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Chapter 7 Battle 7

"Look at the water moon, the magic soldiers have begun to attack."

Following the shouting of the meteor, Shuiyue looked at the whole array of magic soldiers, the heads coming like a tide, waved the weapons in their hands, the swords and shadows soared to the sky, and the horse hissed, as if to raze Licheng to the ground!

Cross the river, cross the river, if you are easily crossed by the river by the magic soldiers, what are the dangers in the east of Licheng?

"Mage, raise the weapons in your hands and use powerful long-range spells to defeat the invaders."

Shuiyue has no time to worry about the wizards hidden in the magic soldiers. They have not yet used the five elements array, which is not a threat to Licheng. Instead, these sneaky pawns. Once the wall is entangled by them, it will be a terrible scene of fighting each other.

Without the protection of feather arrows, it is a good time for mages to temporarily emerge. If they miss the action when the magic soldiers cross the river with lax defense, the future counterattack will become extremely difficult.

Hearing the order of Shuiyue, the mages who survived under the rain of arrows on the wall cheered up, especially those who held the [Twilight East Wind] brought by the latter half of the Shuiyue. They were close to the edge of the wall, leaked half of their bodies under the enemy*, and were not afraid to prepare for a long-range magic attack.

"Meteor, you should pay close attention to the wizards in the magic soldiers and kill them as soon as you find them missing!"

Shuiyue also wants to participate in the battle. As a melee warrior, at this moment, he can only stand beside his teammates to protect their safety. Those crossbows shot by the magic soldiers outside Licheng cut through the sky, tear the air, and pass over everyone's heads one by one.

At that end, Shuiyue looked clearly, and the ambush hidden in the bushes had not yet been launched. Is it waiting for an excellent time?

At present, the magic soldiers are just a gimmal attack, which is not really a big move. They wear the black helmet of the demon clan and are like ants in the sun, but they are not ants, and the other side is strong.

Shuiyue seems to have seen the hateful faces under the helmet of the magic soldier. It is said that the demon clan is the ugliest one of the three races. Although Shuiyue has not seen their appearance and can't see them clearly now, Shuiyue can feel that the magic soldier is a terrible species. Their faces are rough, their facial features are twisted, and their bodies are different. Yes, right in front of them The number of the echelon crossing the river is about several hundred. Almost every magic soldier is different in shape. Some are short, some are tall, some are bent down, and some are upright but bent.

In Shuiyue's eyes, even if this is not an army at all, the best thing to call them is the scattered soldiers and warriors. In Shuiyue's heart, he believes that how can such a demon soldier be compared with the warriors of the human race? Although human beings are not as tough as the demons physically, the combat troops also have the same appearance, standing in one place, confused It is a whole, unified clothing, unified weapons, unified battle horn, blowing particularly loudly. At this point, Shuiyue can't find it from the magic soldiers. It seems that they will only move forward aimlessly, step deeply in the river, flood their chests, and slowly float up.

"Shuiyue, the mages are ready."

Sw..., dodging a few crossbows, the meteor smiled at Shuiyue, and then turned his head to the direction of the magic soldier's attack. He pulled out his long sword and took it around him, but the sword was not trembling at all at this moment. Imagine that when the real war had begun, fear had become a warm flame in his heart.

"Okay, I know. Tell all the mages on the wall to wait for my order, casually tell the reserves under the wall to prepare to board the wall."

The mages stopped their movements and stood straight behind the wall, which showed that they had completed the preparation stage of the spell. In the eyes of outsiders, this group of mages seemed to have nothing to do, but in fact, their bodies have undergone subtle changes, especially the weapons in their hands, which were originally colorless [ Twilight East] At the top of the staff, there is a trace of blue floating light. The mages hold high, and the energy of the body really goes to the top of the staff. When the spell is cast, the energy gathered at the top of the staff will be released in an instant, causing dozens of times the energy damage.

"Very good, well done!" Shuiyue nodded with satisfaction. The mage's long-range spell will be the first time that the magic soldier has suffered the counterattack of Licheng, and after a brief downpour, there will be a more cruel battle.

"Release, the enemy has gone to the middle of the river!"


Shuiyue knows the scope of the mage's spell attack. Even if it can hit the enemy array now, the damage range is limited, and the spell will consume considerable energy in the long-range attack. If you put the enemy closer, it can show the mage's excellent damage. If you can't kill the magic soldier with one blow, it is a wave. It took such a good opportunity.

