Land Fairy Trail

[Chapter 20] Fight in the forest

Rain on the pillow: This book was originally intended to be regarded as a new book, but it was not favored when it was shown to the editor, so I wrote another book, which was also entangled, so I sent it out to see who was interested. But... this book is destined to be an eunuch, don't be too involved...


The sky is as clear as washing, and the mountain scenery is in full bloom under the bright sunshine.

Mountains stand everywhere, steep and steep. Endless trees grew, one by one. With the breeze blowing, the thick branches and leaves trembled slightly, making a sound of waves.

On an inconspicuous tree, as the branches trembled, a young squirrel cleverly climbed out of the branches, with bright big eyes looking around with a trace of vigilance.

Seeing that there was no danger, the little squirrel fell down, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then climbed forward again.


Suddenly, a white figure suddenly passed through the mountains, like a breeze. It had just appeared and disappeared in an instant.

The little squirrel retreated repeatedly and was shocked. Then he looked in the direction of the figure, but only saw the hanging green leaf branches tremble gently, but the figure disappeared.

Not long after leaving Nanyang City, the clouds have been running the wind and moving forward quickly, shuttling through the mountains and forests. The refreshing cool breeze came to my face, and the clothes were hunting and hunting.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and stayed under a tree, with his back against the trunk and staring around.


not far away, a tree somehow shook violently and easily fell down and leaned against another nearby tree.

This is not over yet, and another tree is swaying and falling down, and the branches and leaves rubbing against each other to make a sound. The green leaves wither before they wither, floating on all sides.

"Is there a monster?" Yun thought endlessly, and the Qingfeng dagger was clenched in his hand, and the power in his body flowed quickly.

After nearly ten trees fell, the ground was slightly messy, but suddenly there was no sound. This not only made Yun endless not relax, but also stood still more cautiously.

The sound of birds and insects can no longer be heard around here, as if it has disappeared from the world, which is extremely quiet and strange!

" hiss!" A fishy wind came to my head.

The cloud's endless look changed, and he quickly flashed away, and at the same time, he caught a ferocious monster in the corner of his eyes!

This is a huge python, as thick as a bucket, covered with hard black scales, shining a little cold in the sun. The python raised its fierce triangular head and looked endlessly at the clouds, with a cold light in its eyes. While spitting out the snake letter, it twisted its body and slowly moved.

This is a first-order dark monster black-patterned python, whose body is very large. At this time, it is coiled around the tree where the talent cloud is endless, and the length is completely impossible to see.

The dark-striped python moved its body forward, and every step seemed to be crushing trees. A section of branches broke down with green leaves, and the forest was full of the sound of "clicking".

This is the first time that Yun endlessly faced monsters after leaving Nanyang City. It's also the first time in my life that I plan to fight with monsters!

Once, when he saw the monster, he could only escape, but the past is not the past. He has much stronger power than the past, and he is confident enough to fight against the monster!

" hiss..."

The dark-patterned python spit out the snake letter, and the slow-moving body suddenly changed, like an arrow away from the string, rushing over. It is hard to imagine how such a huge body has such a speed.

On the way, some thorn bushes were directly crushed into pieces by the majestic python body and scattered around.

"What a fast speed, I'm afraid it's not under me. It's worthy of being a monster that is generally stronger than the human race in the same level!"

The endless eyes are very solemn, and the footsteps are light on the ground, temporarily drifting out a certain distance. Then he took out the short bow from the magic hall and put on an arrow and suddenly shot out nine arrows in a row.


All the nine arrows shot on the body of the dark-patterned python, but only showed a white dot on the solid scales, which angered the dark-patterned python, and the speed of rushing forward suddenly accelerated.

With the endless archery ability, thinking that you can't shoot into the eyes of the dark-patterned python, you can only put away the short bow, hold the green dagger again, and think about decisions while retreating.

"Is this a shadow chase?" Yun endless looked at the black light emitted under the belly of the dark-patterned python and recognized that this was a first-order dark magic, which was enough to make the speed of the dark-patterned python increase much faster.

Seeing this, the endless eyes are even sharper.

"Wo!" The dark-patterned python rushed straight up, with a decisive momentum.

The cloud endlessly avoided the side and flashed into the back of a tree. But the dark-patterned python swept in a strong posture, directly breaking the tree, the trunk of the tree, and the wood chips flew in the air.

"Thunder flash!"

Yun End took this opportunity to immediately display the only attack method, holding a green front dagger across the body of the dark-patterned python, and suddenly produced a slender wound, and the smelly black blood flowed out of the wound of the dark-patterned python.

" hiss..."

The dark-striped python shouted in pain, and its huge body rolled in place, flattening a piece of grass, and black blood spilled everywhere.

The power of the second-order weapon has been exerted. If it is a first-order weapon, even nine grades may not have such power. Just like the level of the practitioner, the promotion of the major level of weapons is also a qualitative change.


The dark-patterned python was about to go crazy, and its huge body twisted quickly on the ground, emitting a dark light.

The dark-patterned python aimed at the endless cloud and opened its mouth. A black whirlpool formed in the mouth of the dark-patterned python, instantly turning into a dark bomb flowing with luster and coming quickly.

The endless pupils of the cloud shrank. In this case, he could no longer dodge, so he had to quickly raise his right hand, flash lightning, and hit the dark bomb.

"Bum!" With the muffled sound, the dark bomb burst, and a dark airflow full of corrosiveness swept over the endless arms of the clouds.

After casting dark bullets, the dark-patterned python did not stay at all and continued to rush forward. At the same time, dark bombs spewed out from time to time, and its eyes flashed with madness.

Once prepared, Yun endlessly faced the dark bombs fired one after another, and his figure flickered left and right, dodged in the woody mountains and forests, cleverly avoiding the impact with the help of the complexity of the terrain.

At the same time, he trembled the green front dagger and entered it endlessly, shining a purple light, and took the initiative to attack the dark-patterned python.


Where one person and one beast fight, a tree suffers, and a little thinner will be shaken and broken. The ground was even more devastated, the vegetation was crushed into pieces, and the land seemed to have been turned over.


The clouds kept scratching wounds on the body of the dark-patterned python, and wisps of black blood burst out and flowed all over the earth, making the smell of the dark-patterned python weaker and weaker.

But he was also not feeling well. A dark-patterned python hit him fiercely, which made him spit out a mouthful of blood and his face was a little pale.

It seemed to sense the approach of death, and the dark-patterned python completely became violent.