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Chapter 228 Maternal Love

The white bear chased him. When he approached the white fox group immediately, suddenly, on the white bear's way forward, the snow surface suddenly rose high. The white bear's center of gravity was unstable and fell on the snow. See you again. After the snow, the wind and snow blew up and almost buried the white bear below, and after the snow, a fox appeared in front of the white bear!

It's always been a big fox!

After listening to the meteor, they dare not go any further. It is the first time that such a big fox has met. It is undoubtedly an enlarged version of the white fox, and it has been enlarged many times, more than twice the size of the white bear. These little foxes who fled for their lives hide behind the big fox. It can be seen that this big fox is the leader of this group, right?

Shuiyue saw such a big fox for the first time and ordered the meteor to return.

The appearance of the white fox, the target was only the white bear on the ground, which ignored the meteor. After the white bear fell down, he immediately stood up from the snow and faced the big fox without any fear!

Fox made Shuiyue a little worried, but the white bear didn't care. In the face of an opponent who was obviously stronger than himself, what else did the white bear fight?

"This guy is a mutant, isn't he? Why is he so big?" The meteor returned and muttered.

"It may be a mutant!" Xiao Tian said, "If it hadn't been for the mutation, how could there be such a big fox on the mainland?"

Wenwen came forward and stopped talking, looking at the big fox's movements.

The little ones were bullied. Of course, the big man had to come out. The moment the big fox appeared, he opened his mouth. Some fierce beasts had the momentum and had not launched an attack in the face of the white bear!

"Some have seen it!" The meteor shrugged.

The white bear began to turn around the fox. At this time, the little foxes behind the big fox placed the cubs in a safe place and rushed back to help the boss. For the old submission, people could be seen at a glance. These little foxes walked and dared not look up at its majesty.

Strict hierarchical restrictions are a law for survival in the animal kingdom!

The white bear felt that the situation was not good. He stopped, stood on his back feet, supported his body, stretched out his front paws, and played with the big fox.

This is the habit of animals. When facing an unknown enemy, show off their power to see if the other party can be scared away.

Obviously, the big fox doesn't eat this. It can maneuver from the snow. It has been waiting for a long time. Where will it be scared by the howling of the white bear?

Are people bold?

The fox's tail was swept away, and a trace was left on the nearby snow surface. The little fox slowly surrounded it. The white bear had no chance of winning. Shuiyue saw it. If it had been this white bear, it would have already escaped by analyzing the situation. The animal world is not the human world. If you can't beat it, you should escape. No one will make fun of it!

However, the white bear did not run, stood stiltly and had a strong aura. It took the lead in launching an attack, and the target was the little foxes!

The big fox calmly did not move, waiting for the white bear to attack him, and the little foxes seemed to be under the command of the boss. They jumped up a few meters and rushed up. Several were blown away by the white bear, and several fell around the white bear and immediately launched an attack!

For a moment, the white bear stood on its legs and was bitten by the little foxes, and there was a slight blood flow. After humming a few times, the white bear shook his body and flew up with the little fox's body, but they bit the white bear's mane and did not let go. The white bear's shaking made his wound more painful, and his palms moved down, small Now the foxes are worried!

The bear's attack is the most powerful than the forelimb and big mouth. If you avoid these two points, it will be easy to fight. The fox is such a smart animal. The white bear wastes his physical strength and is played with.


The white bear roared in place.

The big fox looked at the white bear's movements, moved under his feet, launched a charging posture, and quickly hit the white bear's stomach!

"Oh, my God, is it a fox or a bear?" The meteor surprised the fox's attack method, impact, isn't it the cow's attack method?

What is the fox's attack method?

The fox's canine teeth are very small, and it can deal with warm-blooded animals smaller than itself. Even if the fox is relatively large, it is still a fox and can't be changed!

The white bear couldn't avoid it, but it didn't wait for the collision. It deliberately protected its stomach, lay down and bumped into the fox head-on.

