Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 315 Return to the Sea

After half a month, Yingyu occasionally left the colorful world to fly at a high speed, and most of the time he still hid himself in the colorful world and moved slowly.

And Mingtian has never given up. He is extremely angry and has never been fooled like this. He has destroyed all the sky and earth as if venting.


Next to the sea of reincarnation, the dark tide beat the coast, and waves of tides spread wildly, and then retreated feebly, and the whole ocean fluctuated.

"Hum!" The void was distorted, and a figure emerged from it.

Ying Yu stepped on the beach next to the sea of reincarnation, looked back blankly, and flew quickly along the coastline to find the secluded moon.

Now in the underworld, everyone knows that the underworld and the moon were once lovers. But the old feelings have gone with the wind. Now they are more like strangers and even enemies. They don't want to know each other, thousands of miles away.

The purpose of Yingyu coming here is very simple. If the underworld chases this place, it is bound to be against the moon. At that time, there is a great possibility of contradictions that can make him escape.

The two supreme contradictions, because they can't do anything about each other, can most attract attention.


Not long after Yingyu flew out, he suddenly felt a heart palpitation. Looking back, I saw that the dark clouds in the distant sky were rapidly approaching, which was the situation that came from the next day, which made heaven and earth have visions.

"Go to hell!" Far away, Mingtian's body appeared and roared violently.

Unlike in the past, Mingtian's eyes were fierce, and there was a strange magic soldier in his hand. It shows a blood-red color, and the square is like a hall, in which you can clearly see the twinkling pillars, releasing a violent breath.

In the roar of the underworld, he swept the magic soldier in his hand in the direction of Yingyu. The void burst, and one side of the sky collapsed directly, showing endless darkness.

A dazzling red light flew over from the distant sky, bursting away the endless darkness, across the sky, and falling red glows, almost all the space in it.

Ying Yu's expression changed, and he quickly ran the magic power of 3,000 worlds to hide in the colorful world!

"Boom!" The red glow came across, and the power was terrible.

The nearby mountains were all crushed into nothingness and dissipated in the red glow. And the coast also fell countless points, and huge waves swept in.

But everything that touches the red glow, whether it is rocks, trees, sea water... has all turned into nothingness, as if it has never appeared.

The red glow flew, the light steamed, rippled 3,000 miles, and rushed directly into the sea of reincarnation!

In the sea of reincarnation, no spiritual power can be exerted. If the superior monk is cut into mortals, no matter how great the magic power is, it will become empty.

However, the red glow from the underworld actually rushed into the sea of reincarnation. Instead, it burst into a terrible power. It swept all the way to the sea level in the distance of reincarnation, drawing a deep trace, separating all the sea water on both sides and not returning for a long time.

This is the strength of the strong man in the Holy Land!

In the colorful world, crystal leaves fly everywhere, surrounded by the rain.

Through the colorful world, he can see the situation in the outside world, and his face is indescribably ugly. Mingtian's strong strength was completely beyond his expectation. He had tried his best to imagine the strength of the strong man in the Holy Land, but he still felt that he did not understand it enough.

He asked himself that it would be difficult to deal with the attack from the outside world. Even in the face of the sea of reincarnation, he will be like a mortal. How can he be as powerful as the underworld?

For good, the colorful world is magical and weird, and you don't have to be afraid of any attack. If Mingtian had the ability to attack Yingyu in the colorful world, he would have started a long time ago and would never wait until now. Therefore, Yingyu is still quite safe, as long as you don't leave.

Looking at the Mingtian approaching rapidly, there was obvious anger on his face. Ying Yuzhi will not choose to go out at this moment, otherwise I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to enter the colorful world and die directly.

He controlled the colorful world, moved slowly in the nothingness, and moved in the direction of the secluded moon residence.

"I hope the two supremes can ignore me." Ying Yu sighed and had nothing to do with the supreme of the underworld.

Mingtian has seven stars in hand, but almost anyone can chase and kill anyone, and it is really difficult to escape.

Suddenly, Ying Yu's heart moved, and his eyes radiated brilliantly, which was unprecedentedly bright.

Can the seven stars find anyone? Then can I use seven stars to find light dance..."

In his muttering, Ying Yu's look was stunned, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what far away he was thinking about, and his heartbeat suddenly slowed down.

But how easy is it to get seven stars from the hands of the underworld?

Who is Mingtian? How can you easily give up seven stars and want to take seven stars from the underworld, unless you kill them? But this is obviously a dreamy thing, which can only outline the imagination in a dream.


Waves of tides emerged, and the beach on the coast was immersed again and again, and some shells were scattered all over the beach, making it no longer dead.

A wooden house built near the sea withstands wind and rain and will never fall. At the door, a graceful woman appeared, with extraordinary purple eyes and purple hair, and a purple dress, with an intoxicating posture.

"Hum!" The void trembled and the rain appeared.

The moon looked over, and an obvious trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Nether Fairy, we finally meet again." Ying Yu arched his hand towards the moon.

At this moment, he understands that Mingtian must have found his position and is coming quickly, and the plan has been implemented.

"I don't want to disappear in a short time. Your change has changed so much." Youyue said with some amazement that this was a situation he had never seen before.

Even if she and the underworld are amazingly talented, they can't compare with the speed of practice. At such a young age, he is already a strong man in the underworld, who once only existed in fantasy.

"Thank you very much for your guidance." Ying Yu said slowly, "If the ghost fairy hadn't guided me to leave this place, I wouldn't have had those opportunities."

The moon nodded, but suddenly frowned and looked at the distant coastline where there was no movement.

Ying Yu apologized and said, "Because I was hunted down, I couldn't think of any safe place, so I came here to avoid it. I hope it won't cause too much trouble to the Nether Fairy."

With that, dark clouds have emerged from the sky, rolling in.