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Chapter 159 Ghost Spear of the Nine Demon Clan

Ghost spear?

What the hell?

Is there such a thing in the world? Hidden, ghost, is the other party's spear very hidden?

The warriors on both sides pulled away the offensive state, but Shuiyue knew that the warriors on her side would not be the opponents of the demon clan. Their levels were above the wooden level, and among their own warriors, the highest level was not wood. After a cursory inspection, there were only two people with wooden levels, and the rest were at this level! If you continue to fight like this, there is no doubt that it will be a waste of time. Therefore, Shuiyue said to several soldiers who showed their long swords, "You should retreat first. You are not the opponents of the demon clan!"

The twilight nodded, and the sword had already been lit up. It was a good time to attack. As soon as the water moon had warned the soldiers, she saw that the twilight had rushed over with the sword.


Shuiyue also rushed up after a meal.

In the case of not knowing the strength of the enemy, the blind impact will only suffer losses, which has been suffered by the previous two months.

Twilight attack, the technique is skillful, the long sword shines with a sparkling cold light, drawing curves, and the target chosen is the nine people of the demon clan, the guy with spears!

Is Shuiyue just a supporting role?

There's nothing we can do about this. Shuiyue is once again surrounded by shrimp and crabs.

After the later exertion, a sudden attack rushed to the ghost spear, and the blade scratched the torso of the spear and walked up to the enemy's hand.

After searching for a week, the ghost spear returned to the enemy's hand. It can also be said that the spear has always been in the hands of the enemy!

The dusk was empty, but the enemy launched a counterattack.

The man moved forward a few steps, exposed a large part of the back of the ghost spear, and swept away the twilight behind him.

Shuiyue was shocked. Judging from the position at dusk, he had just rushed over and his body had not changed. How could he find the enemy's attack? The moon was about to exhale, but I saw the twilight sword stretching back.


resisting the attack of the other party, the twilight took a few steps back, stopped, and turned around. The sword hooked in the air like a ribbon. Only then did Shuiyue find that the sword used in the twilight was cast with soft materials.

This kind of sword, commonly known as a soft sword, has a soft body and can be greatly bent. When launching an attack, the kendo flashes and is extremely threatening. It can attack the enemy from multiple angles. Of course, this is not the attack mode of Tiannv Sanhua. It needs the control of the holder. There is only one damage point, but it is with the fifth brother. The attack is a little similar, but the fifth brother uses the body and wrist, and the soft sword uses purely the flexibility of the sword body!

But this soft sword also has fatal shortcomings. First, it is difficult for the holder to control the soft sword. If it is not used well, it is likely to scratch itself. After all, this sword is uncertain, but it can be seen that Twilight is very proficient in controlling the soft sword. Just now, the soft sword was held in the twilight hand, just like a hard sword. The sharp sword! Second, the soft sword is not tough enough to carry out a fierce collision. Once the impact on the soft sword exceeds the holder's control of the toughness of the soft sword, the soft sword will be deformed and fail to achieve the purpose of protecting the holder!

The soft sword can be described as a snake. At the seven inches of the snake, the soft sword is also the seven inches of the sword body that is most likely to be damaged, that is, the place where the hilt is slightly higher. Here, because it is close to the arm held, the holder uses the blind spot!

Like a ribbon, a long sword stabs away, causing visual confusion to the enemy.

When the enemy saw this, the ghost spear was raised, and the red tip stood upright, instead of hanging down or flying!

The red tares on the opponent's weapons must be made of special materials. How can I feel that they are different from the red tares on other spears? Just as Shuiyue was surprised, the short knives of the demon warriors around him are like a group of noisy mosquitoes, everywhere, disturbing themselves to continue to watch!

"Look for death!" Shuiyue was angry, and the little leopard-like character was finally awakened and kicked over a demon warrior who rushed up.

The knife flew back, and the soldier also flew out and hit his companions.


Shuiyue's eyes are estimated to be congested and rushed over, but his arm was not a meteor's unicorn arm. How dare he touch the knife, so the little leopard turned into an old cat again.

Winning with wisdom is the most labor-saving, cats know.

Twilight also knows this. The enemy's red scar is attached to the spear blade in the air, but it grows a lot of spear blades and goes straight to the twilight throat.


Twilight held the sword, grasped the hilt in the right hand, pinched the tip of the sword with two fingers in the left hand, bent the soft sword into a large arc, and bounced off the piercing of the ghost spear.

At the moment when the ghost spear rose, Shuiyue finally saw the strength of the ghost spear. The red tares on its head was the key. Although the spear body was bounced away, the red tares separated from the original spear blade and stabbed into the twilight shoulder.

"Be careful in the twilight!" In a hurry, Shuiyue was inadtentional and slipped. Now it was a good show. The demon warrior seized the opportunity and cut a few short knives on Shuiyue like cutting vegetables!


Shuiyue can only use the power of the place to use her back as a foot and try to slide back, so as to avoid being cut into several pieces!

The back hurts so much!

Is the soft sword the nemesis of the ghost spear?

Twilight played with the long sword and really wanted to play with this dancing ribbon. The red ribbon came, and the twilight only shook its wrist. Half of the soft sword, that is, defended its shoulders. While resisting the red silk, the soft sword bounced back in the direction stretched out by the red satin.

The sword is not long enough, otherwise this blow will be unpreventable! The enemy also forced to take a step back and fell not far from the moon.


The ghost spear stabbed itself!

To find herself in such a gap, Shuiyue really admires the enemy's courage, which is not wrong. She is the enemy's target. This ghost spear is obviously much smarter than the first two nine people. In the gap of attack, she can also help her soldiers.


The water moon swirled and jumped up, and the ghost spear stabbed the sky.

At this time, I heard the sound of a meteor coming from the gate of the camp, "Nine demons, your meteor grandfather is here!"

Listen, a burning sword appeared in the distance at night, a red pillar!

Of course, not only the meteor, but also Xiao Xue followed, as well as many soldiers. The mages who were used as treasures in the camp also launched spells for the first time since they entered and left the mountain city. After chanting a spell, in an instant, a flame wall was raised around each enemy and firmly controlled them inside!


The nine ghost spears did not seem to be afraid of the mage's spells. The spears were brought over the red tames above the flame, and the flames actually disappeared?

Shuiyue is right. The originally burning flame seems to have been extinguished by a burst of rain!

"You look too low on me!" The ghost spear said to himself to the twilight, but he wanted to escape under his feet!

But he couldn't run away. Soldiers from the mountain city appeared on both sections of the road. The meteors came from the direction of the camp, and Syl surrounded them from behind with people.

The nine demons have to explain one today!