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Chapter 260 Pioneer 2

The fire swordsman stood on the shallows and witnessed the provocation of Shuiyue. ** naked provocation, took a step forward under his feet, stained with water, and couldn't help shrinking back.

"Bold, who are you, dare to offend the majesty of the general and the king!"

The Shuiyue warrior got up and shot an arrow. "What a general king, the one inside is just a cursed skeleton king. You are his dog legs!"

"What curse, we are just protecting the remains of our general!"

Listen to this, doesn't the fire swordsman know that he has been cursed?

Shuiyue waved her hand, "What remains? You are all dead. How can you protect the dead? Do you think this makes a statement? It's just self-deception. If you don't dare to come down, what kind of protection do you talk about?"

The fire swordsman straightened his arm and looked at it, "I'm not dead!"

Shuiyue is puzzled. Why did he say so?

"You are dead!"

"No, you talk nonsense, I have flesh and blood, and my heart is still beating. Why is it dead?"

"You really don't know and forget?"

The fire swordsman was furious, "It's you, you killed the wooden swordsman. I won't let you go!" He waved the fire sword in his hand, and a fire appeared on the body of the sword. This guy looked more terrible than the meteor's [non-life], but when the flame met the water, it was extinguished.

"Have you forgotten that you had a bloody battle with the magic soldiers hundreds of years ago? The battlefield is on this, and you are all dead, but now you are alive and cursed. I'm here to break this curse!"

The fire swordsman suddenly fell into meditation, "I really died. I remember that day, we fought with the demon soldiers here with the general Wang. Due to the large number of magic soldiers, our backup was also blocked. After the general Wang killed 42 captains of the demon army, he was killed by nine people!"

Nine people, are they nine people from the demon clan?

"What kind of nine people?"

"One by one looks strange, and the weapons in our hands are also very special. At that time, our whole army was surrounded by magic soldiers, and the four of us had no time to protect the general king." The fire swordsman's expression cooled down, "This is our fault. We are in pain. General Wang was very kind to us and kind to us. He was a rare genius for leading soldiers in the human race, and he created a set of military tactics to become our magic weapon to defeat the enemy. If it hadn't been for that battle, the number of magic soldiers would have far exceeded ours. We He can definitely win. Now that he is dead, you come to disturb him again. Are you sent by the demon clan?

It's really a nine-person demon clan!

When he heard what the fire swordsman said about the art of war, it reminded Shuiyue of what Xiao Tian once mentioned. Didn't he see this set of tactics when robbing tombs? What is said above is indeed profound. The king of skeletons in it is the king of generals. Is it that Xiao Tian once been here, and the military books are also in it?

Shuiyue suddenly wants to find that military book, which may be helpful in the future!

"The general Wang is dead, and you will still live. You are just cursed and vaguely retain your thoughts. Before I wake you up, you are still a skeleton, but I don't understand why you have flesh and blood!"

The fire swordsman never believed the fact that he was dead and did not go into the water. The moon could not be consumed. "Shut up, no matter what, we have to protect the general king, and we can't let you take another step forward."

It is estimated that the stone tablet at the stone gate was also erected by them!

"Nonsense, I won't say anything. You don't believe that you are dead, and I can't help it. Maybe you don't know how many people this curse has killed, making the glory you once proud of has become a fear now!"

Shuiyue pulls away [Yuanxuan] and knows that this thing can't deal with him, but water can. Some kind of object will bring up the water on the surface of the water when it runs at high speed. In addition, Shuiyue has the help of [spiritual power], so that he can experience the change of water, which can be used in the attack of [Yuanxuan]. The ground source attracted the water molecules to follow the feather arrows, causing damage to the enemy's fire defense and losing the protection of fire. The other party and the wooden swordsman did not say goodbye.

Shui began to slowly understand sweetheart's words. Only by combining the ability of all artifacts can stronger attacks break out. [Spiritual Power] controls the power of nature, and [Yuan Xuan] has a strong attack power, which perfectly combines water and feathers and arrows. No matter how smart the enemy is, he can't find this hidden The attack.

