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Chapter 140 The Fifth Brother is here

A few days later, the news from the city owner said that everything was going smoothly, but the process was a little slower. These brothers of the old city asked him to stay a few more days when they saw the city owner. After this delay, the city owner only visited two cities, but everywhere, they handled things well. These two cities , has promised to help Shancheng in the war.

The city owner unintentionally slowed down, and it didn't matter. The news came from the bottom of the mountain that the demon clan drove the army to a town hundreds of miles away from the mountain city, where it stopped, and there was no sign of preparing for the war, and Shuiyue did not urge the city owner's journey!

Besides, the boy Meteor is really not given for nothing. From himself to the essence of the Book of Warriors, it can't be said that he has understood much. It will become much more diligent. It is very methodical to go out early and evening to patrol the streets every day, and every time he goes out, he has unexpected gains, although he can't find the boy in the crowd. However, many scum were removed from the mountain city. Shuiyue ordered these people to be imprisoned in the cells of the mountain city, but there was no punishment. Among these people, not only some people in the mountain city came in the outer city. Before the city owner came back, Shuiyue did not dare to make a decision without authorization.

After the owner left, the mountain city did not usher in other particularly troublesome things. Everyone still came and went very peacefully on the streets of the mountain city, only Shuiyue and others, which made the soldiers pay close attention to the situation of the mountain city and feel exhausted!

You can't relax the release of Xili, but also speculate on the movement of the demon clan. Generally speaking, the demon clan is stagnant and should be waiting for reinforcements. For this reason, Shuiyue sent the detectives in front of her farther away, but the news back said that this is a lonely and deep demon army, with less than 50,000 people every day. They are all recreational in the town, neither disturbing the surrounding cities nor exploring the whereabouts of the artifacts in the past!

When Shuiyue got up this morning, she felt a little tired, so she took an extra rest in Xiao Xue's **. Unexpectedly, she slept for several hours. Maybe it was because she slept late last night. Last night, Shuiyue and Sil and others discussed the problem of the demon clan in Xiao Xue's room until late at night, and finally Shuiyue's eyes Jingzhi fought, so Shuiyue fell asleep happily in Xiao Xue's room, and in the past few days, Shuiyue has been sleeping in her room for fear of disturbing Xiao Xue.

At this time, Shuiyue got up, Xiao Xue was not there, and the camp was particularly quiet. It seemed that it was noon. Shuiyue felt very hot and picked up the water on the table and took a big sip!

Suddenly, he only heard the male duck of the meteor outside the gate shouting and came in, looking very angry.

"Who has provoked you again!" The moon poked its head out.

Seeing Shuiyue, the meteor felt strange and asked, "Why are you still in the camp? Don't you have to patrol the gate today?"

In the past, Shuiyue was like a meteor. As soon as she went out, she didn't come back until the evening. After all, it is a tense period. Shuiyue is rarely idle. When asked by the meteor, Shuiyue was very embarrassed. She leaned against the door and said, "Get up in the morning and slept for a while!"

"I was so angry just now that I met a group of people on the street!" As the epidemic said, his eyes were fierce, as if he came back to move the rescuers. What about the soldiers behind him? Shuiyue didn't see it. I guess the meteor was bullied!

"What's the matter, so angry?"

"You're just right. I'm worried that there's no one to help me deal with them!"

It's really what Shuiyue thought. In a word, did Shuiyue encounter such a thing today and just followed him to have a look.

The two selected several effective soldiers and came to the scene of the incident. Meteor said that when they were on patrol just now, they bumped into a group of people and sneakily pulled the pedestrians on the street to ask this and that. When the meteor stepped up to ask, they fought with a few words, but the other party had a large number of people, that is Meteor summoned everyone on the nearby street and still had a slight advantage in the number of people. Of course, Meteor was angry. They can't fight on the street. What they fight for is the number of people. Well, the meteor returned to the camp to call people!

Shuiyue had to say a few words, "You care about being angry. There are many people on the other side, and you have to call the people who patrol nearby. Isn't it nothing to look for trouble? Then some scum dare to swagger and form a gang to swagger across the market on the street?"

Shuiyue thought, this group of people must have something to do when they come to the mountain city, and they can't help but speed up their pace!

Sure enough, when I came here, I saw that the two sides were facing each other. This was downstairs of a two-story hotel. There were almost 100 people on the street, and there were at least 50 or 60 people on one side. The two sides blocked the street, making this place a barrier that was difficult to pass, surrounded on both sides. There are more pedestrians watching the bustle. This momentum looks like a small-scale battle!

In order not to hurt innocent people, both sides threw their weapons on the ground and confronted with bare hands. Seeing Shuiyue and meteors coming from behind the crowd, the soldiers in the mountain city showed joy.

"What's going on here? Who are you?"

Although Shuiyue does not believe that this group of people have uneasy behavior, this is a mountain city, and they dare to openly make trouble in the mountain city?

"Are you the leader of the mountain city?" The person led by the other party came out of the crowd and pointed to Shuiyue and asked.

Being pointed like this, Shuiyue was extremely uncomfortable. "Please put down your finger. Don't you want it? I'm asking where you came from?"

The aura of Shuiyue shocked everyone. The other party thought for a while, put down his arm and said, "I came to the mountain city to visit the city owner, but your people regarded us as bandits and surrounded us with people. Besides, you want to arrest us all with such people, which is too underestimated our strength. Seeing that you can't defeat, you go back to recruit soldiers. The mountain city is nothing more than that. We are leaving. Please let your people make way!"

