Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 293 Magic City

When the news of the slaughter of 18 cities spreads to Wanmo City, there will obviously be a storm in Wanmo City.

And before such news penetrates the city of Wanmo City, Ying Yu must be able to reach the city of Wanmo first. After all, after slaughtering the last few cities, he flew directly to the city of Wanmo. The slaughtered city was not alive. He wanted to wait to be discovered and then pass the news on. In any case, it could not be faster than the rain.

In Wanmo City, the whole city is the territory of Wanmo Mountain. No outsiders can come in. It is quite strong and has good power.

In the center of the city, in the center of a hall, the masters of Wanmo City gather here!

Around the hall, there are dark plants, or purple, black, or silver... The branches are lush and overlapping, emitting a fragrance and gently drifting around with the wind.

There are four heavenly powers here, two of whom belong to Wanmo Mountain and come from the human world. Two others took the initiative to come to Wanmo Mountain when they began to accept disciples in the underworld.

In addition to the four strong people in heaven, there are still ten disciples of Wanmo Mountain who have achieved great success in Taoism, and the atmosphere between them is serious and dignified.

"I heard that a demon city was slaughtered?" A strong man in heaven spoke out.

"Not only that, the Three Demon City, the Six Demon City, the Nine Demon City, the Ten Demon City... have all been destroyed."

"In the currently known situation, half of the 18 Magic City has been destroyed."

"Perhaps it's more than that, although we can get the fastest news. But it takes time to deliver the message. Who knows how many cities have been destroyed?

"Why don't you just say that the Eighteen Demon City has been destroyed?"

"It's not impossible. I just want to know who is so bold!"

Hearing this, the main hall calmed down, and no one continued the topic for the time being. This matter was indeed unexpected and shocked everyone. They can't figure out who would do such a thing to them in the underworld.

This behavior is obviously provocation and will not be done by enemies, and it is still a very powerful enemy, otherwise it will not be able to slaughter so many cities.

But after thinking about it carefully, many senior officials of Wanmo Mountain did not know that they had offended such a powerful enemy in the underworld.

Different from the factions in the human world, there are thousands of sects. There used to be no sect in the underworld. All people in the underworld should obey the strong, such as the underworld demon emperor, the four underworld kings, and the supreme underworld. Especially the supreme of the underworld, no one dares to disdare his words.

Even if Wanmo Mountain defected to the underworld and set up a sect here to accept disciples, it is only this sect, and the rest of the people are not allowed to establish a sect. Moreover, Wanmo Mountain also has to obey the supreme order, and whether the sect exists or not is just a name.

"In the underworld, only a few people can do this to us. But I don't rely on the Supreme. He has no reason to do such a thing. Moreover, if he has something to do with us, he can kill here directly instead of slaughtering the rest of the magic city.

"Is it the ghost moon? But as far as I know, she doesn't have any men at all. She wanders alone and doesn't know where. How can she deal with us?

Everyone was quiet for a moment and had no clue. But then, several people had a heated discussion.

At this moment, the sky over the magic city.

Clouds are always the main tone of the underworld, and the black and gray waves fluctuate in the sky.

The cold wind blows by, the vegetation swings around, and the sand grains on the ground roll in unknown.

Ying Yu came in the void, and his cold eyes swept over the disciples of the underworld, which made these people suddenly shiver, looked around, and accelerated their speed in surprise.

Ying Yu did not immediately expose his appearance to attack and kill the city, but hid his figure and quickly landed down, approaching the main hall in the center of the city without anyone paying attention.

This is the foundation of Wanmo Mountain in the underworld, which obviously cannot be underestimated. Who knows if there will be anything terrible?

Ying Yu slowed down, slowly landed, and gradually came to the vicinity of the central hall, using Lingxu to control the surrounding void and hide his body. That is to say, there is no violent spiritual power consumption of the magic power of the three thousand worlds, and it is enough to hide the sky and the sea. At this moment, it can't be better.

The sound in the hall gradually came.

Ying Yu listened and couldn't help showing a sneer.

I laughed at the other party's discussion for most of the day, but none of the speculations were close to the facts, and none of them were grounded. Again, he laughed at the other party that there was no strong man in the underworld. The most powerful were only four strong men in the underworld, who could fully cope with it.

"Well, it's useless to guess more about this kind of thing. Just wait for the rest of the news." A strong man in heaven interrupted the discussion and said, "Let's think about how to get close to Ruan Xidong and ask the whereabouts of the thunder hole from this population whose mouth is harder than stone."

"In the past, after the supreme of theming tian and Youzhi Zun entered the thunderstorm cave, when they came out, the supreme of theming tianzhi zun had the seven stars that opened the yellow spring gate, and the Youtianzhi zun understood the meaning of the origin of lightning and lightning, and had to make people marvel at the effect of the thunderstorm cave."

"This thunder hole is obviously in the hands of the supreme of the underworld, but the supreme of the underworld seems to be unconcerned about the thunder hole, and it is difficult for us to ask for it. Up to now, there is no accurate news."

"That Ruan Xidong is the person who once watched the Supreme of the Underworld and You Zhizhi enter the Thunder Cave. I'm afraid he can only get the news from his mouth. But although he is only beaten and blocked by the chasm, his temper is very hard and won't tell us at all. If we use forceful means, his temperament must be jade-burned, which is really helpless.

When Ying Yu heard the words, he felt very curious and continued to listen.

"If we know where the thunder hole is, maybe we can still get a lot of opportunities."

"That's true, but in addition to the two supremes in the whole underworld, it seems that only the four underworld kings, the first underworld envoy and the ninth underworld envoy have entered, but we have no chance."

"How on earth can I get news from Ruan Xidong?"

"Do you think it has anything to do with the destruction of the rest of our magic cities?"

"You think too much. We look for the thunder hole, but we don't touch the taboo."

Many disciples of Wanmo Mountain talked endlessly, and there were different opinions. They had different ideas and opinions, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

Ying Yu said indifferently in the dark: "I slaughtered the Eighteen Demon City, which has nothing to do with what you mean. I just want to kill your people in Wanmo Mountain. But now it's related, because I'm interested in this thunder hole that can improve my strength!"

With his words, Ying Yu stepped into the central hall!