Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 10 Stealth

But no matter what, the road is always step by step. Eve temporarily suppressed her thoughts and turned to look at the skills in the space-time bracelet and find the skills of the right priest.

After going out of the priest's apprenticeship room, you need to learn a priest's holy skill from the primary school on the spot, but there are not too many procedures. It doesn't seem difficult to deceive others.

"In this way, if an unrecorded priest's holy art is used, traces will be exposed?" Eve muttered softly, "I think about the priest's holy art, ah... Why does it seem to only remember the appearance of light seclusion?"

With a blink of her big eyes, Eve suddenly felt a little at a loss. Before she came in, she didn't know the rules and didn't pay much attention to the priest's sacred arts. It was too late now.

"Can I study now after I go out?" Eve thought for a moment and thought, "Anyway, only I can see the space-time bracelet, and others can't find it. I can completely learn directly from the space-time bracelet after seeing a certain skill, and then use it a little to get the status of a priest's apprentice. At that time, there will be another 500 contribution. Maybe there will be more before, and together we can change that [death pill]..."

After thinking about it, Eve smiled with her white teeth and began to carefully watch the skills in the space-time bracelet. If you want to select the skills that can be regarded as priests first, you can also take it easy when you learn later.

"Okay, it's almost done." A moment later, Eve walked out of the priest's apprenticeship room with a smile.

In the hall of the primary school, a middle-aged man in a black robe still exists. Facing an ancient book, he looked attentively and burst out a few magic words from time to time.

"Oh? Beautiful nun, have you come out successfully? When the black-robed god stick saw Eve, he immediately put down the book and came over.

"Yes, deacon." Eve replied.

"Well, beautiful nun, have you seen the words and symbols on the wall next to you? Choose a sacred art and start practicing. These basic sacred arts should be very easy to learn. I will wait for your answer. May the light be with you.

Facing the words of the black-robed stick, Eve nodded, and her light purple eyes immediately stared at the wall and looked over from the priest's skills.

"Oh... light archery, this seems to have it." Eve thought and looked at the space-time bracelet without leaving a trace.

[Holy Archery (Level 1)]: It is worth 500 contributions, condenses the power of light elements, forms the appearance of arrows, and quickly shoots at the enemy, and the power can penetrate the rock. It can be upgraded at a cost, and the effect can naturally increase greatly!

"No, no, light archery seems to be a light attack, which does not form an arrow. In this way, it may be exposed. It is a threat to my task of picking up beautiful women, and I can't learn it." After reading the introduction of the skill, Eve immediately rejected the skill and continued to read.

However, looking at the remaining skills one by one, Lover suddenly became dumbfounded and felt a little at a loss.

Eve found that the skills in the space-time bracelet are not the same as the priest's holy skills, but there are many similar ones, but they are all defective and easy to be recognized.

What can really be muddle through is actually the light stealth technique, which can be used to fill the stealth in the space-time bracelet.

[Invisible (order)]: 300 contributions, assimilate oneself with the surrounding environment, as if it does not exist, can deceive others' eyes, and has many benefits, such as spying, peeping, and running for life. It can be upgraded at a cost, and the effect can naturally increase greatly!

After thinking about it, she finally decided to learn this skill. After all, except for this skill, all the other skills are in danger of exposing her, and she can't take risks.

"300 points of contribution has flown like this. Learning skills is really lifeless. It will be spent on other places in the future. It's not enough." Eve muttered in her womb and learned [invisibility].

Son of a sudden, Eve felt a warm airflow transmitted from the space-time bracelet, gathered in her petite body, and finally stayed in her mind. She knew that as long as she had an idea, the warm current would instantly cover her whole body, make her invisible and be undetected. It would be a great means to do something like peeping in the future!

"Deacon, I have finished studying." Eve said to the black-robed stick, with a sweet smile on her white and beautiful face, and her heart was proud.

At the sign of the black-robed magic stick, Eve directly performed [invisibility] and disappeared in place, as if it had never appeared.

In fact, there are still differences between [invisibility] and light concealment. That is, [invisibility] will make people directly invisible, while light invisibility will distort the surrounding space first, and a little care can capture the light distortion at the beginning.

Fortunately, the black-robed magic stick did not pay much attention to this situation. After finding that Eve was invisible, he said, "Congratulations, beautiful nun. Under the witness of the light, you have successfully become a glorious priest apprentice. I will issue an apprentice certificate for you."

In the Holy See, there are five major departments, among which the canoned Holy Department manages the promotion of the occupations and positions of the Holy See personnel, and the primary school is the department of the canonized Holy Department, which is fully capable of proving to Eve.

When Eve took the professional certificate magic card handed over by the black robe magic stick with her white hand, she kept paying attention to the time and space bracelet and immediately found an additional message. She was welcomed to get the priest's apprenticeship certificate and gave 500 contributions.

"It's a pity that it's only 700 contributions now." Eve sighed secretly, saying that she couldn't get a certain pill, as if she had a period.

Now that she got the professional certificate, Eve left with the professional certificate magic card. After leaving the primary school, she suddenly found that there was nowhere to put the card in her hand, and there was not even a pocket of the nun's robe on her body, and she had not worn the rest of the clothes.

"Well... Why doesn't this space-time bracelet have the function of space storage?" Eve muttered to the time and space bracelet again with dissatisfaction.

When reading novels in her previous life, Eve was very envious of those so-called [space rings] and other things, which could store a large number of things in small rings.

Unfortunately, although the empty bracelet has many functions at this time, it has no storage function.

Eve looked at the accessories in the space-time bracelet again, only a few glances, and almost scolded.

[Space Ring (order)]: It is worth 6000 contributions, and there is a cubic space inside, with a side length of one meter, which can store anything that is not living things, and can help people hide privacy, such as sexy underwear. It can be upgraded with cost contribution, and the effect can naturally be greatly increased!

[Space belt (order)]: worth 5000 contributions, there is a cubic space inside, with a side length of one meter, which can store anything that is not living things, and can help people hide privacy, such as sexy underwear. It can be upgraded with cost contribution, and the effect can naturally be greatly increased!

Space items, each of which is of high value is scary. The smaller the original, the more expensive it is, just like the [space ring]. But the volume of the body is slightly larger, and it is also quite cheap, such as [space belt].

"The life of cheating father is always full of all kinds of cheating things..." Only then did Eve find out how rare her contribution was.