Shuiyue looked at the meteor and said to herself, "The other party's words are so sincere that the meteor must have distorted the facts. It's all because she was greedy in the morning, otherwise they would definitely find this group of people at the gate."

"Is the mountain city the place where you can come and leave if you want? If I hadn't seen you sneaking on the street, do you think I would question you?" Meteor looked very angry. He came to the front of the team, imitated this guy, stretched out a hand, pointed to his face and said!

Isn't it what you imagined?

"Don't quarrel. Let's talk slowly. There happens to be a restaurant up there. Let's go up and eat slowly and talk slowly?" Shuiyue is quite heroic.

"Forget it, this restaurant has been chartered by us. If you go up, will you let us pay the bill?"


A cup was thrown down from downstairs and hit the man's head. In an instant, blood flowed down the top of this guy's head!

This scene surprised Shuiyue. The other party said that the restaurant was wrapped by himself, so was he not the leader of this group, but the one who threw down the cup?

"Mad, you can't do this little thing well, and you still play tricks with others. You should fight!"

The speaker jumped from the second floor, fell to the ground silently, and immediately walked to the position side by side with Shuiyue. Their faces were facing different directions!

What a familiar sound and figure! Shuiyue turned her head to look at this person, but the other party said, "Don't be surprised by what happened just now. If I had known you were here, I wouldn't have been so troublesome and caused such a thing!"

Shuiyue saw this person, didn't he see the fifth brother on the broken bridge?

The fifth brother also knows Shuiyue, but he doesn't have much impression of the meteor, which is not surprising. No matter where the Shuiyue goes, it is paid attention to by everyone. The meteor is just a role of green leaves and red flowers!

"I can't imagine that your current strength has reached Shang. It's only two months, and your growth rate is faster than I imagined!" The fifth brother touched Shuiyue's shoulder with his shoulder, and the two could feel that there was no malice to each other at the same time!

"Fifth brother, aren't you breaking the bridge? Why did you come here?"

"Ha ha, the broken bridge is no longer worth staying, and I also want to find a bite of food for my brothers, don't I?" The fifth brother turned his head and said, "I'm sorry, my brother hasn't changed his arrogant temper yet!"

The fifth brother has changed it!

Shuiyue can't feel the domineering and arrogant!

"Meteor, this is the fifth brother. We have seen it on the broken bridge!" Shuiyue introduced.

The so-called no-to-people acquaintance, the meteor immediately became clear, and hurriedly ordered the people around him to send the person who had just been injured to the nearest clinic.

"This is a meteor, and its strength has also increased a lot!"

After saying that, the fifth brother guided Shuiyue and the meteor to the upstairs. As soon as he sat down, the fifth brother asked, "You will come here, and I think you have found an official position here?"

This, Shuiyue didn't want to say this for the time being, and asked, "What about you? How do you say that the broken bridge is worthless?"

"Ha, do you think I'm really a repairman of the broken bridge? I stayed there just for the artifact that fell into the river, but just a few days ago, I don't know why the Protos appeared on the broken bridge and found the artifact in the water. With our strength, we wanted to openly grab it, but there was nothing we could do to lose it in the broken bridge. Our brothers calculated the motivation and wanted to go the right way, so we came to the mountain city!"

Is there really an artifact under the broken bridge? Looking at the fifth brother's expression, it's a little lonely and sad. It must be true, but the fifth brother's group has been staying on the broken bridge for several years. Why did the Protos easily find the artifact?

I heard that the fifth brother came to the mountain city to ask for a bite of food. Shuiyue is now the owner of the mountain city, and the fifth brother's group is not bad. This is recognized by the senior Qingshan, and Shuiyue wants to agree.

At this time, the fifth brother asked Qingshan's whereabouts, "Where's the senior Qingshan? Hasn't he always been with you?"

Senior Qingshan rarely goes out these days, and Shuiyue has no task to give to an old man. It is estimated that at this time, Elder Qingshan is still resting in his room!

"Senior, in my camp!"

"Do you still have camp? So can you let me visit the lord of the city? I hope to settle my brothers down as soon as possible!"

"The owner of the West City has gone out, not in the mountain city!" The meteor replied.

"Oh, can you discuss my matter with the city owner?"

What's wrong with the fifth brother? Why are you in such a hurry? Shuiyue was surprised, but heard the shooting star whisper, "Isn't this the * city owner?"

The fifth brother was stunned and looked at Shuiyue for a long time, "How can you become the owner of this city?"

"Wrong, it's the city owner. When the West City Lord comes back, Shuiyue will be laid off!"

"To tell you the truth, fifth brother, it's not the right time for you to come here. At present, the magic soldiers are about to attack the mountain city. Although I can take you in a large camp, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Ha ha, as long as you are willing to take us in, do you think we will be the kind of people who are afraid of death?" The fifth brother smiled and put his weapon on the table. Shuiyue took a look and did not forget to take a look at the fifth brother's strength.

The fifth brother's strength is also at the same level, and the weapons in his hand are of some grades.

[One night full of Guanshan] Long sword, grade 2, physical attack 2100-2700, additional attributes, one, loyalty, when attacking, 700 anger value is always attached to the weapon, second, epiphany, when the weapon is damaged, it will be automatically repaired!

Poetry cloud:

Ask where the plum blossoms fall,

The wind blew all night over the mountain.