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Chapter 172 Making Misunderstanding

Everyone returned to the city master's mansion!

The meteor sat down to treat the wound, and the others gathered together to talk about things. Unconsciously, this day is over again, and tomorrow is the day of the Holy Yuan Festival!

"Five brother, how is the situation at the venue?" Shuiyue calmed down with faint uneasiness. Although the nine demons had been eliminated, Hua Shao mentioned a person in her mouth, which seemed to be very powerful and had to let Shuiyue arrange tomorrow's Holy Yuan Festival.

"The safety has been confirmed in the venue. Tomorrow I will arrange two groups of people, a total of 50 people to patrol the venue. At that time, I will also lead the rest of the people to penetrate the crowd. There should be no problem!"

According to this arrangement, there is indeed no problem. Shuiyue nodded, "Relationally, everyone has worked hard. After the Holy Yuan Festival, we will welcome the war of the demon clan. Tell the brothers that I will buy you a drink before going to battle!"

"Why are you so polite?" The fifth brother was ashamed and sat in the chair and said nothing.

"Twilight!" Shuiyue shouted and told him to do something else. Anyway, no one can run away today!

"Do you want to arrange me there?" Twilight is very smart.

"At the gate!"

"Why do you have to go to the gate? Tomorrow is the Holy Yuan Festival. I don't think there will be any chaos at the gate. It's better to take the twilight to the outside of the venue!" Meteor objected, "I think if the magic soldiers want to do it, they will definitely choose inside or outside the venue!"

The words of meteor are a little too unfounded. Shuiyue has never said that the demon clan will make trouble, because the demon clan's energy is not on the Holy Yuan Festival, but on the artifact. Shuiyue is just worried that it will have an impact on the Holy Yuan Festival because of this!

All the magic soldiers who have been eliminated recently sneaked in from the gate. The work there has been perfect enough, but it still let the demon clan take advantage of the loopholes. In this battle, one side eliminated almost all the remnants who sneaked into the demon clan. The other party will definitely not give up. Shuiyue has not forgotten that the Holy Yuan Festival will be held continuously. Four days!

"I think it's right to go to the gate at dusk. Shuiyue doesn't think that the magic soldiers want to disturb the Holy Yuan Festival. It's a grand festival. If the magic soldiers also dare to make trouble, they won't be afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. According to me, the goal of the magic soldiers is the artifacts of Shuiyue and Shuiyue. Tomorrow, Shuiyue can swagger on the street. In this way, the nose of the magic soldier will naturally be pulled out of the Holy Yuan Festival. At that time, we will arrange many masters around Shuiyue, which can keep the water and Yueyue comprehensive, and can also be held smoothly!" Syl muttered his thoughts, which also included tomorrow's arrangements. Through Syl's words, Shuiyue continued to order.

"There are still more than 300 people on the other side of Ayong. I'm going to arrange these 300 people to the outer floor of the venue, and outside the city also needs a person familiar with the terrain to guard it!"

"Outside the city, I can go!" Hua Shao stood up and said, "Although I don't know the situation outside the mountain city, there is only one way up the mountain. At that time, I will take hundreds of people and set up a sentry card along the road, and I will definitely protect the mountain road without worry!"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, Huacheng!"

This time, Huacheng has dispatched a huge team of more than 4,000 people. Next, we should also talk about their camp. Shuiyue plans to arrange these 4,000 people in the West City!

"Hua Shao, I have arranged your camp. What do you think of Xicheng?"

"As long as you live underground in a mountain city, it doesn't matter, hahaha!" Hua Shao's smile reminds Shuiyue of one thing.

"Nine people of the demon clan, what is the strength of that Wuwang?"

"It is said that he is the most powerful guy among the nine demons. His spells are not light or dark, but half bright and half dark. I just heard!"

"This man sounds awesome. There must be someone to keep an eye on him tomorrow!"

But who will be sent?

Syle will go to the venue tomorrow to preside over the overall situation, and he has undoubtedly been rejected. He is like a broom star. Wherever he goes, the demons will chase him. Although these battles are not only himself who eliminate the enemy, they are all related to him!

"Why don't I go?" The meteor tried to ask!

Shuiyue shook her head. The meteor is sometimes very calm, sometimes impatient and a little unstable. Besides, if she swaggers the market on the street tomorrow, she will also bring someone to help. In case the venue is okay and the four demon clan come out, won't they become lonely?

"You are going to act with me tomorrow!"

"Action with you?"

Shuiyue has made a color. It seems that it is rare for me to be free tomorrow. It's better to accept this silently and happily!