While talking, the first echelon of the magic soldiers had all fallen into the river. Standing on the river bank, the demon commanders waved colorful flags to command the changes of the whole battlefield. The magic soldiers also seemed to be paying attention to the changes in Licheng. They were the first raid troops to reach the periphery of Licheng. This battle was also particularly important, but it has always been Come on, the demons are unfavorable and unstoppable. They have developed the habit of being arrogant and domineering. They have not paid attention to Licheng, which is within reach. The artifact in Licheng has long been attributed to the Buddha, and anything that prevents the demon clan from advancing has turned into dust in a blink of an eye.

The river rippled, washing the river bank, and waves soaked the dry surface. The land had not fought for many years, and the overflowing river water was the result of the magic soldiers going down the river, and it was like blood flowing out of the battle.

The infantry of the demon clan held high spears, and their weapons were about three or four meters long, which were enough to attack a large area around them. For this reason, this row of demon clans were far apart. The purpose of using such weapons was to stab the oncoming Licheng warriors.

To be honest, the sword in the hands of the warriors is less than half of the spears. If they are really pulled to the flat battlefield, the soldiers of Licheng will not be their opponents. Shuiyue knows very well that even if the spears of the demon clan can stab far away, but they can't stab dozens of meters of walls. They are not terrible. They are behind him and them. Rope soldiers, they are good at climbing. Once they are put in, the other party will put the ropes on the wall and easily attack the wall. However, the rope soldiers are not the dominant of the battlefield. There are not many people, and there is only such a small pile among thousands of troops.

In addition to the rope soldiers, the * hands of the demon clan are also a threat. Approaching them is equivalent to increasing their accuracy and lethality.

So, Shuiyue will issue the first battle order in this life.

"Have all the mages seen each other's rope soldiers?"

Such a rhetorical question attracted the attention of the mages. They poked their heads at the magic soldiers and nodded one by one and replied, "See clearly."

Shuiyue smiled slightly, and the giant sword cut into half of the wall beside him. With the flying sand and stones jumping out of the blade, Shuiyue roared, "Kell them!"

The staff raised by the mages suddenly fell, and they chanted profound spells. They saw a whole dark cloud floating in the sky. In an instant, they moved to the top of the head of the demon rope soldiers, hula... The thick clouds were like being torn in half by something, and the ice edges shining with ice crystals fell from the sky and rushed to the head of the magic soldier. Top and fall.

These ice edges are spells attracted by the mages. Their number cannot be considered. The shape is like a knife of white crystals. When the ice tip goes down, when it touches the body of the magic soldier, it is blown up by the way, and countless more powerful freezing points spread to the four sides to hit the enemy's eyes.

Attacked by the hail of the mages, the array of the magic soldiers changed in an instant. All the attacked magic soldiers died tragically between the ice edges. The blood penetrated by the body and the infected ice edges also became red. Slowly red turned into water droplets and all merged into the river.

"What a spectacular hail!" Shuiyue sincerely praised. Looking at the team of the demon clan, it has become chaotic. Those spear soldiers only continued to move forward, but most of the rope soldiers were eliminated by the hail. At this time, they were avoiding the attack of the ice edges. The dark bodies of the magic soldiers floated in the river. Not long after, they saw the two-colored flags of the demon commander on the river bank waved. Fang's whole queue calmed down, and the follow-up troops continued to drive on the bodies in front of them.

"This time, kill the other party's * hand!" Shuiyue ordered the mage who had just stopped singing. He stared at * hands for a long time and found that the armor on these * soldiers did not seem to be as strong as rope soldiers, and he could not withstand a round of hail.

This time, the mages were not using hail and sang in a different period. The blue light emitted from the staff turned red, and Shuiyue stared at the front, as if a fire came out of the ground in an instant.

Yes, it was the red flame. The fireworks rose from the ground, a few meters high, accurately dividing and surrounding the * hands of the demon clan. Only heard the crying outside Licheng. When Shuiyue went to look for the enemy's traces, the shadow of the *hands seemed to disappear out of thin air, as if the fire had just burned them. It became ashes.

"Don't worry, the enemy hasn't retreated yet." The meteor pays attention to the road.

Although almost hundreds of people have been lost, the pace of the demon clan is still firm, but most of the rope soldiers and * hands are less, and the threat to Licheng is not very large. This time it is the turn of the soldiers to play.