Land Fairy Trail

[Chapter 75] Mutant Monster

Pillow: This book is called Endless. It was originally intended as a new book, but it was not favored when it was read to the editor, so I wrote another book, which was also entangled, so I sent it out to see who was interested. But... this book is destined to be an eunuch, don't be too involved...


Night fell quietly, but there was a roar of monsters in the forest.

It is completely impossible to be quiet here. The night is more dangerous than the day, and many monsters appear with a bloodthirsty smell.

In the dark, the practitioner's vision is reduced, but this situation will not have much impact on monsters, making the practitioners more dangerous.

"Wo!" Clouds flew through the forest endlessly.

He was wearing a white feather coat, and the wind and thunder wings behind him were fastened there. When he fanned slightly, a slight light appeared, pushing his body to burst forward.

From one tree to another tree, the leaves do not touch the body and look very flexible.

The wind and thunder wings have increased the endless overall speed of the cloud a lot, and it can burst out a force in an instant, which is unexpected and mysterious.


The breeze blew, the treetops trembled, and the clouds fell endlessly on a branch.

Looking up, there is a light around the sad forest from time to time. It was released by monsters or practitioners, and there are a lot of them everywhere.

Monsters will shine when they practice, run and fight. The same is true for practitioners. This situation is very normal here, and they don't have to be afraid that a light source will attract monsters at night.

Cloud endless operation tracking has sensed that they are not far away, and in the rapid movement, they are also fighting with monsters.

He jumped up and stood at the top of the tree. He ran ten miles of Taoism at a distance, but he couldn't see anything clearly.


Suddenly, the cry of a monster appeared above the endless head of the cloud.

When Yun moved his ears endlessly, he could feel a sharp wind. Without looking up, he knew that it was a flying bird monster attacking him.


Under the display of the cicada wing sword, the sword shadows staggered and directly strangled the top of the cloud's endless head.


The monster made the last sad scream, and its wings trembled violently, and pieces of feathers fell like rain, sometimes mixed with trace of blood

The cloud threw endlessly, and the second-order monster fell down directly, cracked a few branches from the branches between the branches, fell to the bottom, and twitched a few times before dying.

Nowadays, second-order monsters are not very challenging for Yun Endless.

There were some other monsters around. After seeing such a scene, even without the complete wisdom of the third-order monsters, they could clearly distinguish whether they were dangerous or not, sobbed and retreated, and turned to a little quieter on all sides.

The cloud suddenly turned his head, but found that within the sensing range of the tracking technique, they had lost their traces.

The final direction is in the west, deeper into the sad forest.

The clouds didn't think much about it. They stepped on the treetops and glided out from the low altitude like a wild goose. The wind and thunder wings behind them flashed with a trace of light and trembled slightly, like a pair of real wings.

In this case, his speed is faster than the third-order wind step. It can be seen that the wind and thunder wings are worthy of the fourth-order and third-level alchemy props.

Gradually, the night passed and the sky began to turn bright.

A touch of fish belly floated in the sky, and the faint brilliance crossed the sky and sprinkled in the mourning forest.

The breeze roars, and the clouds standing at the top of a tree can clearly see the yellow forest rolling like an ocean, and falling leaves flying in mid-air with the cold wind.

In the air, it looks colder and colder.

Yun searched endlessly all night and couldn't feel the traces of the three bloody people. He couldn't help frowning and didn't understand where the three people had gone.

He was not particularly anxious, but he didn't want to think about it without any news, so he continued to go to the depths of the sad forest.

Anyway, as long as you don't enter the interior of the mourning forest, only the periphery should be able to turn around. For this reason, Yun prepared a map as soon as possible, clearly marking the boundary between the outside and the inside.


In a short time, the clouds stopped in one place.

A hundred meters ahead, a large number of trees have collapsed, and only debris is dancing gently.

Among them, there was an open space, and the sand flew away, accompanied by the sad screams of monsters and the roar of battle. Everyone knew what was going on.

Yun endlessly looked at it and found that several monsters were fighting, and now it was the end.


After a while, with the loud noise, a giant wolf was pinched upside down and hit the ground hard with its head, directly making the earth crack and blood splashed out.

This is a third-order monster giant wolf. A head is as strong as steel, and a hundred swords are hard to hurt. The weakness should be in the rest of the body.

However, the giant wolf was directly smashed by another monster, and blood and brain flowed out and died completely.

In addition to this giant wolf, there are several other giant wolves around, all of which are similar ways to die. The gray-brown fur is dyed bright red with a pungent fishy smell.

And the victorious monster stood alone in the blood, suddenly turned his head and looked at the endless position of the clouds, and his eyes shot out a faint and cold light.

The clouds were endlessly and secretly shocked, and doubts came out in his heart.

This monster is not recorded in the Monster Record at all, and he can't recognize it.

I saw that the monster looked like a bear, only one meter long, and its black limbs passed slightly on the ground and stood up suddenly. Obviously, it was very comfortable.

In addition to black, the fur of the monster's body is white, and the two colors are bright with each other. On the whole, it looks like a newborn baby bear, which is naive.

But Yun endlessly won't feel this way. The eyes in the monster's dark circles were like the sunset, which made him involuntarily shrink his eyes, which was quite fstered.

"This monster is obviously practicing light and dark elements, and it seems to be far stronger than the same level!"

Yun endlessly thought and felt a little strange. He was cautious that he was unwilling to take risks and directly opened the jade box in his arms, revealing the breath of Dragon Ball.

All of a sudden, all four fields were silent!

No matter what kind of monster it is, it will almost retreat in horror and avoid it. Far away from the place of Dragon Ball, it doesn't even dare to radiate a trace of breath.

But Yun Endless felt straight into the ice cellar, his whole body was tense, and he secretly held the black cloud spear in his hand.

The black and white bear monster is not affected by the Dragon Ball at all. It is not without the breath of Dragon Ball. It can be clear from its endless and sharper eyes, but it can stand nearby without care.

This monster did not mean to retreat. Instead, it strode forward and directly stepped on the ground, leaving an unstoppable momentum on its body!