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Chapter 239 Breaking His Arm

The poisonous beast had not calmed down from the battle just now. At this time, she thought, but her heartbreaking memories and all kinds of wounds, but listening to Wenwen said that she had given up coveting the ice, her face was full of relief.

The poisonous beast joked, "Woman, you really don't want the ice in my body. As far as I know, this is the only cold thing on the mainland!"

Wenwen shook her head, "Otherwise, I think you have been in the iceberg land for a long time, and you know very little about the outside world. In fact, there is another cold ice body in the Castle of Death!"

Shire Castle, Shuiyue seems to have heard of it somewhere, but he can't remember it for a moment. His mind is full of poisonous arms of poisonous beasts, and his heart is struggling hard. If he doesn't take out a tough attitude, won't it be bad?

The meteor suddenly said, "Isn't Death Castle the location of Xili's subordinates?"

"Yes, but there is nothing in the Castle of Death. Only this ice body has not been found. It seems that I have to go to the Castle of Death!" Wenwen was lost.

The poisonous beast came to Shuiyue with a deep smile on his mouth, "Kid, what about you? Do you still want my arm? I can see that you are doing a ideological struggle. If so, I am also satisfied. Please follow me first!"

The poisonous beast took everyone out of the mountain and walked to an open snow. After leaving the mountain pass, snowflakes fluttered in the sky. The water and moon did not know what the poisonous beast was going to do. Why did it only say ordinary words and why did everyone bring it here?

The land of icebergs, the desolate land, the frost and snow, and the roaring wind, this is about to be close to the hinterland of the iceberg land, but the air is no different from just now.

The poisonous beast finally said, "I, I have only done two wrong things in my life, that is, I fell in love with a woman and let her die because of it. If time can be reversed, I would rather be the one who died, or we didn't fall in love!"

Wenwen listened carefully, and it can be seen that she has a deep admiration for the poisonous beast. Her lover, both men and women, are infinitely shining. "What about the second mistake?"

"I brought you here. Do you know what I think of you?"

The heart is hidden in the stomach. Shuiyue is not good at reading the heart. All she knows is that the poisonous beast is not malicious now!

There is another pass in front of us. There is little snow here, and there is little snow on the ground, and it melts when it falls to the ground, just like the temperature here is very high.

Shuiyue asked later, "I don't know, what do you think of us? Tell me?"

"Hahaha, you are a boy who can be entrusted, just like me at the beginning!" The poisonous beast pointed to Shuiyue and said!

So, isn't it bad when the poisonous beast is this age?

The meteor asked, "What's going on here? Why is it frozen for thousands of miles outside, but weakly feel the warm current here!"

Shuiyue took off her gloves and felt it in the air. It's really warm here!

"Why did you bring us here?"

The poisonous beast fox opened its mouth: "This is what the heart demon said. The place where I was trapped at the beginning has our best memories, so I make this place full of love. It is warm because of love, and the ice and snow are invulnerable. It is dry and warm all year round!"

The poisonous beast stopped, rotated under his feet, and turned into a human figure. He was a handsome young man, exactly the same as the image Shuiyue saw on the wall of the ice palace.

In full bloom, the flowers will wither in the most brilliant season and return to the brilliant land. But at this moment, the poisonous beast is old. It was not early in the past. Where can I find the lost beauty?

Wenwen was surprised, "Oh, the poisonous beast, you are very handsome!"

"I said that when I was young, I was like this boy, girl, I can see that you like him very much, but you are worried. Believe me, if you want to love someone, just love boldly. Everyone is not a stone. When the tide of love is turbulent, you inadvertently touch the dusty heartstring, the original That's why I fell in love with this woman, but I didn't know how to love and didn't take good care of her!"

The poisonous beast, Wenwen blushed bluntly, and Shuiyue was also embarrassed.

"What are you talking about? Let's not talk about this. What do you want to bring us here?" Wenwen covers her face and escapes!

