Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 355 Fairy Island

The tide beat violently, and waves splashed out.

In front, an island appeared, and the land on it was dark and black, with a long atmosphere of vicissitudes.


Waves hit the coast, making a continuous sound of shocks. The whole island is very stable and unwavering.

In the depths of the island, there seems to be a dilapidated palace.

In addition, there is nothing else.

"Bad guy, what is this?" Mo'er asked strangely.

"I don't know, but I'll know later."

Ying Yu said, let the big ship dock and set foot on this island full of fantasy with Moer in his arms.

On the island, not to mention trees and weeds, even if it is a rock, no piece has been seen. Only in the distance, there is a dilapidated building, faintly emitting traces of the ancient years.

Xianyu freely exudes brilliance, five colors and hazy, lighting up the two people in response to the rain and surrounded them.

"Let's go."

Ying Yu jumped by with Moer, flicked thousands of meters, and quickly came to the building.


The cold wind blew over and rolled up the fine sand and dust on the island.

I saw an invisible building in front of me, and I could faintly see that it was once a palace, but unfortunately it was somehow dilapidated to such a situation, leaving only a broken wall and a piece of ruins.

Each broken wall is black, depicting a kind of complicated lines, which has been seen for a long time.

The old breath came to my face.

"Bad guy, it's so weird here."

"It's okay, it won't be dangerous."

Ying Yu slowly walked into the ruins with Moer, as if he suddenly came to another world.

Everything here is different from the two worlds. There is no operation of the aura of heaven and earth, and there is no ripple of the ghost spirit, and it is a dead atmosphere.

Even if the building is dilapidated, you can see the difference in style, which is very different from the current world.


Xianyu trembled and suddenly took the initiative to fly out of Yingyu's palm, like a bird flying with wings, blooming with five colors of brilliance, and moving forward to the depths of the ruins.

Ying Yu meditated slightly and followed.

Gradually, Xianyu led Ying Yu and Moer to the deepest part of the ruins and entered a dilapidated temple. There are still some traces of the past here.

There is an ancient book in black, which is actually written on it!

Ying Yu was shocked and understood that he might have found a big secret. He hurried forward, picked up the black book and slowly opened it.

The information recorded above proves that this black book seems to be just a diary. However, this is what makes people even more frightening. Who once came to this desolate island? Or who is the owner of the island? There is even a saying that who is the owner of the sea of reincarnation.

Ying Yu looked down quietly, and his eyes became wider and bigger, a little surprised.

This not only records the information of the sea of reincarnation, but also the news of Xianyu!

Hundreds of years ago, the fairy war!

The heaven is very uneasy. The battle of the immortals is really appalling and destroys everything.

That is a real fairy, a strong man who transcends the holy land and even the fairyland. This island, obviously a fairy island, fell from heaven.

The battle of immortals, from heaven to the human world, and also to the underworld!

A fairy river in heaven broke through the void and fell down and fell into the underworld, becoming a sea of reincarnation, with all kinds of wonderful powers, and only immortals can resist.

The reincarnation disk is also a thing that falls from the heavenly world. It is rumored that even in the heavenly world, it is an unparalleled treasure, with the role of mastering the reincarnation of life and death of others.

In heaven, few people can control such treasures, and no one can have them in the underworld, so it has become the current reincarnation disk.

This island is the palace of a powerful fairy in the past. It falls from heaven and floats on the sea of reincarnation. The location will change.

When he saw such a message, Ying Yu was shocked and immediately turned around. A ray of divine light appeared in his eyes, which directly penetrated a large distance and landed on the coast.

The big ship has disappeared.

Seeing this, Ying Yu's expression fluctuated slightly, and there was no more movement. He believed that he could still leave. So he continued to pick up the black book and read it.

The former owner of this island is also the owner of fairy jade!

Therefore, Xianyu will have a trace of connection after approaching the island and attract Ying Yu and Moer.

The war between immortals was so tragic that countless immortals fell. During this period, several strongest people fought at the same time to open a broken space channel to connect the world of heaven to the human world and the underworld.

So that the fairy jade and reincarnation disk, these two treasures of heaven actually fell into the two worlds.

Moreover, among the immortals in the past, the strongest people all died together, so that although many immortals in the heavenly world peep at the fairy jade and the reincarnation disk, they could not have it in the lower world.

The two immortal treasures have fallen into the mortal world and can't play a real role.

Ying Yu was secretly shocked. He looked carefully and found that Xianyu and reincarnation should be two top fairy treasures.

The black book records the real use of the two fairy treasures. The mysterious ability and unparalleled power shocked Ying Yu!

Among them, the use of reincarnation requires at least the Taoism of fairyland, that is, only immortals can use it, so that Yingyu can only look at it and cannot have it.

As for the use of fairy jade, it has been reduced a lot.

The Wanhua immortal decision recorded in the fairy jade is a practice decision belonging to the immortals. Therefore, after Yingyu's practice, he was able to use all kinds of magical powers and exert his full ability, and his doubts were finally solved.

In addition, Xianyu also has a function, which is to absorb the golden spiritual power inside and let itself out of its own Taoism in an instant. It can be said that it can be climbed to the sky in one step. Even if there is a time limit, it can cross several levels to kill the enemy, which is useless.

Ying Yu has known this for a long time, and he has used this ability three times and has achieved great results.

In addition, there is the role of Xianyu itself!

Ying Yu looked at it carefully several times before he understood the origin of the colorful world.

It turns out that it is because of the existence of Xianyu that he can communicate with the colorful world, which is not all the effect of the magic power of the three thousand worlds.

And the location of the colorful world can also be said to be inside the fairy jade, which shocked Ying Yu.

The colorful world actually exists in a chaotic world with excellent protection. The fairy jade itself is a jade pendant of a winged bird. In fact, it is the inner world and the chaotic world.

Therefore, Xianyu is connected to the chaotic world, worthy of Xianbao!