If the tonnage is said, the fox is relatively heavy, but the white bear is equal to a circle. It lies down and is very resistant, while the fox is large, but its body is relatively thin. In this collision, the white bear did not retreat, but the fox took a few steps back and shook its head a few times to wake himself up.

Next, the little foxes did not give the white bear a chance to breathe, and launched attacks in all directions of the white bear one by one!

The meteor scolded: "What a sinister animal, even if it is a wheel battle, the white bear can't stand it!"

When the white bear becomes weak, is Shuiyue's heart struggling again?

For the former, he rescued the little foxes, and the latter went and the white bear was trapped. Looking at the performance of his battle, the foxes came prepared and attacked fiercely, ready to kill the white bear.

"Shuiyue, this is a good thing you have done. Nature's affairs should be left to nature and cannot be involved by human beings. In this way, what should we do? I don't think the white bear will last long!" Wenwen stressed.

Its limbs have been taken down by a few pieces of meat by the foxes. The strong skin and flesh can't resist the other party's turn. Even the iron pestle can be ground into embroidery needles. Under the guidance of the boss, the foxes attacked continuously. The white bear was obviously defeated, and the big fox did not move again after the impact!

Do you care or ignore it?

Wrong, at the beginning, can Shuiyue make mistakes again and again?

"Ha ha, he doesn't say anything. Why don't he repent? Let me handle it, so that the two sides can reconcile?"

"They have killed red eyes and reconciled. Do you think they are human?" Xiao Tian said to the meteor unconvincedly!

"What should we do? Or we can disperse them one by one, otherwise the white bear will not stand it!" The meteor can't wait to go to the battlefield. The unicorn arm reveals that this thing is also part of the beast!

On the battlefield, a large area of snow was red, all of which flowed out of the white bear. I don't know how much blood he could still leave. The wound didn't matter. The little foxes grabbed the defect of the white bear's mobility inconvenience, and attacked more like a fish in water. The bear's back and face were scratched.

Just as the meteor passed by, Shuiyue saw that the white bear's eyes were also attacked by the fox.

The white bear was in pain, his legs and feet were unstable, and he almost fell down. When he stood up, his eyes were bleeding. He did not admit defeat, because the opponent's attack continued.

The evil made by Shuiyue, Shuiyue feels guilty!

"Did I make a mistake?" Shuiyue asked Wenwen.

"Maybe, I don't know what else you plan to do. Do you leave them alone and see the white bear besieged to death by the fox with your own eyes, or to separate them like a meteor?"

"Separate!" Shuiyue didn't want to be an indirect murderer!

"Damn it, this white bear is crazy!" The meteor shouted.

Looking at it again, there is no good place on the white bear's body, and the blood is frozen, and it bursts out of the last power in the body!

Knowing that he is not an opponent, he has to fight with his life. What gives the white bear such fearless courage?

After the outbreak of the white bear, the little fox was not its opponent and was defeated one after another, leaving several bodies. Seeing this, the big fox could no longer pretend to be calm.

It walked slowly a few steps forward and raised its front paws. What a sharp knife-like claw, like a dagger, growing on the soles of its feet!

The white bear opened his mouth and stood up again, ready to attack the big fox. However, the big fox's claws scratched in front of the bear's belly, and the water moon did not catch it. The blood flowed out of the white bear's skin and converged into a first-class. After the white bear hummed, his belly was on the top, slowly cracked, and the internal organs flowed out!

"It's disgusting!" Meteor visit.

"It's finally over!" No matter what the result was, Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and her eyes flashed. In the internal organs of the white bear, a fetal coat appeared, which was also wrapped in a fluffy bear!

It is a mother!

"Shuiyue, you are really guilty!" The meteor said bluntly to the flowing bear.

When Shuiyue saw the bear on the ground, his brain roared, as if he had been struck by lightning. He suddenly understood why the white bear insisted on his food.

If a mother wants to think about her child, will she let go of food? And this outbreak is nothing more than my mother's dying struggle!

Shuiyue's consciousness is a little late, and the action of the meteor is also late. If they can separate them earlier, Shuiyue's guilt will not be so strong.

Motherhood, supreme.

Love makes a mother strong!