The poisonous beast said to a stone beside him, "This is the place where I buried her. In the past, I have never dared to come and face her, but I also miss her. How many things have been reincarnated for so many years. I don't know if her soul is available and can see my monologue!"

Is it a poisonous beast or a love species?

Shuiyue said, "You haven't been here for hundreds of years, and you still remember her tomb so clearly. I think even if it's reincarnation, the unforgettable love before that few lifetimes will never be forgotten. She is flowing in the sky, staring at you and praying for you in this life!"

"Haha, well said, I don't understand this. It seems that I have to find a woman to love when I go back!"

Shuiyue frowned, "Meteor, you really mean what you said!"

The meteor stuck out his tongue, "That's what I said!"

The poisonous beast knelt in front of the stone, a grave without written description and no tomb!

"I'm here, and finally I can't help coming to see you!" Suddenly, the poisonous beast shed tears. The tears of human beings were warm enough to melt the whole iceberg!

"Vison Beast, you?" Wenwen's female sensibility caused her mood to plummet.

Shuiyue came over and patted Wenwen on the shoulder behind, "Let him go!"

Wenwen turned around and saw Shuiyue. She squeezed out her smiling face and said, "Just now, don't listen to the poisonous beast?"

"I heard it!"

"I like you!"

Shuiyue meditated. He did have that feeling of admiration for Wenwen, but it was close to his sister and brother at most, and there was also a feeling like Xiao Xue, but very little.

"A flowery man, an affectionate man, I already have a lover, and I love him very much, so!"

Wenwen gagged Shuiyue's mouth, "I know. Don't talk any more. I won't force it, but I won't give up. Please allow me to be presumptuous!"

The water moon is very clear, and I don't know what the so-called presumptuousness is about?

"What are you going to do?"

When Wenwen didn't wait for Shuiyue to react, she actually opened her arms and hugged Shuiyue and crossed her hands. Even if Shuiyue wanted to break free, she couldn't do anything!

Shuiyue did not struggle anymore. His strength was not as big as Wenwen's, so he laughed and said, "You actually used all your power here!"

Wenwen is also a warrior of all levels. That's what Shuiyue can compete with. Is this a bit like a bully?

"Okay, so that I can get close to your heart!" Wenwen had a bad smile, but she didn't let go!

Shuiyue can also feel her breathing, with aggression.

At this time, the meteor saw it and said slowly, "You two...!"

"He's cold!"

"I'm still cold!"

The poisonous beast got up, Wenwen, you just let go, and Shuiyue has already carried her warmth.

"Kid, do you still want my arm?"

In a word, Shuiyue was stunned.

Meteor replied, "Of course I want to, but your performance makes us very embarrassed!"

"What's the difficulty? If you want it, come and get it. Otherwise, I will disappear!"

Shuiyue asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Continue to hunt with my descendants, stay in the hinterland of the iceberg land, never go down the mountain, and never hurt people's lives!"

It's fortunate to have such an awareness!

Shuiyue walked over, and the meteor understood and threw [non-life-promoting] to Shuiyue, "Let me be your opponent!"


In the wind, the laughter of the poisonous beast made the whole wind and snow change the route of falling!

"Kid, you misunderstood me. This arm is an evil arm. I don't want it anymore. Besides, you don't need them to hunt here!"

"What do you mean?"

Shouldn't the poisonous beast break its arm and send a favor like the unicorn beast?

"Do you want the left one or the right one?"

Shuiyue looked at the poisonous beast, glanced at his right arm, and the poisonous beast understood it!


The poisonous beast, a pure white arm, was cut off from his shoulder by the snow blade summoned from the air. Then, the frost and snow condensed his wound without bleeding!

The poisonous beast held the poisonous beast in his left hand, endured the pain and sweated on his forehead!

"Take it and give you a favor. This arm, attached to the power of my body, can drive the power of the cold!"