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Chapter 274 Recovery

Shuiyue has never dared to touch the black stone again. After a long time, Xiang picked up the gravel beside him one by one, even a small grain.

"I forgot to tell you that only when I put out the fire river can I take you out. You must watch the right time to miss it. If you haven't got out of here before I disappear, you will be trapped here!"

Shuiyue looked at the top and the round hole and said to herself, "Don't worry, if you don't succeed, I will die here with you. If we succeed, I will take your mission to save this crisis."

Xiang paused for a while, with a slightly ugly expression, "Don't, don't mention me again after you get out of here. I'm dead. I don't want to remember the past."

The past events were all hurtful. Shuiyue agreed, "Then I'm not polite. Let me swallow such a credit!"

"You are a good boy!" Xiang said in the tone of an old woman.

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Everyone says so, but I'm not a child. I'm an ordinary man standing in the light!"

All the gravel of the fragrant hand* piled up, and a white light appeared under the palm of the hand.

Shuiyue is puzzled, "Are you going to repair the black stone?"

"No, I'm going to break them down into dust, which will increase the coverage area!"

Xiang was originally a doctor and only learned the means to save people. Now she has a strong strength. Under the palm of her hand, the pieces of black stone illuminated by white light turned into powder in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, there is no wind underground, otherwise it is difficult to collect. Shuiyue dare not breathe, for fear that the power of the black stone will weaken and cannot extinguish the fire.

Under the stone, the fire river is very long. Shuiyue does not mean to extinguish the whole fire river, which is impossible. As long as the powder of black stone is put into the fire river and the outbreak of heat poison is suppressed. This is the extinguishing of the fire river in the sense of existence.

Xiang was ready and said to Shuiyue, "Are you ready? I'm going to take action!"

Shuiyue came to the exit and looked up, "I'm ready, and I remember what you said!"

Xiang smiled for a long time, "Well, after you go out, you will find another me one day and promise to kill her!"

Maybe, before dealing with the demon clan, Shuiyue has to deal with the darkness of Carat first!

Xiang stood on the edge of the stone and jumped down. The powder black stone behind him was also carried, and a layer of dark black covered the fire river.

When the fire river roared and exploded, a strong airflow came from below and up. Shuiyue's body lighten, put a foot in the air and climbed up the hole.


The powerful airflow washed the water moon to the ceiling. When it fell, the water moon lay at the mouth of the cave and looked inside.

The fire river has been blurred. It's not that Shuiyue was dazzled. Xiang succeeded and once again helped eight cities solve the crisis. For this woman, Shuiyue can only cover up the empty mouth with bluestone without saying a word. Next, it's time for him to promise incense.

Mouse blood is a medicine that can cure the plague, and mice are everywhere, and these eight cities can be saved.

However, these eight cities want to recover, but I'm afraid it will be decades later.

The rope came down, and the soldiers pulled up Shuiyue. As soon as they arrived at the ground, Shuiyue remembered to ask the other three soldiers about the situation.

They held a bag in their hands, which was creaking and exchanged. There was also a bottle containing flies, but it was useless. Shuiyue released the flies. The reason why this little thing did not die may be because they reproduced too fast!

"Your Excellency, how is the situation below?"

"It's okay, it's done. Go and catch more mice. I've found a way to deal with the plague!"


Shuiyue raised the corners of her mouth, "That can still be fake. If I go out, there is nothing that can't be done. You should do it immediately, feed all or people in Zecheng with mouse blood, and let the horse quickly return to Twilight City to tell the city owner about this news. It's better to catch the mice in the city and bleed one by one!"

Shuiyue and others returned to the hall of the city's mansion and settled down. Shuiyue caught a mouse in the bag. This little thing was hairy and cute, but it was because their behavior was too shameless and lazy. If they didn't harm food and look for grass seeds for food, they didn't have to be beaten all the way.

The soldier who was infected with the plague before, Shuiyue had to try the situation on him first. It is said that this dosage of Shuiyue is not clear, and a mouse can't produce much blood. There is only a small bowl of blood of four mice. In short, the mouse blood is not poisonous, so Shuiyue forced the warrior to drink a small bowl of blood.

"How does it taste?"

The warrior babbling, "I've never drunk it before!"

"Is it delicious?"

"There is a coquettishness. Taste!" The soldier recalled.

"Sorry, I started to bleed from its little JJ!" Shuiyue scratched her head.

For the first time, the effect of the medicine could not be seen immediately. At this time, others took the living people in Zecheng to the hall of the city's mansion. Half of the area of the most infected body was also ulcerated. Shuiyue thought that a butcher blooded the mice one by one, but the supply was not enough. After feeding the infected mice doubled, it was still in him. They smeared some on their bodies, and then these people were placed in the room of the city lord's mansion to observe the situation.

This time, Shuiyue only took seven people and sent one of them back to send information, leaving one to take care of the infected person. The other five people were sent out by Shuiyue to look for mice. After careful search, there were still many people in Zecheng. I heard from the soldiers that these people were hiding in the corner waiting for death.

The next morning, Shuiyue got up from the room, and the soldier who was testing medicine stood outside the door. When he saw Shuiyue get up, he looked very excited. "Your excellency, your method really worked. The infection on my body has subsided."

With that, the soldier lifted his clothes. The blisters had gone down, leaving traces of blisters fading on his body, and Shuiyue reached out to touch them.

"Well, the muscles are good!"

"Thank you, my lord, for resolving this crisis. My lord is the first person to come back."

Shuiyue smiled bitterly, "Well, you don't have to praise me. Let's go and see how others are doing?"

How could Xiang's achievements pass before Shuiyue, but Xiang said that he should not mention her and bear the praise of others. Shuiyue silently praised in her heart: "Xiang, you are really a great hero and a great heroine!"

Overnight, many attractive people returned to normal, but some of them are deeply infected and some of them have improved, but they still need to be recuperate for a period of time. Some of their diseases are like soldiers, who have begun to move freely. Shuiyue continues to take medicine, but the people who can be sent out to catch mice is too Less, although the soldiers did not sleep all night, the harvest did not seem to be good.

Especially at night, the mice are more active, and you can feel dangerous, so hiding in the hole, Shuiyue has to reduce the use of medicine to everyone and order some people who can act to replace the soldiers.

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Shuiyue. Looking at these people, there are old people, women and children. Seeing them safe and sound, Shuiyue is also the happiest.

Another team of rat-catching troops in the hall was ready. Shuiyue said, "Thank you, don't do it. As long as you catch more mice, you will repay us."

has always been held high, and this feeling is also lonely.

At noon, Shuiyue had already calculated where to go. After receiving his news, Twilight City must be catching mice, while other cities are still suffering from the plague. Because one more minute, it may lead to the death of innocent civilians, so it can't be delayed. Shuiyue will The other five soldiers were assigned to the other 50%, leaving a soldier here to continue to save people. Many people have learned how to use medicine, and Shuiyue is very gratified.

The nearest city to Zecheng is Sin City, an innocent city, and the population of Sin City is also quite large, including the famous underground prison - Wanjie Prison. Shuiyue decides to go wherever she wants to go.

When the sun was shining at noon, they said goodbye to the people in Zecheng, and some seriously ill people were also helped to deliver the water moon. In their hearts, the water moon was their savior.

Shuiyue waved her hand and looked at the wall of Zecheng, which had been erected with a fluttering temperament. Under the wall, some grass sprouted!