Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 04 Nun Assessment

In Guangming City, there is a continuous flow of people. In a location in the north of the city, there is a wide courtyard with many buildings and elegant styles.

Affier came over quickly and was unwilling to run [permeability] all the way, looking at the girls who came and went, hoping to see the girl who only wore one dress, which was enough to feast her eyes.

However, in this early spring season, no matter how few clothes people wear, they will not reach one piece. Maybe there is, but it won't appear in front of Eve so coincidentally. She has seen through other people's clothes and can only see the layers of clothes inside.

And because she stared at a girl for too long, the beautiful girl came over doubtfully and cast her curious eyes, which scared Evell to escape quickly.

When she came to the monastery set up by the Holy See in Guangming City, Eve finally calmed down and walked in politely. In order to be able to have zero-distance contact with the nuns in the Holy See, the moment's seriousness is completely tolerable.

In the monastery, there are several plants and trees swaying in the wind, elegant and refined, making people feel refreshed just by staying in it.

First of all, Eve went to be investigated for her identity. After all, she was not a person who could join the Holy See. However, with the original memory of Eve, Eve can naturally make it clear in the future. As long as the Holy See spend a little time investigating, they can know that she is "clean".

After the identity problem was solved, Eve entered the inner court to prepare for the assessment!

"The strongest force on this continent is the Holy See. The most sacred force is still the Holy See. The greatest force is still the Holy See..." An old Holy See monk, dressed in a magic stick and with a solemn face, stood in front of a building in the inner court and said loudly to a man and a woman in front of him.

Before Eve came, she had thought about the common sense in her memory and understood that after arriving here, it would be assessed by a Holy See monk. As long as she succeeds, she can become a nun of the Holy See, and in the future...

Obviously, a man and a woman standing in front of the old monk participated in the assessment like Eve.

Seeing this, Eve did not stop and quickly stepped forward, standing next to the woman with a calm look, pretending to listen to the excited old monk.

In fact, her eyes glanced at the girl next to her, and [persight] was used naturally. It was really inferior and almost became an instinct.

However, it is obvious that she will be disappointed. The picture she saw is no different from the rest of the girls on the street.

"Okay, let's take the assessment now!" The old monk suddenly changed his tone and said, "If you want to become a Holy See, you must answer ten random questions to enter the Holy See. Only when you answer all the answers correctly shows that you have a bright heart and can carry forward the glory of the Holy See, and you are qualified to join the Holy See.

Hearing this, a man and a woman next to him were a little nervous and full of hope. Eve was suddenly dumbfounded, and then she remembered that she was not clear about the rules and regulations of the Holy See.

Even the original Lover intends to get familiar with it in Guangming City before conducting the assessment.

In the bright city near the Holy See, bad things of death are not allowed. The original Lover can indeed survive by receiving help in the city.

For a moment, Eve only thought of the beautiful nuns in the Holy See, but she forgot the difficulty of the assessment and came straight to participate in the assessment. Obviously, there was no hope of passing.

"No, the place with the most beautiful girls is the Holy See, and the status of the Holy See is very high on the mainland, which can give me a lot of convenience." Eve was secretly anxious, but she couldn't show it on the surface. Like the other two, she accepted the assessment in a regular manner.

"You go first." The old monk pointed to the man and took him to the rear building for a separate assessment.

In a short time, the young man came out dejectedly. Obviously, the assessment failed and another girl went in. As a result, it didn't take long for the girl to come out.

After all, if you want to pass the assessment, you need to answer all ten questions correctly, and one wrong one is a failure. If the previous error is wrong, there is no need to continue the assessment. Of course, the speed is fast.

"It's your turn. Come here." The old monk said to Eve and turned his head into the building.

Aifre was helpless, but she had no choice but to slowly follow up and think about how to pass the assessment. She can't do without the identity of the Holy See, but she can't do without the beautiful girls in the Holy See...

In the building, the decoration is relatively simple, and most of the colors are pure white, symbolizing sacredness and purity...

The old monk sat on a chair with a table in front of him. On the table, there is a stack of paper, with some words recorded on the surface of each paper, and another piece of paper is sandwiched in it, just like an envelope in Eve's previous life.

"The first question, what kind of people does the Holy See need?" The old monk asked loudly, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

Aphrodite blinked her bright and light purple eyes, and suddenly used the skill of [permeability]. She looked directly at the paper in the old monk's hand and looked directly at the text on her eyes, which was the accurate answer.

"Is this all right?" Eve was stunned, but immediately replied, "People with honesty, compassion, heroism, justice, faith, sacrifice, honor and spirit."

"Okay, the second question, what is the impression of the Holy See in your eyes." The old monk rigidly picked up another piece of paper and asked.

Ephne quietly used [permeability], looked directly at the answer and said, "It's sacred and great..."

Subsequently, the third question, the fourth question, and the tenth question were all easily answered by Eve relying on the method of cheating, and passed the assessment without any mistakes.

At the same time, Eve was also shocked by these questions and answers. She asked herself to answer according to the idea of flattery. Even if she did not have the ability to see through, she could answer *

"Good!" The old monk looked at Eve with admiration and said, "Obviously, you are a believer in light and must join the Holy See to show your role. From now on, you are a nun of the Holy See.

Affrey is very happy and proud. As long as you pass the assessment and become a nun of the Holy See, it is easy to contact the rest of the nuns, and good things are not far away.

Moreover, I heard that the monks in the Holy See live together and the nuns also live together. Doesn't that mean that she lives and sleeps with the rest of the nuns? She can't ask for this.

"I will send two young and heroic knights to send you to the Holy See, which is unwilling to be away from here. May the glory of God be with you!" The old monk said like a stick.

But whether Eve is willing or not, she has to say similar words according to the etiquette in her memory, which makes the old monk nod very satisfied.