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Chapter 225 Avalanche

It turns out that there are other creatures in the iceberg. Fox is one of them, and there are not only foxes, but also other animals here. The water and moon are moving forward, the snow is getting deeper and deeper, and another kind of footprint is also found!

The wide soles of feet, engraved on the snow, did not sink, and the traces were obvious. Shuiyue leaned over to check, and it was expected to be a big guy!

"Wenwen, what you said is not accurate. It's so obvious that there are other creatures!" The meteor followed, and after a lesson, he no longer dared to move forward boldly!

Because the water moon was almost buried in the snow several times!

"This is just the edge of the iceberg. It is common to have some ordinary snow mountain animals. When we go further, we will not encounter them, and our cotton-padded clothes can't protect ourselves well against the cold!"

"Come and see, there is another footprint here!" After Shuiyue found it, she immediately shouted to the crowd. The footprints are crooked straight up, leaving two lines. As long as you look along the footprints, you may find this big guy!

"Oh, I guessed it. There are still many animals on the snowy mountain. In my opinion, this footprint seems to have been left by animals such as bears!"

Bears, and their strong animals, people step on this snow and sink straight down, not to mention bears?

"I don't think so!" Xiao Tian's opinion, "I think this seems to be an animal like a leopard. The snow surface is so soft that only light animals can leave such shallow footprints!"

If it is a leopard, it should be a big-footed leopard!

Shuiyue shook her head. Obviously, no one here can specifically judge what animal left the two lines of footprints, but when these two lines of footprints are found, Shuiyue and others have a way forward, and there is no need to take risks with a deep and shallow foot.

"Where the animals have walked, it will be very safe. If we follow these two lines of footprints, we can not only find this guy, but also have a good journey!" The meteor's pig brain was finally enlightened.

Wenwen smiled, wrapped the scarf around her neck around her mouth and nose, and made a slight sound from the inside, "Let's follow these two lines of footprints as a reference and continue to move forward!"

The air is very cold. At this moment, everyone's skin outside has only eyes, and a layer of white frost is generated on the eyelids. This is formed by the hot air exhaled from the human body when it meets the cold air of the snowy mountains. Shuiyue treated the white frost on the eyes and stopped walking to the peak.

The cotton coat on the body is getting thinner and thinner, and the piercing cold wind is permeable. Shuiyue gradually feels difficult to breathe, and the two lines of footprints also rise faintly with the wind and snow. At this speed, when Shuiyue and others can't find a new way, they will lose the direction of these two lines of footprints.

Through the wind and snow, Shuiyue lowered her head to observe the trend of these two lines of footprints. They went straight up to the peak, and the peaks were looming in the heavy snow!

"Go quickly, the footprints will be covered by the wind and snow in a while!" Shuiyue shouted to the back, but half of the shouting was blown away by the cold wind, and the energy that could be transmitted to the back was very small.


The sound of wind, whirlwind!

Close to the middle part of the two small snow mountains, this is a valley. A large amount of snow has accumulated on the slope between the two mountains. Wenwen took a few steps and walked to Shuiyue. Common sense said, "We have entered the col now. We can't talk loudly here. It's easy to cause an avalanche!"

In the arms of nature, either obey or taste the evil results. The power of human beings is insignificant. When the water and moon stop and everyone approaches and gather together, they repeat Wenwen's words, especially Xiao Tian and Meteor.

"You two can hear clearly. The snow on your head is likely to cause an avalanche. Try not to talk or make big movements in the col!

"I know, it's really talkous!" The meteor looked up at the two mountains. This valley is very deep. If there is an avalanche, everyone will be buried under tens of tons of snow in an instant. No one can run away. It is really dangerous here.

"Water Moon is not telling you, don't talk!" Xiao Tian said playfully and said, "I have seen this thing. The scene of the avalanche is extremely shocking. The snow that fell off is like an army, indestructible, burying everything underneath!" To put it bluntly, everyone looked up in horror.

"It's good to know, but you don't have to be nervous. Avalanches are not so easy to happen, as long as we are careful!" Wenwen seems to be studying geography!