With [spiritual power] Shuiyue is in a specific area, which can also be called a five-e elements warrior!


Feather arrow swept through the water and rushed to the chest of the fire swordsman in a diagonal line from the bottom up. The fire swordsman waved his fire sword to form a shield, thinking that he would not touch the water, but he was wrong. Shuiyue released the second feather arrow, the first feather arrow, walking close to the surface of the water with water molecules, in order to put out the fire of the fire of the fire swordsman. Dun, the second arrow did not touch the water, which was enough to pass through his body.


The fire swordsman flew back, and the arrow did not pass through, but inserted it in his chest. The first arrow carried few water molecules and did not extinguish the other party's fire escape. The second arrow was restricted, but these were not important. As long as it was attacked by [Lan Xuan], the other party would undoubtedly die.

Shuiyue rushed to the door, and the fire swordsman was dying, and the flesh and blood on his body began to fly. His original appearance was left on the ground, and so did the wooden swordsman. Only when they died did they return to their original form.

Shuiyue hurried to support the sweetheart, but saw that the sweetheart had entangled the local swordsman and produced a circle of cyan around the sweetheart.

"Grandma, my side is already done!" Shuiyue greeted him and fought with the water swordsman. When this guy waved his sword, there was wet and heavy water vapor in the air, which slowed down Shuiyue's movements. Shuiyue fought for several rounds and felt bad, so he pulled out of his combat effectiveness, but the other party followed him. As soon as he saw that the fire swordsman and the wooden swordsman had died on the ground, he was angry and was defeated. The bad one makes the humidity heavier!

Earth is water, and rocks are also earth attributes.

Seeing this, Shuiyue opened [Ruan Xuan] and began to shoot at the rock wall on the ceiling. The gravel fell, especially the dust, which relieved the moisture. The movement of Shuiyue returned to its original appearance. Thousands of miles of chasing souls flew out. Shuiyue used [Ruan Xuan] as a long sword. The dust had not yet fallen clean, and the enemy's attack was temporary. Passively, Shuiyue suddenly jumped out of the battle and chased the soul through the body of the water swordsman.


The water swordsman fell to the ground, flesh and blood flew, and the water sword in his hand disappeared.

Sweetheart paid attention to it and said, "The boy did a good job. He is indeed my grandson. He actually understood the five elements so thoroughly!"

It's need to say that Shuiyue thinks she is still smarter!

Now there is only the earth swordsman left. At present, Shuiyue has not found that there are wooden attributes in the cave. If you want to defeat this pioneer, you can only rely on pure force to solve it.

"Kid, don't come here. My wooden snake clan is a wooden attribute. Leave this to me to deal with!"

Is the snake a wooden attribute?

Snakes are poison, poisons are plants, and plants are wood!

The aura that erupted around the sweetheart is the aura of the wooden attribute, which firmly restrains the earth particles waved by the earth swordsman. Without the help of the water warrior, the earth swordsman is not the sweetheart's opponent. After a few rounds, the sweetheart machete swam away and took the head of the earth swordsman.

The sweetheart didn't gasp and pointed to Shi** Baigu and said, "This guy is the most difficult to deal with. Wait a minute, we should be careful!"


"What's the matter? I'm just saying that he's difficult to deal with. Are you scared?"

Shuiyue shook her head, "Of course not. I was just led to the patio by the fire swordsman and negotiated with him. I found that these pioneers didn't seem to know that they were dead!"

"That's because they were cursed differently. They cursed to protect this skeleton king. Different curses have different effects, just like they can return to their original appearance, but the skeleton king can't!"

So that's it?

It can be seen that the darkness of Carat has done a lot of articles on the Skull King!

Shuiyue took a few steps forward to find the military book, but was pulled by the sweetheart, "You don't want to die. The skeleton king is gradually waking up!"

"I'm just looking for a military book!"

"What military book?"

Shuiyue replied, "Skull King, a book of art of war written before his death, which is very useful for war!"