Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 362 Drunkenness

The drizzle beats the restaurant, and the sound is endless.

The curtains were lifted from time to time, and a wisp of cold wind blew in from the outside.

"Do you think the underworld will not make a comeback?" Someone asked, slightly worried.

"Sometimes." Someone else sneered.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, which is a very obvious situation.

The underworld first plotted all kinds of monys in the human world, and then invaded four years ago, razing many of the top factions to the ground, and the fallen of the powerful people in the holy world, which has fully illustrates this point.

Ying Yu has been listening to others, but he doesn't have much idea about the things in the underworld and the human world. He just listens casually and understands a little about the situation in the world.

Suddenly, Ying Yu's eyes stopped and stood up strangely.

On the other side of the table, Moer shrank under the table and never got up. Her petite back fluctuated slightly, as if she were asleep.

"What...what are you doing?"

When Ying Yu took Moer out of the bottom of the table, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Well... drink it well... drink it well... Moer likes it..."

In Yingyu's arms, Moer unconsciously whispered, her little face was red, her eyes were blurred, and there was a trace of wine hanging at the corners of her mouth, and the smell of wine came to her face.

Ying Yu looked under the table with black lines. I don't know when a wine pot appeared there, which was pouring on the ground, and all the wine inside was drunk by foam.

In this regard, Ying Yu shook his head helplessly and really didn't know what to say.

"Moer still wants...and..."


Some people next to me who saw this scene laughed, which is indeed a rare situation.

"What's the noise!"

Suddenly, a man shouted. It was the young man of Haitianmen who glanced around coldly, especially on Ying Yu's body.

Seeing this, Ying Yu raised his eyebrows and said nothing. He turned around and glanced at the young man faintly.

At such a glance, it was ordinary, but the young man turned pale, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the spot, lying weakly on the table, looking at Ying Yu in horror.

It was quiet around, and there was some faint sound of inhaling cold air.

"Brother Wang is the peak of Taoism..." Some people exclaimed and dared not speak.

It can make people at the peak of the Taoist realm spit blood, and it is just a look, at least it shows that this person is a powerful existence that breaks through the sky, and it is by no means comparable to the people around here.

Ying Yu ignored the rest of the people and left here with Moer in his arms.

However, before leaving, Ying Yu bought all the good wine in the restaurant and placed it in the fairy jade world. With the strength he showed, the people in the restaurant did not dare not take out all the wine.

Of course, these wines will not be bought for foam. Ying Yu just felt that it was quite good to drink a glass of wine and experience delicious food after practice.

Leaving this Yuling City, Ying Yu looked at the drunken and sleeping Moer, and did not continue to travel, but entered the fairy jade world and slowly practiced.

When leaving Taixuan Mountain to walk around the world, in order to avoid problems in Taixuan Mountain, Yingyu moved the whole mountain into the fairy jade world.

Ying Yu sat on the green grass and looked at the sky of thunder and lightning in his eyes.

After only a few hours of practice, Mo'er woke up, staggered up, and walked slowly in one direction pretending not to care.

Ying Yu took a look and found that the direction Moer walked was completely the location of storing wine. She quickly operated the spiritual power and imprinted the virtual space in that position to block Moer's progress.

"Bad guy!"

Seeing this, Moer immediately threw away the half-awake appearance, rushed up with her teeth and claws, and bit Ying Yu's shoulder.

"Moer wants wine, Moer wants wine."

Biting Ying Yu, Moer kept talking. The words were vague, but enough to make people understand.

Ying Yu smiled bitterly and said, "I have set a ban. As long as the Taoist line in the virtual world can break through the past to drink, it depends on whether you can let the Taoist line grow rapidly."

"Hmm, bad guy."

Mo'er pouted and turned her head and walked away dissatisfiedly.

"Bear, you don't have to let the little fox steal wine for you. I will notice it." Ying Yu continued.

"Ah, you are indeed a bad person, bullying Moer all day!"

Seeing that the idea that had just been born was shattered in an instant, Moer turned around and rushed up again, pulling Ying Yu's hair and kicking her calves everywhere.

"Okay, stop it."

"Mo'er just wants to make trouble, unless you give Mo'er a drink."

"That's absolutely impossible."

"That foam keeps making noise."

"In fact, you can practice hard. Maybe as soon as the Taoism increases, you can drink, and I won't stop you."

"Hmm, the bad guys are fooling Moer again."

After making trouble for a long time, Moer stopped and left.

Ying Yu smiled bitterly for a while, and his body flashed to the edge of the fairy jade world. Looking up, there is a dense and white fog around, and there is a mysterious air machine.

Now, Ying Yu has known that these breaths in front of him are completely chaotic breaths!

The fairy jade world is connected with endless chaos, and wisps of breath flow to the world of fairy jade. However, as the master of the fairy jade world, Ying Yu can leave and enter the fairy jade world.

He thought about it, took the five elements of jade and Wangchuan Mirror to protect himself, and then entered the chaotic airflow.

Once entering chaos, it is difficult to walk. Every wisp of chaotic airflow is like a mountain of millions of equal weight. Even in response to the rain, the bones are pressed to click, which is very terrible.

When an ordinary underworld strong man comes here, he may turn into ashes in an instant.

Ying Yu stepped into the chaotic airflow, combined with chaos, evolved all kinds of magical power, and many things were clearly understood by himself.

After practicing for a while, he found that the magic power of chaos had increased, much faster than practicing in other places.

Ying Yu did not know that chaotic airflow could have such a role, and he would feel the crisis of chaotic airflow. This was the first time he came in and received great benefits.

A wisp of chaotic airflow, like washing the body, flows through Yingyu's body, making his temperament seem to be a little hazy as chaotic.


Suddenly, Ying Yu's body was shocked, and he only felt that his head was clear, and many things had increased greatly!

The cave virtual magic has developed a great growth, directly breaking through two layers, from the second layer to the fourth layer, directly crossing the third layer of a thorough step, and has the ability to make subtle predictions about what is about to happen.

At the same time, the true meaning of the space of the rain has changed. He is finally going to become the second person in the world to understand the origin of space!