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Chapter 29 Encounter

"Isn't it more convenient and safe to bring the bodies instead of burying them on the spot?"

"This is called using the enemy to deceive the enemy. Of course you won't understand. You will understand later!" Xiao Xue smiled slightly and showed two small tiger teeth, which were upturned, and Shuiyue's eyes flashed. For the first time in such a long time, she found that Xiao Xue still had tiger teeth. She was very happy in her heart. Women with tiger teeth were generally so cute.

Is this nonsense at this time? In short, men on the mainland like girls with tiger teeth very much. Their smiles are so soulless!

"Oh." Shuiyue nodded to see how Xiao Xue would take advantage of them.

The team walked for a while, enough to escape from the sight of the demon clan, and then the road became wider and wider. There began to be a fork in the road where the team was going, which was undoubtedly leading everywhere. This is also a relatively dangerous section. With the guidance of the map, Xiao Xue decisively ordered the team to continue to move forward and follow the route of Shuiyue. Wuha will travel a little more on the main road.

For such a thing as a map, Shuiyue can only draw a route on it. For people who can't know the way and walk more, it is naturally difficult to tell where to go on the forest road. Hearing Xiao Xue's route, the whole team has not yet been rested and stepped forward.

Not only did these heavy soldiers walk a little tired, but also Shuiyue sat on the stretcher boredly. Without saying anything, they couldn't stand it physically and mentally. Since leaving the cave of the gods, the team has been marching for several hours, even when the livestock are exhausted and lift their steps again, Everyone's speed has obviously slowed down, hoping to find a place to rest, especially those soldiers carrying weapons, whose waists seem to be crushed.

Xiao Xue also saw the situation of the team and the fatigue hanging on everyone's face, but as a leader, she had to be responsible for everyone's lives.

"You can't rest here yet. There are so many forks, so be careful that it will attract magic soldiers." Xiao Xue said, shook her long hair and walked to the front of the team, but it didn't mean that she was not tired. Shuiyue smiled bitterly and had to tell the team behind to keep up. As long as it is the entrance to the mountain road after a few intersections, where we can make a short stop!" Xiao Xue turned her tone and relaxed. This words undoubtedly gave everyone the hole to quench their thirst, and everyone's footsteps were redrawn into a straight line, hoping to reach the place mentioned by Xiao Xue as soon as possible for a rest.

"What a woman with a way." Shuiyue thought and lay down on the stretcher. The gentle sunshine overflowed her face through the lush branches and leaves. It was so comfortable. In an instant, the fatigue of Shuiyue surged up, so Shuiyue yawned quietly on the crowd, and her body tilted and became confused on the stretcher.

Although he just found the trace of the magic soldier and should cheer up at this moment, Shuiyue has never forgotten that he is a wounded man. Is it time to rest?


I don't know how long it took, the team stopped, and Shuiyue's stretcher was also placed on the ground. At this time, everyone saw Shuiyue sleeping and wanted not to disturb him, but Xiao Xue couldn't help it, because she had to solve Shuiyue's doubts, that is, she wanted to deal with the bodies of these magic soldiers.

"Get up, it's getting dark...!"

When she opened her eyes and saw that the still life was not retreating, Shuiyue thought that the team might have stopped for some reason.

"Are we here?" Shuiyue refers to the rest point mentioned in Xiao Xuekou.

"Not yet. I guess it's not far away, but we have something else to do. Didn't you ask me why I took the body of the magic soldier?"

Shuiyue was stunned and sat up without enough enjoyment. Her face suddenly turned red. Unconsciously, she fell asleep on the road...!

Several soldiers nearby put down the bodies of the magic soldiers and placed them on the road. In different positions, they seemed to restore their first death scene!

"Is this?"

"I'm going to keep them here." Xiao Xue said angrily and closed the feather fan in her hand and pointed to a fork in the road.

Several other soldiers placed their bodies at the fork in the road and shook their blood everywhere. If Shuiyue hadn't known that they were dead, they would have been almost deceived.

The bodies placed like this are no different from the remnants left in the battle. Some bodies are intermittently extended by soldiers to another road at the fork in the road. Is this to create illusion?

Shuiyue seemed to understand what Xiao Xue meant. She brought the enemy's bodies over and rearranged them at this fork in the road, creating the illusion of fighting here. When the enemy's reinforcements arrived, they would immediately think that Shuiyue's troops appeared at this fork in this way. However, it diverted the sight of the magic soldiers, protected the caves of the gods, and confused the pursuit route of the magic soldiers. In this way, Shuiyue's troops won more time. They can not only get a rest time, but also ensure that they will not encounter the magic soldiers again before entering the mountain.

"What a thoughtful idea!" Shuiyue praised.

"Well, do you understand this time? What I said is to use magic soldiers to deceive the magic soldiers!" Xiao Xue was not modest. Her eyes were on the body of the magic soldier again and again. She was relieved until she did not find the flaw again.

It is said that it is not easy to place these dead corpses and create the illusion of battle, especially the blood of the magic soldiers, which has long been solidified and is not enough to bond with the surface, so that people can be distinguished at a glance. In order to achieve the purpose of fake truth, Xiao Xue also sent people to find a few wilds in the nearby woods. Things, and then replace human blood with animal blood.

Seeing that the soldiers had placed their bodies, Xiao Xue clapped her hands and said, "It's not bad, so that we can have a good rest in the next position and eat something by the way. Let's stick to it and move on."

Shuiyue's stretcher was also lifted. Everyone just took a break and walked much faster than before, but the team didn't take a few steps to hear someone shouting in front of them.

"There is someone in front!"

There is no big fuss. Although this section of the road is not a bright road, it is not narrow. It is also common for a few passers-by to pass by here, and Shuiyue did not pay attention to it until another person said, "It seems to be a team of people."

The speaker was Li Cheng's guard. When she heard him say that there was a team of people, Shuiyue was a little worried, and Xiao Xue, a girl, had already run to the front to find out the situation. Before it was clear who the other party was, the team stopped again, and several people carrying stretchers had not yet waited for Shuiyue's instructions. The four people seemed to be tacit and took themselves directly to the front of the team.

Through the faint Lin Guang, Shuiyue saw that a group of people in the distance, about dozens of people, were slowly moving towards their side, and they also seemed to find their team, which was very slow and almost stopped.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know yet. I'll send someone to ask. It shouldn't be from the demon clan, right?" Xiao Xue moved her fingers, and several soldiers nearby came over and said, "Go to the front and ask what they do."

Unfortunately, Shuiyue also found that several people came from the other team, and it seemed that they were also coming to inquire about the situation.

Be careful, the soldiers behind Shuiyue have already come out of their sheath, reflecting the sunshine in the forest. If there are three or five people on the path, it will not be strange for Shuiyue, but there are so many people at once, you really need to be vigilant.