Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 342 Death

Dao Wuwei's face has been completely lost today.

The fact that his arm was broken by an enemy in the underworld was seen by thousands of monks, and everyone was shocked.


Dao Wuwei roared loudly and flew into the sky as fast as light. Although he had broken his arm, the other hand waved in the air, which looked like a chaotic airflow and still had a terrible power.


Ying Yu also rushed up again and launched a life-and-death war with Dao Wuwei!


Ying Yu's body was torn in half. He endured the pain and directly transferred into the colorful world, and then appeared beside Dao Wuwei and continued to attack.


Dao Wuyi's other arm did not last long, so it was cruelly torn down by Ying Yu, blood splashed, and one arm was smashed by Ying Yu.

At this point, both arms have turned gray!

In fact, if it hadn't been for the colorful world of Yingyu, he would have been able to hide from it at a critical moment and have died in the hands of incompetence, and even the little fox would not have been spared.

But without the colorful world, he can't go today.

In such a situation, it is incredible that Dao Wuwei has been frustrated in the hands of Yingyu.

"I will never let you go. I will kill you with thousands of knives..." Dao Wuwei roared in a low voice: "Even if your arms are lost, even if your soul is scattered, I will kill you first!"

At this moment, how can Dao Wuwei take care of the so-called face?

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that Dao Wuyi will die. He will die in the hands of a strong man in the underworld and the hands of the weak ants in his original eyes.

For the sake of life, he will kill the rain at all costs.

The long wind roared across the world, with dust flying and dust all over the sky.

A large land, almost all desert. Above the sky, it is gloomy. In mid-air, there are still torn space cracks, like an abyss that can't heal.

Dao Wuwei lost his arms and flew into the air. He was surrounded by chaotic airflows and rushed to the rain. His whole body was like a mountain.

Ying Yu was seriously injured, coughed blood repeatedly, and quickly avoided the colorful world.

At the same time, Daowu rushed to the ground and hit the earth as a foundation, like a real mountain hitting the earth, bursting a huge crack, and the violent aura of heaven and earth rushed to all directions, forming a tornadoes raging between heaven and earth.

"Get out of here!"

Dao Wuwei shouted, and the armless body rampaged between heaven and earth, with unparalleled power, destroying everything and leaving nothing behind.

The people around watched the battle changed greatly. Even if they withdrew from a hundred miles away, they still felt that it was not enough. The fierce waves hit them and were extremely painful.

Countless people retreated one after another and retreated hundreds of meters in a row for fear of being affected.

However, in the strong wave, dozens of people still couldn't avoid it and were forced to spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and their faces were defeated. Some even died on the spot, and their bodies burst, leaving blood and limbs.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dao Wuwei roared and soared in the endless vast world. His power was awe-inspiring and almost crazy. No one could be sharp.

In the colorful world, Yingyu spits blood and emerges.

Looking up outside, Dao Wuwei was going crazy, roaring through the mountains and rivers, and being majestic, but it couldn't hurt him anyway.

There were many injuries on his body. The most eye was the wound from his right shoulder to his left shoulder, which actually tore half of his body. The severe pain came through his body, making him twitch all over and his face pale.

The crystal petals are flying and falling on the ground.

Yang Zhan lay pale next to him, with a smile: "Dao Wuwei is over. He doesn't have two arms. I'll see how he can survive. Even if the rest of the Holy Land strong will not embarrass him, his statement will fall greatly. Who will follow him? Now, he is a homeless dog.

In this regard, Yang Zhan is very happy. His wish to see such a scene before his death has been understood. Nothing made him more happy than the scene in front of him, and he was extremely gratified.

Turning his head and looked at Ying Yu, Yang Zhan said, "You don't have to force yourself anymore. It's not easy for you to do this, and my wish has been fulfilled. At that time, you should protect yourself and stop being strong. In the future, you can kill and do nothing at will.

In any case, Yang Zhan does not want to take risks.

"It's okay."

Ying Yu said with a slight smile, looking at the unconscious little fox beside him, and then disappeared in place and reappeared in the mid-air of the desert.

"No, I'll take your life!"

Ying Yu roared and killed Dao Wuyi, broke the sky with one punch and knocked down the stars.

"Boom, boom..."

The two launched another shocking war, which was extremely fierce enough to destroy everything and smash everything.

Ying Yu was beaten to spit blood, but he supported it. Instead, he launched a fierce counterattack and kept retreating, spitting blood in the same mouth.

Now that he has lost his arms, his fighting power has declined a lot. Even if Dao Wuwei condensed two false arms with spiritual power, it was not as strong as the original arm, which limited his Taoism.


Ying Yu specially attacked the key point of Dao Wuwei. In a short time, he smashed the two arms transformed by Dao Wuwei, but he paid a huge price. His body was full of wounds and he gasped heavily.

Looking at an opportunity, Ying Yu suddenly rushed up and dragged the colorful world to hit the power of the world, knocking down the sky. He took the opportunity and grabbed Dao Wuwei's legs with both hands.

"Ah... Go to hell!"

Ying Yu shouted, and the strength and spiritual power of his whole body poured into his hands. He tore his incompetence with the greatest strength and wanted to tear the other party in half.


A sound of bone fracture came, Dao Wuwei shouted, resisted angrily, and the strong spiritual power surged in, so that the bones in Ying Yu's body were broken by an inch, almost died, and suffered a severe hit.


Suddenly, Ying Yu exerted a burst of force and tore Dao Wuwei's body from his feet and pulled it directly into two halves. The blood and internal organs flew out from mid-air, full of the sky.

Dao Wuwei's eyes widened and stared at Ying Yu, but quickly wiped out the light and dispersed!

The peerless strongman of a generation of holy land, with unparalleled power, stands at the top of the world. But in the end, he died at the hands of Yingyu, and his death disappeared and ceased to exist.