to the Tiandao Gate from the outside world, so that the people in the Tiandao Gate who had already been eager to try began to take action.

The Void Church is 30 miles north.

The heavy rain is still falling turbulently in the world, sweeping all the creatures on the earth.

The momentum of the rain is like a tide. Just flying by will make raindrops fly and shake away, and the whole person is like a thunder and lightning that pierced the void.

Suddenly, he stopped and slowly stayed on the rock on the edge of a small pass below, and his soaked white clothes floated in the wind.

The surrounding vines are lush, flowers and hazelnuts, like a green ocean, swaying freely in the wind and rain, releasing their own vitality and the sound of waves.

"What do you want to do again?" Ying Yu said flatly.

In the void, a shadow appeared and stood in the void. Just like the rain, the whole person was immersed in the rain of heaven and earth, and his whole body was wet and stained, enduring the coldness of his skin, just to cover the tears slipping from his face.

"Go back with me and everything goes back to the past." Xiao Ruoli raised her head and looked at Ying Yu with a white face. Her eyes were extremely complicated. She said quietly, "If we leave, we will never know each other again."

Ying Yu was shocked and stared at Xiao Ruoli. He was so surprised that he really couldn't think that the other party would say such a thing.

"Why..." he muttered, but didn't ask.

After looking at Xiao Ruoli carefully and carefully, Ying Yu sighed and said nothing. He turned straight across the sky and earth, crossed the sky like thunder and lightning, and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

In the distance, only Xiao Ruoli's lonely shadow stood in the rain all over the world, and her pale lips trembled slightly, as if she had tasted the bitter salty taste, mixed with rain across the corners of her mouth.