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Chapter 150 spies

Outside the gate of the city lord's mansion, Shuiyue hurriedly came with the girl in her arms and shouted to the meteor, "Go and invite those three doctors!"

Meteor understands that the three doctors have successfully treated the two of them, and their medical skills are superb!

This girl can die, but she can't die at her own hands.

"Lord Shuiyue, what's going on?" Seeing Shuiyue holding a girl in a hurry, a line of blood dripping down the girl and Shuiyue's body. I couldn't tell whether Shuiyue was injured or the girl was injured?

"Syl is in it?" Shuiyue asked.

"Lord Syl has been waiting for you, but now he is a little anxious!"

The water moon was fooled by the demon clan and was an hour late...

"Quickly prepare a room for me. This girl is seriously injured!" Shuiyue said anxiously and strode into the main mansion, with the girl's body fragrance and blood around her!

Syl had been waiting in the hall for a long time. Seeing that Shuiyue finally arrived, he held a woman in his arms. He couldn't help but be puzzled. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, the girl in Shuiyue's arms began to tremble slightly, and a stream of blood flowed from the corners of her mouth again.

Erase the blood stains from the corners of the girl's mouth, and Shuiyue opened her mouth and said, "I just met someone from the demon clan and accidentally injured her in the chaos!"

Everyone stood up. Although they had something to ask, it was important to save people.

Xiao Xue was also here. She came to check the girl's injury, and the expression on her face was ugly. "This girl is very dangerous now. Put her in ** quickly!"

Some men such as Shuiyue were rejected by Xiao Xue. She and several maids of the city lord's mansion treated the girl's wounds. Of course, she had to take off her clothes.

So Shuiyue waited at the door of the room, slowly atone for his sins and prayed. He did everything he could do, and he also did what he couldn't do. Although he had killed people and drank blood, this girl was innocent. She had never killed anyone by mistake. I hope this girl would not open the precedent!

The girl's intermittent moaning came from the room, and Xiao Xue was also in a hurry. Before long, Xiao Xue told the girl's injury, and Shuiyue couldn't help but feel cold.

If the knife you threw is a little further to the left, it will piercing your heart!

At this time, Syl came in with the doctor, and the whole city owner's house was shrouded with a breath of death!

Shuiyue's shoulder was patted by Syl. He said, "Don't worry. The doctor is here. The girl should be fine. You just said that you met the magic soldier. What's the matter?"

Xiao Xue also came out of the room, and her hands were stained with the girl's blood. I don't know how much blood this girl can shed!

The three returned to the room. The meteor came from the gate of the city owner's mansion. Seeing Shuiyue, he sighed, "What is this? If I had known, I should have locked this girl in the hotel!"

The legs grew on the girl's body, and no one expected anything. The so-called robbery, this is the girl's robbery and the robbery of the moon!

Shuiyue sat down and talked to everyone while worrying about the girl. After saying that, he couldn't help asking Syl, "What on earth did you call us to come late at night?"

Waiting, isn't it too urgent to see what happened to Risil?

After hearing this, Syl frowned and said, "I didn't expect the demon clan to be so bold. How did they know I was looking for you?"

Shuiyue didn't expect that the magic soldier had been waiting for Shuiyue to dress up as a soldier in the city owner's mansion. It can be seen that the other party had already known that Syl had something to do!

In the confusion of several people, is the other party's soul platform still there?

"Several adults, we caught a masterpiece of a demon clan in the city lord's mansion!"


Several soldiers escorted a man into the hall!

All the problems were solved. It turned out that someone from the demon clan had already mixed into the city lord's mansion!

"They are so bold!" Syl got up from his chair angrily and went to the door and ordered the soldiers outside, "Call everyone in the house here. If the one dares not to obey the order, he will be executed directly!"

Once the spy is found, it should be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise the city lord's mansion still has secrets to speak?

"So what should I do with this person?" Meteor walked to the spy, raised his chin and asked, "How many people have you arranged here?"

The other party put on an attitude of fearlessness, raised the corners of his mouth, and was full of contempt for everyone. "Let me ask you, the deaf are still dumb!" The meteor was so angry that he slapped the spy's head!


A mouthful of blood splashed on the ground, and the spy's body tilted and fell down.

"Dead?" The meteor tried to breathe.

"Why did you beat him to death?" Syl complained, went up and checked to make sure that the spy had committed suicide, not been killed by a meteor.

"The spy drank poison himself, and the corners of his mouth have turned black!" Syl explained.

"I thought I killed it!" The meteor is full of breath!

Once this spy dies, things will be difficult to do in the future. Outside the hall, people in the city master's mansion are gathering, and good news comes from the room.

"Big adults, the patient is fine, but she has to sleep all night before she can wake up tomorrow!" The doctor shouted.

The boulder in Shuiyue's heart finally landed, which can be said to be a bang.

"It's okay!" Shuiyue said to herself.

"What's wrong with this girl?" Xiao Xue asked.

"It's just a suitor of Shuiyue, and he is always thinking about touching Shuiyue's buttocks!" Although it is true, the meteors are unobstructed!

"Touch your ass?" Xiao Xue doubted and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

Shuiyue was very embarrassed. When she came to the door of the girl's room, the doctor also came out and said, "This girl is really blessed. After she shed so much blood, she can still maintain it, but now she is fine. As long as she takes care of it later, she should recover soon!"

said thank you. The three doctors left with a sense of achievement. Shuiyue stepped in and saw the girl sleeping **, pale, without a trace of blood, messy hair, but a different kind of **!

"Hey, what else are you looking at? Tell me honestly, why are you hanging out with this girl!"

"I didn't hang out with her?"

"No, didn't the meteor say she wanted to touch your ass?"

When it comes to this matter, Shuiyue is like eating Huanglian. Who knows what's in this girl's mind? It feels very special!

"Are you jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. I just want to, when did you hug me like this?"

"Isn't she injured, and I accidentally injured her. Can't drag her back?"

"How dare you be so inhumane?"

Shuiyue knew that Xiao Xue was blaming herself for not hugging her like this. It was not easy to do. There was no one else in this room except the girl lying **. Shuiyue walked to Xiao Xue's side and suddenly held Xiao Xue in her arms!


Xiao Xue was frightened, but her arms were hooked around Shuiyue's neck, looking very happy. Maybe this is also an accident?

Looking at Xiao Xue's eyes, the flexible and flashing love, Shuiyue smiled badly and said, "How do you feel?"

"Very good!"

"Hey, what happened inside? The people of the city lord's mansion have gathered. You two come out quickly!" The voice of the broken gong of the meteor can be heard everywhere.

"Let's get down, we're going to do business!" Shuiyue greedily kissed Xiao Xue's little face, just like kissing a red apple!

"Ouch!" Xiao Xue jumped down and her chest heaved.

"What the hell are you two doing? Don't you need to find a spy?" The meteor came to the room and collided with Shuiyue.

"What's the noise? The patients inside need to rest!" Shuiyue complained.

There are more than 100 people in the city master's mansion, all in the courtyard outside the hall, divided into three columns by soldiers, men and women are in chaos!

Syle has already walked back and forth in the crowd. Generally, in this case, the spies would run the carriage in his heart. Sure enough, Sil found that several servants standing behind the crowd looked wrong. Others looked very natural, but their faces were covered with a layer of fog, accompanied by Sil approaching, several The human body also trembled uncomportantly!