Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 290 Near the Underworld

Ying Yu entered the underworld and left nothing in the human world. Or, he is the one that still exists in other people's memory.

Qin Mengli, Dao Wuwei and other murderous people who responded to Yu were undoubtedly extremely angry after hearing the news that Ying Yu had entered the underworld and wanted to enter the underworld.

Unfortunately, the five elements of jade were brought into the underworld by the rain. If he doesn't take the initiative, people in the human world will hardly be able to enter the underworld again!

Since then, it has been difficult for the two worlds to connect.


This place is as gloomy as ever. There is no sunshine or warmth in the sky, only a thick cloud covering everything, which can't be seen through and can't be seen through.

A round of blood moon hangs high in the distance of the sky of the underworld, and the cold blood shines down, as if it contains murderousness, which is more dazzling than the sun. I almost dare not look at each other. I can only look away and dare not look more.

Stepping on the land of the underworld, Ying Yu slowly walked along Huangquan Road.

Floating white clothes, long dark hair, cold face, frosty eyes, hundreds of feet in response to the rain, like a streamer, flashing in an instant.

Many monsters in the underworld on Huangquan Road have disappeared, and they will not be brought here forever and become the pioneers of the whole underworld. They have their own wisdom and decisions, and the Netherworld Demon Emperor only came together to stop the monsters in the matter of Wangchuanjing.

But today, these monsters have dispersed, fighting recklessly in the underworld, flying in blood, so that the roar will always echo in a place full of murder.

Out of Huangquan Road, Yingyu showed his height and flew in the underworld, as if he had unloaded the fetters of the past. He only wanted to soar in the air blowing in the cold wind and let his mind drift away with the breeze.

In front of Huangquan Road is the Wangchuan River, where there have been successive wars. Wangchuan Mirror appeared here, setting off a bloody rain. Today, in the soil on both sides of the Wangchuan River, there are still bright red soil grains, converging into bloody land, and a pungent smell is scattered everywhere.

It is not as terrible as purgatory, but countless unnamed bodies are still buried. No matter what these people are like before they die, they are all the same after death. The dust returns to the dust, the earth returns to the earth, and they will never see the sunshine of the sun again.

Ying Yu flew to the Wangchuan River and looked at the sparkling river. His heart suddenly moved and made a guess!

"I wondered why I was seriously injured in the hands of Daowu, and I could not sleep forever in the boundless darkness. The light dance sacrificed my life for me before he brought me back. Now, the answer is finally revealed. It turns out that this is simply a means of inaction. It is that he is not able to kill me, so he uses the damage he inflicted on me with the Wangchuan Mirror. How much like the effect of Wangchuan River?

The fists were clenched, and Ying Yu's anger at Dao Wuyi increased to another height, almost spewing out like a volcano.

For this reason, there is also a part of the indirect participation of Yun Qingwu. If you can't pay the price of your life in the future, how can you stand up to the dead Yun Qingwu?

"I can't forget you. You will always live with me in my memory, just like by my side. Every time I think of you, you will be my motivation to move forward tenaciously and break all obstacles. No one can stop me, even if I am a strong man in the Holy Land!"

The soul has gone with the wind, but it will not dissipate forever. Ying Yu firmly believes that Yun Qingwu still lives in his own memory. In the future, he believes that he will be able to find the reincarnation of the peerless beauty in the vast sea of people.

"Wh..." Thinking about it, Ying Yu flew away from the Wangchuan River, and then he suddenly stopped.

Before entering the underworld, Ying Yu's idea was relatively simple and did not think too much. He just wanted to avoid the pursuit of the strong in the Holy Land and use the world, which is completely different from the human world, as a buffer.

It was not until he entered the underworld that Ying Yu suddenly found that he had no goal to go. The sky and the earth are big, where is the accurate road?

When he was at a loss, Ying Yu started to fly again and headed for the road he had flown.

Reach the boundless purgatory of blood and earth, kill all the way, and hide yourself without letting go of any passer-by. After killing the bleeding soil, Ying Yu flew to the sea of reincarnation, which was the only target he had pursued in the underworld.

After a period of time, I came to the coast of the sea of reincarnation!

No matter how many years have passed, whether there are countless changes in the times, the sea of reincarnation will always take on an appearance and will not change.

The tide is still turbulent, and the waves are still high and dangerous. They beat the black sand-like coast endlessly. The current will hit a little bit and retreat quickly. Again and again, there is no difference from the picture in the image.

Walk slowly along the coastline in response to the rain.

Because this is the place where the moon, one of the two supremes of the underworld, lives, so there will not be any people from the underworld. Or few people know that the moon is here, but because of the strangeness and worthlessness of the sea of reincarnation, no one came.

"Is it you? You have come to the underworld again. A female voice sounded on the quiet coast.

Ying Yu looked up in surprise and saw a magnificent woman sitting on the edge of the reef of the sea of reincarnation. She was dressed in purple, with a beautiful and plain face. Her purple eyes were flashing, and her purple hair fell on her shoulders, like a blooming orchid, which was suddenly the secluded!

"Nether Fairy, I just passed by here. I hope I didn't disturb the fairy." Ying Yu replied.

" passing by?" The moon's eyes came straight and said, "No one who came to the sea of reincarnation has ever really passed by. It used to be the same, and it has been the same in the past. When you come to the sea of reincarnation, you must want to go to the position of the reincarnation disk again. Unfortunately, it's useless for you to go."

"Why?" Ying Yu asked directly.

As Youyue said, Yingyu is indeed not just passing by, but also wants to take a look at the position of the wheel. The person you want to see is naturally a light dance. Since you can't see that beauty in this world, it is also a good thing to see the beauty of the past in reincarnation, at least a little relief of sorrow.

"Everyone can only see it once in this life in the reincarnation disk, and can't see it for the second time. Even if you go, you will only have an empty joy and get nothing. The words of the moon ruthlessly planned the hope of responding to the rain.

"So that's it. I can't even see him anymore outside the endless time and space. Can I only recall it with memory?" When the sighing words came out, Ying Yu lowered his head and left.