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Chapter 269 Dead City

Shuiyue is going to Zecheng, and his sense of mission makes him do so.

Poisonous eyes are the only place to release the plague. Shuiyue is not a doctor and can't save lives and heal the wounded. She can't do the woman's desperate actions, but it can also prevent the poisonous eyes from continuing to harm the mainland!

Leaving Xin'er and sweetheart in the Twilight City, Shuiyue selected several excellent soldiers and told the situation of the mountain city owner, asking them to send people to the mountain city first to stabilize the situation in the Twilight City. In fact, this situation cannot be maintained, but it is better to have medicine than to let everyone wait for death. Now they can only Ensure the survival consciousness of Twilight City, and everything will wait until Shuiyue has checked the poisonous eye.

The city owner agreed, but then said something.

At the gate, the city owner sent it here. Xin'er seemed to want to go, but was refused by Shuiyue. "The poison eye is the central area of the outbreak of the plague. It's too dangerous!" So Shuiyue didn't let her sweetheart go with her.

Xin'er lowered her head and Shuiyue said, "You and grandma will stay in Twilight City. When I check the poisonous eye, I will come back!"

"Don't worry about this. Good men are ambitious. The crisis in the seven cities requires someone to stand up and solve it. I believe you!" Honey deserves to be a senior person. She knows that what is missing at this time is courage. If Shuiyue shrinks, then who will deal with the plague? The plague is a war, and Twilight City has a lot of ideas, but this enemy is too powerful.

"Kid, in fact, I have sent someone to inquire about Zecheng. I have been in touch for a month. Almost every day, the situation there may be worse than you think, and the news has suddenly been interrupted in the past two days. I can't receive the situation on that side. I was sent out in the morning. More than a dozen people haven't come back yet!"

Zecheng is in the center of the plague and is also the place where the plague was first discovered. Judging from the current situation of Twilight City, Zecheng must have suffered great losses!

"What was the last report?" The water moon is on horse, no matter what, even if the whole Zecheng has disappeared, the water moon will rush over.

"The whole city of Zecheng has been shrouded in the plague, and the owner of Zecheng is also suffering from the plague!"

Shuiyue nodded, "I'll leave this to the Lord of the Twilight City to protect my friend!"

"Little brother, you can't be far-fetched. You have your own destiny!" The city owner said this to let Shuiyue understand and not to do it recklessly.

But Shuiyue feels that human life is not determined by heaven. People will win over heaven. This continent exists because of people, and people are the masters.

Out of Twilight, under the leadership of the warriors of Twilight City, Shuiyue took a path and rushed to Zecheng. On the way, they encountered many small rivers and streams. By night, everyone finally came to the gate of Zecheng. Now Zecheng has changed. In the past, it was a wetland swamp, because the swamp was poisonous. When the eyes appeared, Zecheng filled all the swamps and set up a fragrant statue on the poisonous eye. The original swamp was also covered with green bricks, making the whole Zecheng look more prosperous than other cities.

Approaching here, Zecheng, like Twilight City, has no life. The gate is closed, the night is shrouded, and the moon urges people to open the gate.

A soldier passed by, took a few steps, and suddenly fell down from the horse.

Everyone was shocked, and then Shuiyue felt that she did not find danger. The soldier was not attacked.

Shuiyue went to check, and the soldier was thrown down. At this time, several soldiers walked over and wanted to beat the horse, but was stopped by Shuiyue. "This has nothing to do with the horse!"

The sin is not on the horse, and it has not gone away. Why should it be a beast who can't speak?

Lifting the soldier's clothes, Shuiyue found that several blisters also appeared on his skin, which was infected. When he came out of Twilight City, all the soldiers were examined. In just half a day, the soldier was infected.

Thinking of this, Shuiyue couldn't help feeling that her body was also itchy.

Helping up the soldier, he said, "I just felt dizzy, so I fell from the horse. I'm afraid I can't go and call the door!"

Shuiyue said bluntly and didn't want to deceive him. "You have been infected with the plague, but don't be afraid that the plague will be hidden in your body for a period of time, and we will find a solution!"

The warrior did not panic, "I know that I can't escape this fate. I have a ruthless request here. If we can't find a way to deal with the plague, you can help me when I die. I've seen people who have died of festering all over their bodies. It's very miserable. I don't want to be so painful!"

Shuiyue patted the soldier on the shoulder, "Brother, what are you talking about? We only face the enemy and the dark knife. How can we draw a knife at our brother? Believe me, we will definitely find a solution."

The other soldiers walked over and came to the gate and shouted, "The messenger of Twilight asks to see you. Open the gate quickly."

I haven't heard from you for a long time, and it's dark again. Everyone can't see the movement above. Zecheng didn't light the light in the watchtower on the gate.

The cold wind whistled past his cheeks and came under the gate with Shuiyue.

Shuiyue can see things in the dark through the Qingming attributes, and no half-person figure can be seen on the whole wall opposite. I guess Zecheng is now plagued by the powerless defense, right?

The water moon came under the wall, waiting for the green bricks under her feet, and jumped up. Now she can only rely on this.

When he came to the wall, Shuiyue was completely dumbfounded.

There were many soldiers' bodies lying diagonally on it, and many soldiers clenched their hands with each other.

Shuiyue went down the city wall, and there were corpses everywhere, all of which died of the plague. The city was even more dim, and few houses with lights were on. Have the whole city dead?

When they came to the gate, they found that the soldiers of Twilight City were also dead, but they were killed, a full of seven or eight. There were still blood stains on their swords. Shuiyue picked them up and made sure that they committed suicide and lifted their clothes. Unexpectedly, they already knew that they were suffering from the plague.

These soldiers failed to hold on. They were not as lucky as the warrior and solved the pain with death.

Opening the gate, the soldiers found the bodies of their companions and did not say anything. Shuiyue ordered, "Let's look separately to see if there are any survivors here."

Zecheng is the same. When the plague broke out, the gate was closed. Although the streets were full of dead bodies, they were very neat and there was no disturbance. This is the embodiment of consciousness and human nature.

Shuiyue walked towards a lighted house. This was a small courtyard. When Shuiyue shouted outside the door, "Is there anyone inside? Does anyone hear you?"

The candlelight in the room beat, but no one answered. When Shuiyue pushed the door and walked in, she found a man's body in the place. Shuiyue stretched out her hand to explore. There was still warmth on the man's body. His breathing was gone, and there was a large area of ulceration on his body.

The man had just died, and the candlelight in the room was still on, symbolizing hope. ** Another dead body, a woman, who should be a man's wife, had died for many days, and his body had emitted a smell. Shuiyue did not feel any fear. She covered their bodies with a quilt and walked out of the door. The oil lamp was still It is beating, and the flame will not go out.

Others also came from different directions at this time and shook their heads and said, "There are no more living people on the streets nearby. Only a few rooms with lights are terminally ill patients who are dying!"

Shuiyue started to go to the city's mansion. It seems that Zecheng has become a dead city in this plague!

On the nearby streets, there are continuous flies flying in the dark houses and mice flowing in the streets. Somehow, they can survive this plague. This is the pity of God's creation. They have created extremely powerful human beings, but a plague has brought almost all the lives of a city. Go away, only these two small things are left, and they are the most hated by human beings.

The city owner's mansion is often in the center of a city, but the city owner's mansion in Zecheng is different. A soldier in the team has been here, so he clearly took Shuiyue and others to the West City near the city wall!