Meteor smiled and said, "So you want me to spend the holidays with you!"

It can't be said that Shuiyue is not like going to participate in the quadrennial Holy Yuan Festival. There are also times when it is not comfortable to go to the street and bask in the sun alone!


The sound of pushing the door came, and everyone was quiet. Looking at the room on the side of the hall, it was Xin'er!

Seeing everyone looking at him, and there were more strange faces, Xin'er did not dare to indulge too much. She slowly walked to Shuiyue and smiled, "Tomorrow, can you give me this task?"

was overheard by her again. Shuiyue almost forgot to read it. Xin'er still relied on the city owner's mansion and dared to regard this place as a public consumption place!

It was really self-recommended. Shuiyue shook her head and said, "No, you'd better go back to the hotel. If you want to go to the venue to join in the fun, it's not impossible!"

"Fiancé, don't look down on people so much!"

Is there? Shuiyue never feels that she looks down on others, "It's just that this task is too dangerous for you girls!"

So Shuiyue didn't expect Xiao Xue, didn't she?

"Don't worry about this. As long as you agree, I will go back to the hotel. My men have better noses than dogs, and they want to find the person you want to find, that is, a day or two!"

"No!" Shuiyue still shook her head. This is not a joke. How can she casually tell someone to do such a big thing, and she is still a woman.

If you want to give Xiner a seductive task, Shuiyue can still agree, but during the war, there is no such obscene task!

"Fiancé, they just want to help you share the burden!" With that, Xin'er's messy ability came out again!

"Who is this woman?" Hua Shao asked.

"Didn't you hear that it's called Shuiyue's fiance?" The meteor covered a broken mouth!

"Oh, so that's it. Our * city owner's wife is still very cheerful!"

This so-called cheerful... is a little too much, "Hua Shao, shut up too!"

"Shuiyue, in my opinion, Xin'er's idea is good!" Syl came over and bent down and said, "You don't want to think who Xin'er is. She is the princess of the Protoss. His father is the leader of the Protoss. This time, she dares to come to the mountain city. She must have brought a lot of capable people. We can still take advantage of it!"

"Isn't that good?" Shuiyue's mouth crooked and said to himself, "When did Syl become such a grassy egg that he actually wrote articles on women!"

"Of course it's good. If I can do what I can for my husband, I'm willing to do anything!" Unfortunately, this was actually heard by Xin'er!

"Would you like anything?"

"Yes!" Xin'er is waiting to accept his own arrangement.

"Then don't call me fiance. It can't become a reality at all!"

"......, do you agree?"

"Let me think about it again!"

There is a shortage of people, which is a headache. I guess Caesar will relieve a lot if he can come. Sil is right. Even if he doesn't take advantage of Xin'er, his men are quite strong, and it's okay to take advantage of it!

Xin'er can be said to be an affectionate, eventful and wonderful girl!

"That's it. I want to tell you in detail!"

"Then come to my room!"

Xin'er turned around and went back to the room!

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and finish the arrangement. Hua Shao hasn't eaten yet!" The meteor urged.

Do you dare to drink again? Shuiyue chased after her, but the door of the room was not closed. Shuiyue was afraid of misunderstanding.

"Please sit down!"

"No more, let me tell you, there is a strong wizard among the nine demons, and the task given to you is...!"

"Well..., what is it, um...!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm just looking at you with affection. I haven't seen you for a day!"

"You don't have to be so close, do you?"

The more he said, the closer Xin'er got, and her lips swallowed a gentle breath. "I'll explain this to my men tomorrow!"

Outside the door---

"Meteor, water and moon, are you all fine?" Listening to the sound, it is Xiao Xue's magnetic sound.

"Oh, it's okay. He's in Xin'er's room!" The words meteor seem to have a very evil smell!

Seeing Xin'er's terrible and indulgent movements, Shuiyue had a bad premonition. She turned around and walked out of the door, but bumped into Xiao Xue, who was oncoming!

"You...!" Xiao Xue's eyes are red!

Shuiyue didn't do anything. She wanted to grab Xiao Xue's hand intimately. She must have come in such a hurry to worry about herself!

"Ren go!" Xiao Xue broke free!

"...!" Shuiyue was slapped inexplicably!

Xiao Xue turned around and ran out of the hall. Shuiyue followed a few steps and didn't follow. She stopped in place and looked at Xiao Xue's back, who disappeared in the city lord's mansion. She only heard Syl say, "Don't chase it quickly. This must be jealous!"

This must also be a misunderstanding!