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Chapter 186 Peace Town

I was in the car for two days and two nights. Except for the need to go to the toilet and get out of the car, four people have been in the car. This is all in a hurry. Shuiyue hopes to arrive at the destination as soon as possible.

On the morning of the third day, everyone's face was oily. Shuiyue hated this feeling, but when she saw the letter, her face was not oily at all!

"Oh, let's find a place to bask in the sun. I can't stand it anymore!" Meteor's complaint is what other people think.

"How do you feel?" Shuiyue asked about the twilight!

"Meteor is right. It's uncomfortable to mix up and down after staying in the car for a long time, and we should also get out of the car for activities!"

"Fiancé, I'll listen to you!"

Xiner, this girl has been sleeping in the car. When she wakes up, she gets up to flirt with herself. In addition to these two things, she is much lower-key!

Lifting the curtain, Shuiyue looked out. At this moment, the motorcade seemed to have entered a small town. Shuiyue asked the driver who was taking a nap, "Where have we been?"

These drivers are also accessible, which was specially arranged by Syl. Each car has two drivers. They have been working in shifts for so long. Horses are the most tiring. Of course, these horses are good horses in mountain cities. It is said that their endurance is comparable to camels. After drinking enough water in the desert, the camels walk For half a month, the horse can't do it, nothing more than blowing.

"We have arrived at Heping Town, and a few hundred miles further is the border of the human race!" The driver yawned and said, as if he were tired. Everyone was tired these days, and it was like fighting for 300 rounds!

"Okay, let's find a place to stop and let the horses rest!"

Back in the carriage, the three people had begun to tidy up their clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say you want to have a rest?" The meteor's face has the most oil, and it looks like it can scrape out a few liters. It's disgusting, so Shuiyue dares not look in the mirror!

Dignity and demeanor have long been farted in the carriage!

"I said let the horse rest, you one by one...!" Shuiyue shook her head.

"Cut, if you are willing to hurry, you can just take the 20 dead men on your way. The three of us have to get out of the car to wash and bask in the sun!" As the meteor said, the three figures were ventilated in a nostril!

Shuiyue is not joking. At this moment, she is focusing on calculating the itinerary. In the past two days, the team has been moving very fast. Unexpectedly, there are still hundreds of miles to reach the border. This is all because the motorcade is galloping on the mainland. Today, we will take a short break here and probably need to go down. It takes a day and a night to reach the border smoothly.


The carriage stopped and only heard the driver say, "Lord Shuiyue, we have found a hotel!"

"Don't call me Lord Shuiyue!"

Shuiyue is negligent at this point. If you go further down, you will meet more people from the demon clan, and I'm afraid you have been named in the demon clan. This sound of Shuiyue is long and you are short. This is to bury yourself!


"Carman, my fiance won't let you call him an adult. Just call him prince, and I'm your prince's wife!"

"Yes, if anyone asks, just say we are in business!" The meteor said without permission.

"What kind of business do you do?" Shuiyue said, "In the eyes of outsiders, what kind of business can we do?"

Everyone thought about it, indeed, Shuiyue's team configuration is really not like doing business. Twenty dead men, full of blood, plus a woman, gorgeous and enchanting, and a broken arm disability. This combination... Shuiyue thought for a moment and said, "We are like juggling!"

"What do you say? I'm going down!" The meteor raised his buttocks and walked to the front of the car!

The morning sun poured people into his arms. When he got out of the car, Shuiyue saw the style of this town. The smoke curled and the clouds fell!

"What a quiet and peaceful early morning town!"

"Don't sigh. These heavenly cars are eating steamed bread, which makes me have a toothache. I'm going to eat some flavor here!" The meteor raised his feet and walked into the hotel.

Shuiyue looked outside a few more times. At this time, the people in the small town just got up, and there were not many people on the street, and they walked as if they were rushing to somewhere!

There is a little strangeness in Ning He!

"What are these people going to do?"

No wonder the twilight will ask this. These passers-by passed in front of the car without raising their heads. No one paid attention to the town and greeted a group of distinguished guests in the early morning!

"I guess you are rushing home to cook?" Xin'er combed her long hair. Like Xiao Xue, her long hair was originally hanging on her shoulders, but when she was in the car, she coiled her head like a chicken crown, which turned into a wisp of spring-like flow. Between the scattered hair, Xin'er suddenly turned into another look. For these beautiful women For people, as long as they dress up a little, their charm will be doubled!

Xin'er's cold joke was not funny. She looked at her clothes again and felt that there was no problem. She twisted her buttocks and followed her into the hotel!

"Shall we go in too?" Twilight has no hand, it's not without a foot, and there is no obstacle to action.

Shuiyue ordered the carriage to enter the backyard of the hotel, and also warned these people that if anyone asked, they would say that they were the juggling team of the tour!

The hotel is not big, not as big as the smallest hotel in the mountain city, but this is just a small town. At this time, the group came over with high spirit. It seems that they slept well last night?

"Six guests, why are you so early? Did you come to participate in the arms auction?"

"Weapon Auction?" Meteor asked, "What is it?"

"Oh, it turns out that you guys didn't come to participate in the weapons auction. I can't tell you this!" The man's volume became lower and whispered, "This weapon auction is a tradition in Heping Town. Some ownerless weapons gather here every year for auction. Many of them are of the best, and I don't know where these people got them from, so if you are not here to participate in this, I can't tell them. You guys!"

Shuiyue smiled and said, "These weapons are all black goods, so you still tell us that they are taboo?"

"Ha ha!" The clerk laughed and said, "I think several of them are also rich, so I guessed randomly. It's my fault. I don't know how many people want to eat?"

"What delicious food do you have here, such as the characteristics of this town?" The meteor asked.

"I'm afraid there is no such thing. In our peaceful town, only wine is famous. I don't know how many of you want some?"

Wine? Everyone came to eat. After a rest, they have to continue to hurry. You can't drink wine!

"If you want, just come up!"

"Meteor, are you greedy?" Shuiyue scolded.

Meteor smiled and asked, "I don't know if your hotel has a room ready to wash. Several of us have been on our way for many days and are very tired. We want to clean it!"

The clerk looked at several people and finally fell on Xiner. He said enthusiastically, "The shop has all kinds of facilities. Why don't you take advantage of the time to wash the dishes!"

Shuiyue nodded, "You guys go first. I'll stay here!"


The three people ran faster than the rabbit. Shuiyue was helpless and turned to the clerk and asked, "When will the weapons auction be held there?"

"Just 10 a.m. today, I don't know if you have seen the pedestrians on the street. They have begun to pour in there. The auction venue is set in the forest outside the town!"

"Oh, go down. Don't worry about the dishes. It's not too late to wait for everyone to come. Pour me a pot of tea first!"

Shuiyue stretched out her hand and turned out the teacup on the table. This kind of blue and white porcelain looks magnificent. Unexpectedly, the taste of this hotel is not bad!

"Okay, come right away!" The guy turned around and shouted at the back hall!

In the whole hotel, there is such a guest as Shuiyue, and Shuiyue is absent-minded. He thinks that this weapon auction is a little interesting. The mainland is known as the world with weapons. I don't know if there are few decent black goods here, but it has aroused the interest of Shuiyue. Since Shuiyue has an artifact, he feels so much about all weapons. Interest!

"After dinner, I have to rest here for a while. It's better to go to the auction to feast my eyes!" Shuiyue said to herself, not knowing that the man had brought the tea!

"Guest, the tea you want!"

"Oh, thank you!" The water and moon smelled its nose, and a fragrance came to my face. In this morning, it was particularly elegant and quiet!