Artifact vertical and horizontal

Chapter 233 2

These statues are carved vividly and vividly. The poisonous beast is right. If these statues are not artificially carved, how can they shape themselves?

"Look, there are still all kinds of tools here!"

In the corner under the underground palace, there are some ice tables, ice chairs and so on, which are the tools mentioned by Xiao Tian!

"Is there anyone down here?" The meteor touched the statue and asked. At this moment, the statue he touched in his hand looked like a human warrior, holding a sword in his hand, kneeling on one leg, and looking ahead as if he were observing something. At Shuiyue, the figure that seriously appeared in the sculpture was himself!

There should be a lot of space in the underground palace. This is just one of the smaller parts. After the eyes of the water moon and the statue are staggered, go to the group of the statues and observe others. It is found that these statues are the products of ice, and they are shaped into warriors one by one. There are not only warriors, but also a small number of mages. They are mixed in the team of soldiers and associate the whole sculpture, which will resonate with people!

"These soldiers seem to be fighting?" Xiao Tianmeller said.

That's it!

Wenwen originally did not agree with Shuiyue to continue to move forward, but everyone couldn't stop walking, so she had to follow behind. Such a place like an ice world paradise is incredible. Who built the underground ice palace here and shaped so many statues?

"Good things, good things, I didn't expect that I had lived in the land of icebergs for so long that I couldn't find such a place. This is the best place for my children to live!"

"If this place is regarded as a fox's nest, won't it be blasphemous?" Shuiyue replied.

"What you said also makes sense, and children may not be used to living!" At this moment, the poisonous beast is not angry at all, as if he had never fought with Shuiyue just now!

The reason is that the charm of the Ice Palace is too great. Entering here, the enmity in Shuiyue's heart has also been resolved a lot. The whole person calmed down, and he can only think of the broken arm of the twilight. If it weren't for the arm of the non-red beast, Shuiyue would have planned to deal with this enemy!

The ice palace, the ceiling, is a layer of strong ice. Looking up, you can see the bottom of the snow, and the floor is also a layer of ice. Looking down, you can't find any trace of snow. Below is a layer of black, and the water and moon are like walking on an overhead black hole.

"It's a little strange, wait!" Wenwen said later that maybe others didn't find this problem, but Wenwen found it.

"In this ice palace under the snow, the sun is blocked by snow. There are no lighting tools in the ice palace. Shouldn't it be dark inside? How can our vision become so clear?"

Shuiyue looked back and took a look at the entrance where she jumped down. It was really like this. There was no light of the sun at the entrance, indicating that the ice palace was very bright. Looking around, including the walls, there was no lighting!

"How could this happen?" Shuiyue touched the wall of the ice palace!

"Yes, why is this an underground palace with the same light as outside!"

"A group of ignorant kids don't even know this?" The poisonous beast said, "What you see is the light of the sun. The ice here is very pure. As long as there is light that can come in, the ice can reflect, which is the same as mirrors. Many mirrors reflect sunlight from different angles in different directions to fill a black hole, and in the process of reflection, the ice The surface is very flat and bright, and the energy consumed by reflecting light is negligible, so it will become as bright as outside!"

"Oh, that's it!" Meteor understood and couldn't help but learn more!

"When you enter the iceberg, don't you find that the light here is brighter than the outside world? That's why the snow can also reflect sunlight!" The poisonous beast has lived in the land of icebergs for many years and has a thorough understanding of this knowledge.

"If you say so, is there a place in this underground palace that can receive a large area of sunlight?" Shuiyue looked at the farthest front, but I didn't find this hole!

"Do you all understand now?" The poisonous beast asked.

"I still don't understand. Maybe I can find the entrance to send light to prove it!" Shuiyue deliberately said so. In fact, she had already acquiesced in this answer in her heart. Looking for the entrance of light was nothing more than looking for a channel to leave here.

The ice palace is very warm, much higher than the temperature above. The water and moon feel that the cotton coat is a little superfluous. The temperature of the ice palace can just maintain the original appearance of these ice sculptures, not higher than 0 degrees, and people themselves are warm-blooded animals, which can continuously generate strength through their own activities. At this time, everyone feels Some heat, the meteor was the first to take off his coat and hang it on the spear of an ice-carved warrior closest to him.

"It's a little hot. It's embarrassing. Let's take a break first!" The meteor sat down lazily.

"Hey, when is it? Are you still in the mood to sit here!" Xiao Tian came to take the meteor's arm.

"Just sit down for a while. You don't know, I dug a three-meter-deep snow pit just now to save you!"


"It's true. I can see that the meteor is worried about your safety!" Shuiyue added, "When you go back, you have to repay him well!"

"Bad boy, I don't feel tired. How can you let it go now? Get up quickly, or I'll eat you!" The poisonous beast is full of curiosity about the ice palace and can't wait to walk the whole ice palace quickly!

"Oc's it, you have to give some face to the old man!" If the water moon does not open its mouth, the meteor will not move. The water moon of the meteor is the clearest!

If you don't lead him, go backwards, and give him some color, he will be like a wood. If the color is given, the whole wood will be very angry again.

"Ha ha, yes, this is not the time to rest. As soon as I meet such a underground palace, my fingers are itchy!"

"You still want to steal the tomb. There is nothing to take here. There are only a few broken ice sculptures and broken tables and chairs. Even if you take them back, you can't get out of the iceberg and melt!" The meteor stood up and touched his buttocks. "By the way, it's a little cold here. Where should we go!"

Unconsciously, I was about to walk out of the ice sculpture area. There was a road back and forth. Shuiyue never thought about this problem, but she came to seek a vicious arm, not to explore the land of icebergs, and could not waste time relying on her own interests.

"I have a solution!" Xiao Tian said, take out the torch in the bag!

"If our tomb robbers enter a large tomb, just like here, if they can't find an exit, they will often light a torch, so that it can guide us to a place that is beneficial to us!"

In the siege, the most favorable reverse, of course, is the exit!

"But it's useless to rely on fire here!" The meteor said.

Xiao Tian lit the torch, and the flame beat. It tilted back. It really didn't feel how big a turnaround there was in the line of sight. It was already very bright here. "Can you have some common sense? Don't just stare at the light of the torch. If you see the direction of the flame, there is a flow of air in the underground palace, there must be air holes. The opposite direction of Miao's crooked direction is the direction of the stomata, which is also the place we want to go!"

"Is there such a way?" The meteor suddenly realized, and felt for himself that the flame in Xiao Tian's hand was tilted backwards, "So the exit is in front?"

You don't have to go later. What Shuiyue is looking for is the exit. You can't walk through the whole underground palace.

"Please, I'm an incompetual under the underground palace for a long time. I believe I won't be wrong!" Xiao Tian will destroy it and move forward.

"Hey, who saw my clothes?" Suddenly, the meteor was surprised.

"Aren't you just hanging on the statue?" Shuiyue could see clearly at that time.

"Oh, I forgot!" The meteor found the cotton-padded coat on the statue on the left and said, "Let's go!"

"What kind of memory do you have!" Xiao Tian laughed.

Shuiyue looked at the same. The appearance of the two statues is almost the same, but the weapons in his hand are different. One holds a spear, the other holds a dagger, and the two weapons are erected.

"Shuiyue, what are you looking at? Let's go!" The meteor said.

Behind the team, there was only one Shuiyue left. At that time, he clearly saw the meteor hanging his clothes on the spear. How could he appear from the dagger on his left?