Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 366 Comeback

Looking at Xiao Ruoli away, Ying Yu didn't know what to think in her heart, but felt a little complicated.

Moer doesn't have such a complicated mind, like an elf, happy and happy, playing everywhere.

Ying Yu slowly walked through the beautiful mountains and rivers with foam, traveled thousands of miles, watched many scenery, and left footprints in many places.

Two months later, in the fairy jade world, the heroes fell colorful.

Ying Yudu sits and practicing, feeling the nature of heaven and earth, and sublimating his own Taoism.

Suddenly, his mind moved, he quickly stood up from the ground, looked at a direction in astonishment, and his body flashed and flew over like a streamer.

Under a peach blossom forest, a pile of wine jars staggered there.

Several of the wine jars have been poured on the ground, and drops of wine have overflowed and poured aside.

And Mo'er fell aside like these wine jars, unconsciously opened her mouth, her little face turned red, her eyes closed gently, and her chest slowly fluctuated.


Ying Yu saw this situation and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He didn't expect that before long, Moer broke through to the virtual Taoism, and came to drink all these wines and become drunk before he was not paying attention.

"Well, it all happened. I can't let you spit out the wine, but..." Ying Yu whispered, "It's time to go to the underworld again."

Ying Yu immediately left the fairy jade world and flew to the distant underworld. Today's underworld is as easy for him as a back garden.

After arriving at the underworld, Ying Yu went straight to the thunderstorm cave. At this time, Moer had already woken up. When she heard the place where Ying Yu went, she immediately couldn't stand up.

Although the thunder in the thunder hole did not hurt anything, it also looked extremely scary and shocked the little girl.

After washing Moer's body in the thunderstorm hole this time, Ying Yu thought about it slightly and took out the whole thunder pool in the thunderstorm hole and put it into the fairy jade world.

"Anyway, in addition to me, only Mingtian can come forward. Why don't I take this thunder pool for myself, so that Mingtian can lose the way to improve the strength of others."

If it hadn't been for the fairy jade world, Ying Yu would have been able to take away the thunder pool, otherwise the underworld would have taken it away.

When Moer saw that there was an extra mine in the fairy jade world, she immediately made a lot of noise. This means that every time she breaks through, she doesn't even have to rush in.

"Bad people are really bad people, and Moer will never practice again."

"Yes, I will seal up all those wines until you arrive at the Taoist realm before you can enter for drinking."

"Wow... Bad guys, you bully Moer again, and they don't..."

After returning to the human world, Ying Yu continued to walk around the world with Moer to enjoy the different scenery in various places.

Unconsciously, the days passed in a hurry.

Pongdu domain.

The gate of Huangquan suddenly appeared and burst into a five-color divine light, lighting up the land.

But because no one dares to come, this place seems desolate, and no one has found such a situation at all.

A series of cold figures of black armor flew out of the gate of Huangquan, and soon covered the whole sky. The strong and terrible breath soared to the sky, which was shocking and frightening.

In the hazy sky, the underworld stood there, and behind him were the four heavenly kings and the four living underworld envoys!

"Human world, I'm here again." Ming Tian showed a trace of a wild look.

"Now that the blood moon has been refined, I believe that the supreme can easily surpass Xiao Taixu." The four heavenly kings of the underworld said in unison.

Ming Tian shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Xiao Taixu is not an idle person. Although the divine objects I occupy are richer than him, and my Taoism is not weaker than him, it is also very difficult to easily beat him. However, I think he is no longer my opponent.

The seven stars shine in front of the underworld, constantly guiding the positions of the current strong men of the Holy Land.

"Shen Mo, Shu Yuqing and the East Sea Demon Emperor, these three are really together. Xiao Taixu is really very confident in himself. He has known my arrival with cave magic, but he is still in Voidism. Is he waiting for me to go there?

"Ni Tianya, huh?" Mingtian's eyes suddenly stopped, and the seven stars before he met actually swayed, disillusioned several times, and finally turned dark.

"What?" The approaching strong people in the underworld were shocked.

"Ning Tianya suddenly died at this juncture?"

Ming Tian's eyes were also widened. He didn't expect such a situation at all, and he was suspicious.

When the seven stars guided Nie Tianya's position, there was clear movement, which showed that Nie Tianya was still alive at that time. However, in a blink of an eye, the trace of Nie Tianya could not be felt, which was clearly a sign of death.

"What happened?" Even though the Great Demon King has always been indifferent, he can't help asking.

