Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 280 Extreme Life Curse

How terrible is it to fall asleep forever and can't wake up?

The faces of Yun Qingwu and Xiao Ruoli have changed, so pale that there is no trace of blood, and it seems that their souls have been suddenly extracted, leaving only empty bodies.

"How to save him, how to save him?" Xiao Ruoli asked by pulling Xiao Taixu's sleeve, and her face was full of hope.

Yun Qingwu also looked over. Before that, they had never thought that they would get such a conclusion, like a sharp blade, piercing into their hearts. In an instant, they were full of holes and faintly painful.

"I can't save him." Xiao Taixu said slowly and said the answer that made the two women feel extremely heavy.

Even Xiao Taixu thinks that he can't save the sleeping Yingyu, so who else in the world will have the ability to wake him up?

"From now on, will he become such a state and sink into eternal darkness all his life?" Yun danced and said questionably. He looked gloomy and painful, and it was difficult to say anything by the edge of the bed.

The same is true of Xiao Ruoli. She looked at the sleeping rain painfully and never thought that it would be such a result.

The man is still beside him, but his heart is isolated for an endless distance. He is close but close to the horizon. The two women are almost unbearable, and their delicate bodies are trembling painfully, very unwilling.

"From then on, I looked at you, but you couldn't see me. I stroked your face, but you wandered in the eternal darkness..." Yun danced sadly and said sadly, "You can no longer see my face and can't remember our past. I left me to look at you and have infinite memories, but I don't have you to share with me.

Xiao Ruoli shed hot tears, slipped across her cheeks and dripped on the edge of the bed.

Xiao Taixu sighed and got up and walked out. In this case, he is no longer suitable to stay here.

"To the way, the extreme magic return to the virtual art and this magic power can definitely wake him up." Xiao Ruoli said suddenly, her tone full of joy and firm eyes.

Yun Qingwu looked up, his eyes flashed, and he thought a lot in his heart.

"Impossible." Xiao Taixu's cold voice came over and said, "One day when I'm here, you don't want to perform extreme magic. After using this magic power, my life will die. How can I tolerate it?

In a word, Xiao Ruoli's idea was broken. In front of Xiao Taixu's strong strength, Xiao Ruoli is indeed not likely to perform the magic magic, and she will definitely be stopped instantly before she does it.

"Grandpa, I can't watch him sleeping all the time, and I can't look at the world anymore." Xiao Ruoli turned her head and pleaded, with tears streaming down her face.

"Impossible." Xiao Taixu, standing at the door, refused.

Although Xiao Taixu appreciates Yingyu, he can come thousands of miles to check life and death at the request of his granddaughter. But compared with Xiao Ruoli, Yingyu is obviously not so important to him. Naturally, he will not agree to this kind of thing that replaces Xiao Ruoli's life for Ying Yu's awakening.

After saying that, Xiao Taixu shook his sleeves and walked out of the hut. Even outside, he can sense what is happening inside and completely prevent something from happening.

"You love him very much, don't you?" Facing Xiao Ruoli with tears on her cheeks, Yun danced softly and said.

Xiao Ruoli was stunned, turned her head, looked at the white-haired beauty, and nodded slightly but firmly. If not, how can you be willing to exchange your life for life?

Emotional matters are the most complicated. When you are hazy, you can't be sure of your heart. But after confirming, he can pursue it without hesitation, even if it is like a moth to the fire.

"Will you take good care of him?" Yunwu said gently and gently, "No matter how dangerous he is, you will stand beside him. No matter what decision he makes, you will support him..."

Xiao Ruoli was stunned and didn't understand what Yun Qingwu meant, but she nodded and said, "It's me. As long as he wants, I will always be by his side."

The cloud danced lightly and smiled, as if the flowers were in full bloom.

"In this case, I'm relieved. You have to remember what you said and treat him well.

Xiao Ruoli looked at Yun Qingwu in a stagnance and really didn't understand what it meant. Yun Qingwu walked out with a smile and left this hut.

The next moment, Xiao Taixu came in from the outside.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Ruoli asked, but she didn't know why.

However, the next moment, a palpitating breath rose from the outside and almost reached the point of the holy land, just the slightest gap, which belongs to the absolute peak of the underworld!

"The ruthless fairy asked me to help protect Yingyu." Xiao Taixu said.

"What about the light dance sister?"

"She will kill the two people who followed her, so that there are no other threats here."

"What!" Xiao Ruoli's face changed and said, "Will the light dance sister be dangerous?"

"No, she will never let anything happen to her before she finishes the real thing."


In the mountains outside, there was an extremely terrible battle. The whole mountain range was trembling, and the aura shook the void.

"No, Sister Qingwu should not be able to use spiritual power. She was devoured by the law." Xiao Ruoli continued to shout and felt that things were unexpected.

Xiao Taixu did not say anything, and a pure silver light flashed on his body, covering every corner of the hut, firmly protecting this place under control and not being affected by the outside war.

Half an hour later, Xiao Taixu withdrew his protective spiritual power. At the same time, the door of the hut opened, and Yun Qingwu came in from the outside.

At this moment, the clouds dance lightly, just like the appearance before the rain, as cold as frost, as if they were made of ice and snow, making people dare not approach. Her snow-white skirt was stained with a little blood and slipped freshly.

Obviously, since Yun Gengwu entered the hut safely, it means that Zhang Yue and Gongyi have died!

"Alas..." Xiao Taixu sighed and walked out of the hut. He already knew what Yun Qingwu was going to do and could only sigh silently.

"If I have never appeared to be each other's identity, let alone take him to look for the five elements, maybe nothing will happen, and many things will become different." Yun danced quietly and said, coming to the bed and looking at Ying Yu with an expression. The expression, concern and nostalgia in his eyes... were endless.

"Sister light dance, what are you going to do?" Xiao Ruoli asked worriedly, and she also found something wrong.

"From now on, it's up to you to take care of him." Yun Qingwu answered the question.

She walked to the side of the bed, and the bright green light on her body flashed, rippled in a circle, and said in her warm mouth: "Extreme emotional life spell!"