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Chapter 165 A Yong VS Yin and Yang 1

Who said that the patrols in the mountain city were all attracted to the north city?

Who is this person?

A Yong happened to pass by here with several dead men. When he saw the situation of Shuiyue, he naturally walked over and looked at it.

"Who are you two?" A Yong came over and asked, and the four dead men behind him were surrounded and detoured to both sides of the enemy!

Oh my-

The enemy turned around and shocked A Yong, "How many people are you?"

Man: "Why did another one come out?"

Woman: "Is there something wrong with the flying blade?"

Man: "No way, the strength of the flying blade is not inferior to me!"

Woman: "You said it wrong again. It's us!"


"Who are Shuiyue?" A Yong bypassed the enemy and came to check. Shuiyue is not too embarrassed, is it?

"Nine demons, but it seems that the two of them are more powerful!" Shuiyue wiped the corners of her mouth and slowly realized what the woman had just said.

Is it possible that two people need to complete this body action together? Just when Shuiyue fell into thinking, the enemy had seen through the situation and turned around to fight with the four dead men, but the dead man was the opponent of the master. In less than two rounds, a dead man's blood splashed on the spot. The black and white wind wheel crossed the dead man's throat. In an instant, there was only one of the four dead men left.

Man: "No, no, such a thing is not enough to bring me up!"

Woman: "This looks good. Shall we get rid of this annoying thing and kill that boy first?"

What the woman refers to is A Yong. When the enemy wants to launch an attack on the last dead man, A Yong rushed over and became a remnant in Shuiyue's eyes, blocking the white dagger and saving the dead man, but things are far from as simple as A Yong imagined. Shuiyue can see clearly outside the battle, just in A Yong The moment the sword blocked the white dagger, the black dagger ran to the chest of the dead man, and the connection between the two was seamless.

The last dead man fell, and A Yong pulled out, but it was too late. The white dagger took a week in the air and stabbed A Yong's right shoulder. The black dagger followed him, and the chaotic color slowly dispersed!


A Yong hummed in his mouth, and there was a golden light on his body!

The attacks of the two daggers were all hit. Shuiyue closed her eyes and said to herself, "It's over. A Yong is dead. How can I explain to the owner of the West City?"

At this time, he heard the man say, "No hit?"

Woman: "Hit, but our attack has no effect on him!"

Shuiyue opened her eyes, and A Yong's body shot bursts of golden halo. Did the black and white dagger pierce his shoulders?


A Yong shouted loudly, and the golden light on his body was even more, forcing the enemy to retreat a few steps!

Man: "What's going on?"

Woman: "His body is invulnerable!"

"Ha ha, you have a little insight. The strongest defense of this kind of warrior is unbreakable!"

Man: "I haven't heard of it!"

Woman: "Short knowledge!"

Man: "Then what do you say?"

Woman: "I don't know!"

Hearing the conversation between the two people, Shuiyue was upset. Why is he a warrior, but he hasn't heard of the warrior's vein and the strongest defense? What is King Kong's unbreakable tactics?

"I don't even know that King Kong is not broken!" The golden light on A Yong's body dissipated and returned to normal. "King Kong's unbreakable is a defensive power transformed by using the combat power in the body. The higher the attack power in the body, the longer it will last!" A Yong doesn't have it.

The so-called mission attack or defense have shortcomings. I'm afraid that this unbreakable flaw is even more terrible, so A Yong can't say it!

No one is stupid, how can there be no reason to tell the enemy the shortcomings of their tactics!

After understanding the unbreakable principle of King Kong, the two heads on the enemy's body laughed.

Man: "This King Kong has some shortcomings. Let me try it!"

Woman: "You said it wrong again. It's us!"

The black and white dagger turned into a wind wheel in both hands. The two drove their bodies to fly, but A Yong did not move!

"A Yong, what are you doing? Is the enemy's attack coming?" In a hurry, Shuiyue called out [Ruan Xuan] and took it in her hand and shot it quickly!

On the arrow path of the black wind wheel shifting the feather arrow, the attack of the feather arrow was actually resolved, and the wind wheel turned into a white dagger was blown to A Yong's throat!

A Yong recovered, and the long sword blocked him. He only heard a fierce impact sound of two weapons, as if a long string of firecrackers were released.


However, the white wind wheel looked more fierce. The sword in A Yong's hand was gradually defeated, and his wrist trembled fiercely!

Seeing this, Shuiyue released another arrow, and the black wind wheel resisted Shuiyue's attack again. The woman seemed to know her attack route!

After three minutes, Shuiyue also shot dozens of arrows, but they were eaten by the black wind wheel. According to common sense, the attack power of the feather arrows shot by Shuiyue should be kept above the lower limit of [Yuan Xuan] attack power, and it is impossible to be eaten so easily!

It is likely to be a weapon in the opponent's hand, with special attributes to offset the attack power of the feather arrow, so Shuiyue unfolds its spiritual eyes to check the attributes of the black and white sword!

White Sword:

[Three-foot sky] dagger, grade 1, physical attack power 2500-3000, additional attributes, one, masculine, always add 2 times the attack power to the attack.

Poetry cloud:

Three-foot wood peel broken literature and science,

Baishiqiang's car is on the river.

The frost flowers and plants are as big as money,

Wave the knife and don't go into the sky.

Note, this weapon is divided into yin and yang, [three feet of sky] is yang, [three feet of sky] is yin, combination of yin and yang, additional attributes, storm, this attribute can increase the attack power of each weapon by 30%.

Black Sword:

[Three Feet] dagger, grade 1, physical attack power 2500-3000, one of the additional attributes, feminine, this attribute is used with the storm, reducing 70% of all damage to yourself.

Poetry cloud:

Three-foot wood peel broken literature and science,

Baishiqiang's car is on the river.

The frost flowers and plants are as big as money,

Wave the knife and don't go into the sky.

Note, this weapon is divided into yin and yang, [three feet of sky] is yang, [three feet of sky] is yin, combination of yang, additional attributes, storm, this attribute can say that the attack power of each weapon is increased by 30%.

After checking the attributes of the two daggers, Shuiyue also understands why these two weapons should become the wind wheel to launch an attack. This attack is the highest attack power combined with the two, and the feminine attribute of the black sword has reduced damage under the effect of the wind wheel. That's a 70% reduction, [ objective] but 90%!

If you want to seriously injure the enemy, you can only stop their storm attributes, that is to say, these two cannot appear at the same time!

Is it easy to kill them?

A Yong has done his best to hold on for so long!


A Yong finally broke out, and there was a yellow light outside his body, and King Kong appeared again!