Entering the pass, the wind was a little less, but the snow was still snowing, and the two lines of footprints finally disappeared here. Was it buried by the snow, or did you find a guy to arrive at the destination?

"The footprints are missing. Let's look for them!" Shuiyue looked up and looked around. The snowy mountains seemed to be asleep and saw any shadow at all.

"What are you looking for? We can't always rely on this to move forward. Let me go ahead and explore the way forward. The valley is too dangerous. We should get out of here as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of the beast!" As the meteor said, he took a few difficult steps up, inattentionally, and fell into the shape of a dog eating shit!

"Mad, why did this happen when it came my turn?"

What tripped over?

The meteor was next to Shuiyue. Shuiyue stretched out her hand and pulled him up. She smiled and pay attention to the foot of the meteor. This is a stone!

"How can there be stones here?" The meteor dug out a corner of the stone with his bare hands.

However, this stone is very large, the meteor has not been dug a few times, and the area of this small angle has not increased!

Wenwen's face became very heavy, "There was an avalanche here, and this stone was buried underneath!"

That is to say, this col turned out to be deeper. The snow surface that everyone walked was left after the avalanche. After the erosion of the severe cold, it has become strong and looks like a normal snow surface!

"Well, it has been an outbreak for a while, and the snow surface has condensed for people to walk. Don't be too nervous!" Shuiyue said calmly.

And the meteor is still in front of the stone hair.

"Get up, aren't you going to go to the front to open up a new road? Why did you stray and become a bastard?"

"What nonsense, young master, I haven't seen any big storms, and I'm afraid I'll die here?" The meteor retorted and got up and continued to walk forward, but in the wind, the breath was a little wrong, and everyone could hear it.

The water moon stopped and looked obliquely at the two hillsides of the pass. I only heard a trace of shock in the air, and the learning on the hillside seemed to move again, falling layer by layer!

"Something is wrong!" Meteor Road.

"No, the snowy mountains seem to collapse!" Shuiyue felt it, and then her eyes fell on the stone just now and took out the rope from her body!


The hillside exploded, like thousands of horses galloping. In an instant, the water and the moon saw that the whole hillside was trembling, and the upper area of snow was like a cold current.

Oh my-----

The meteor was so scared that he wanted to find a place to hide, but how could he hide? Shuiyue grabbed the meteor's arm, wrapped the rope around his arm for a week, and then made a circle at one end, put it on the stone, and threw it to others at the other end.

"Everyone hold on to the rope and get down!" Shuiyue's cry was covered with rumbling snow, and Shuiyue's body was suddenly involved in the snow. The powerful impact was about to tear Shuiyue's body to pieces. Shuiyue held her breath and twisted one hand on the rope for a week, and the other hand struggled in the snow.

The avalanche, even if it is not crushed to death, will also suffocate. The water moon should shake off the snow on its body as soon as possible, so as to have hope and emerge as soon as possible after the avalanche.

In the avalanche, Shuiyue can't feel the movement of others at all, but as long as they hold the rope firmly and fix the rope on the stone, they can already find it.

The avalanche did not exist for a long time. In less than a minute, it flowed to a lower place of the col, and the water moon could not feel the flow of snow at this time. The accumulated snow on the body was very heavy. It took a lot of effort to struggle out of the snow!

Back on the snow, half of her body was still stuck in the snow. Shuiyue wanted to pull the rope, but she didn't use any strength, so she had to clean up the snow along the rope little by little!

"Damn it, I was almost buried by an avalanche!" The second meteor climbed out of the snow and was also involved in the rescue!

In a few seconds, everyone came out of the snow and looked at each other, and everyone laughed together.

If you can survive the avalanche, thanks to Shuiyue's rope and reaction speed, if Shuiyue did not quickly assign the rope to others at that time, the consequences would be unknown!


Another small area of snow fell, and everyone was shocked!

Originally, if you don't speak loudly or don't do anything, you will come. There is too much snow on the hillside that you can't bear, and you will naturally form an avalanche. It can only be blamed that these people's luck is too low!