Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 284 Dragon Palace

The East China Sea is boundless, the water and the sky are the same, and the monsters are endless.

Ying Yu came to the East China Sea and sank into the blue ocean. The spiritual power surrounded him, blocking the sea water and looking around.

The underwater world is colorful. The more convenient it is, the deeper it is. Underneath is a land like a beach, with some gravel, shells, water plants and seaweed, which are endless.

In addition, the number of monsters in the sea is also very large, which can be seen almost everywhere, and there is no place without monsters.

Ying Yu entered the bottom of the sea and released his breath. Although it was only slightly displayed, it also made none of the monsters around him dare to approach. Ying Yu's breath clearly told the monsters that if they dared to approach or even attack, there was only one way to die.

It is getting deeper and deeper along the seabed, and the sea slope below is getting deeper and deeper. The sunlight shining above the head is still colorful in the shallow sea, but once it enters the deeper sea, it can no longer shine down, and the depths of the sea is dark.

Where is the Dragon Palace? However, as the palace of the demon emperor in the East China Sea, the Dragon Palace should be very famous among the monsters at the bottom of the sea. I can ask some monsters.

With a slight thought, Ying Yu made a decision. At his speed, he could cut through the waves in an instant, shoot a large distance, and soon found a monster.

This is a fish monster. In the words of mortals, it is a big shark, covered with silver smooth skin, sharp teeth, and a bloody smell. Obviously, it often kills and is also a fierce monster.

But how dare you hide it when it rains?

With a little question, the monster immediately said everything he knew, and even the questions and unrelevant topics that Ying Yu did not ask were shot out like a series of crossbows, so that Ying Yu, who had already got useful information, had to drive the monster away quickly.

"The Dragon Palace is in the deep sea, and there is still a long distance from here. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to travel." Ying Yu thought that he was already rowing the waves.

No matter how far the distance is, the rain always has to reach the destination. He needs earth and jade, needs to enter the underworld, and needs to put aside forgetfulness, Tiandao, and many enemies.

Although after breaking through the sky, he has become the top master in the world and has extremely strong strength. But such strength, if you don't have hatred with anyone, it is easy to survive in this chaotic world.

However, Ying Yu offended two top sects, and even some small sects, and people who thought they were powerful wanted to kill him, so as to please the top sects.

In this world, Ying Yu is surrounded by crises. So when he came to the East China Sea, he deliberately hid his figure, and no one found him. Even if they are friends, in order not to cause them trouble, Ying Yu will not see them and make plans alone.

The ocean is very huge. Even in the Dragon Palace on the edge of the continent, it took three days to fly at a frightening speed to approach.

Looking up, a bright glow suddenly burst out in the darkness, blooming in this dark deep sea, shocking. That's the building of the Dragon Palace, the glory of the building!

The location of the Dragon Palace is very large, built on the deep seabed, towering and extraordinary. Every wall in the Dragon Palace, and even the paved road, is like a crystal, releasing a little light and bringing together to make this deep sea completely bright.

The rain slowly approached and came to the door of the Dragon Palace.

Of course, the door of the Dragon Palace is guarded by monsters. As the emperor of monsters in the East China Sea, his orders must be heard by all monsters. He has supreme authority, which makes it extremely simple for some monsters to watch the door. There are even many monsters who can't wait to come to watch the door for the Demon Emperor of the East China Sea.

Just like when the human world entered the underworld in order to forget the river mirror, it soon met the underworld monster led by the underworld demon emperor. As long as the underworld demon emperor shakes his arms, those monsters in the underworld will naturally flock to him.

"Hight." At the gate of the Dragon Palace, eight monsters resisted the way to the rain.

Even if the breath released by the rain scares these monsters, these monsters still dare not violate their duties.

These monsters are all the same, obviously belonging to the kind of monsters of similar species. On the orange body, there are dozens of hands and feet, a pair of small blood-red eyes, and a pair of tentacles extending from the top of the head. These monsters bow their bodies, just like enlarged lobsters. However, these lobsters still hold all kinds of weapons, shining with a little cold light.

Ying Yu looked ahead, restrained the momentum and said, "Ying Yu came to visit the Demon Emperor of the East China Sea."

Hearing the words, several shrimp soldiers were stunned, and there was still a strange light in their eyes. Although these shrimp soldiers have been guarding what happened on the mainland, they have still heard about it, especially the recent popular figure Ying Yu, which makes the demons more familiar.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Yu, and we will report it immediately." A leading shrimp soldier said, turned into the Dragon Palace to report, and the rest of the shrimp soldiers continued to stay here to guard.

For the demon emperor of the East China Sea, Ying Yu didn't know much about it. The only time he met him was next to the Huangquan in the capital area. He only knew that although the Eastern Sea Demon Emperor was domineering, he should still be a very talkative person, and the plan had some potential for success.

Not long after, the shrimp soldier ran out, saying that the demon emperor of the East Sea had promised to see Ying Yu. So Ying Yu followed the shrimp soldier into the Dragon Palace and went to the depths of the Dragon Palace.

Entering the Dragon Palace for a moment, the shrimp soldier withdrew and let Ying Yu follow another crab-like but walking upright monster. Then he changed the leader several times, and Ying Yu gradually reached the depths of the Dragon Palace.

From this, it can be seen that the level of the Dragon Palace is strict. This land of monsters in the East China Sea is far from as chaotic as the northern grassland.

The Crystal Hall is a temple where the Demon Emperor of the East China Sea is located.

The whole hall is built like glass, which not only stands majestically in front of it, but also is very exquisite. Every inch of glass walls seem to be carefully carved and very smooth.

Arriving at the Crystal Hall, the monster leading the way has retreated. Ying Yu looked at the monsters guarding this place on both sides and slowly entered the Crystal Hall.

Obviously, the Demon Emperor of the East Sea is in this crystal hall. As long as you see the Demon Emperor of the East Sea, you can open your mouth to borrow earth jade. Although I don't know if I can succeed, I still have to give it a try.