"It's really strange, but I'm not interested in watching it." Mingtian snorted coldly, "Maybe he died of old age. That guy is not young. Now, let's go to Void Education to see what method Xiao Taixu uses to welcome us.

"Yes!" Many strong people in the underworld said in unison.

Tianya Building.

This place is in ruins, the mountains are destroyed, and so are the attices.

Now 20 years later, Nie Fengxing came here quickly as soon as he heard the news.

When standing on the ruins of Tianya Tower, Nie Fengxing felt as if his heart was broken. Looking at the scene in front of him, the dazzling devastation seemed to be imprinted in his heart.

Around, there were still some disciples of Tianyalou who survived, with a panic on their faces.

"What the hell happened?" Nie Fengxing grabbed the person next to him and shouted angrily.

He has understood that Nie Tianya is dead, and there is no bone left, and there is no place to be buried. He can't believe that anyone else in the world can kill his godfather so simply!

Even if it is Xiao Taixu, even if it is the underworld, he absolutely does not have such ability!

"Yes... is a person who claims to be a forgetful son." The disciple of Tianyalou, who was caught by Nie Fengxing, said in a trembling voice.

"Forget love, what's forget love, who is he?"

Nie Fengxing kept asking, but the captured disciples of Tianyalou didn't know much information, so they could only answer in general and didn't help at all.

Until Nie Fengxing found the highest person here besides him.

"This is simply unexpected." The man replied, "The thread starter seemed to have found some information and ran to question the man named Forgetting Love. The two sides disagreed and fought. Who knew that the fighting power of the forgotten son was so horrible that he easily killed the original poster. That casual and terrible posture is like a fairy..."

"Fuck the fucking fairy!"

Nie Fengxing cursed and was extremely angry.

He has been living on the street since he was a child, which is almost the same as Ying Yu's fate in the past. However, Nie Tianya found him from the vast sea of people, accepted him as his adopted son, and taught Tianya Tower's unique skills as the leader of the next generation.

Even after so many years of kindness, how can Nie Fengxing forget it and treat it as non-existent?

And now, a carefully told him that the one who once found him from the endless sea of suffering and treated him like a parent-child, died and returned to darkness forever and could no longer wake up.


Nie Fengxing burst into tears, shouted in pain, and his voice was transmitted from afar.

Nie Tianya's death seemed to dig out a piece of meat in his heart, bloody and naked, which made him feel boundless pain and unprecedented pain.

not far away, Shen Xian stood on a mountain, looked at this scene, and was speechless.

Those who can easily kill Nie Tianya shows that they can also easily kill the rest of the holy land strong, which is a great scourge for the whole world.

Shaking his head, Shen Xian no longer thought about those distant things. He walked forward with broken steps and came to Nie Fengxing's body to comfort him.

She can understand this feeling.

When Shen Shumei died, Shen Xian was also in this situation, and his heart was twisted. At that time, it was Nie Fengxing who came to comfort her.

Now, Nie Fengxing seems to have changed her position, and she naturally wants to comfort Nie Fengxing.

Soon, such a thrilling news came out in the world.

Nie Tianya was actually killed by an unknown forgetful man. Of course, the world will never think that the people who should have died are still alive in the world.

At the same time, the underworld made a comeback, and the news of the invasion of the human world spread at a faster speed.

Although Nie Tianya is dead, he has nothing to do with most people. And the underworld has been killed towards the world, which has implicated many people. Anyone should be cautious, lest they die inadvertently.

It didn't take long for many monks who were slightly closer to Voidism sensed the violent fighting atmosphere of Voidism and almost burned people.

It can be imagined that Mingtian has made hands with the people of the Void Religion.

The war lasted for a long time, making people feel thrilling.

A month later, the battle calmed down slightly.

Mingtian is still alive, and Xiao Taixu is naturally still alive. The strength of the two is almost the same. In such a short time, they will not distinguish the winner at all.

So, the underworld began to let the rest of the underworld retreat and let everyone go to the rest of the world to kill, leaving only a small number of people to guard the surroundings.

And Xiao Taixu also let his disciples hide in the depths of the Void religion and prepare to continue the war with the underworld alone.

The fate of the underworld and the Void Religion, and even the fate of the human world, will be seen under the hands of the two. Whoever wins is the winner of the world.

For a while, the wind and clouds converged in the Void Religion, and the eyes of the whole world were looking here, waiting for the answer tremblingly.