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Chapter 288 Bloody Town

Cher will always be the woman who knows herself best.

Hua Shao said that Xiao Xue was a little sad, "Shuiyue, I think you also know about Xiao Xue. In order to cover our retreat, Xiao Xue and the queen of the city, finally..."

Shuiyue poured a glass of wine for Hua Shao, "I know that the city owner has been arrested by the magic soldier. I don't know where he is hiding. He should be escorted to the demon base camp, and you don't have to be too sad about Xiao Xue. Look at me, isn't it okay? She's not dead yet!"

Isn't it dead?

I don't know about Shuiyue!

Hua Shao seems to have not eaten for many days. When Shuiyue said vividly, he only cleaned two plates of beef quietly. "Shuiyue, what's the situation in other cities? I heard that the plague has broken out?"

"Yes, but the poisonous eye has been blocked by Shuiyue, and the plague has also found a good medicine!" Xin'er interrupted.

Hua Shao wiped her mouth, "You girl, do you seem to be quite capable? Meteor asked you to find Shuiyue, and you found it."

"We have a good heart, that is, he hides in the ends of the earth, and I can also find him out!"

Shuiyue's gloomy face, "Praise you a few words, and you will gasp. I won't send you back to the Protoss tomorrow!"

"Dude, give me two more beef sauce!" Hua Shao sat on the chair and shouted.

Shuiyue is puzzled, "You haven't eaten these days?"

"Yes, the magic soldiers are chasing so hard that we dare not take the road, so we rarely meet other people. I guess all the people who break out have taken the path. We have starved to death these days. Caesar is still waiting for me outside the town. I want to take something back."

"What to bring? Let's go back and pull the troops over for a big meal!" Xin'er's suggestion.

"No, I just looked at the town and found a lot of demon eyeliners."

The eyes of the demon clan appeared in the small town. How could Shuiyue be confused? She didn't find it. Shuiyue came to the door of the hotel and looked around. Sure enough, among the crowd walking on the street, there were several demons, but they were not soldiers, dressed like ordinary people!

Shuiyue closed the door and walked back and said, "Hua Shao is right. The pedestrians on this street are really strange. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. We will leave immediately."

The army came to the second floor to call sweetheart.

Shuiyue asked, "Where is Kaiser now and how is it going?"

"In the woods outside the town, in addition to not eating for a few days, there are many wounded people in the team. I ate here and planned to buy some medicine back. The wounds of these soldiers have begun to fester!"

There is also such a situation. Injured soldiers must be treated. How can they be treated with drugs alone?

Sweetheart came down and yawned, "Grandson, I heard that you have found a partner?"

"Grandson?" Spend less time looking at the water and moon, sweetheart.

Shuiyue walked over and said in her sweetheart's ear, "Grandma, what did I say? In public, don't call me grandson. Isn't it suspicious to see your current age?"

"Shuiyue, the grandma you recognized from there is so young?" Sweetheart is beautiful, and Hua Shao can't help looking at it a few more times.

"It's a long story."

"What are you looking at? You haven't seen a beautiful woman. Do you also want to be my grandson?" Sweetheart scolded Hua Shao angrily.

Hua Shao frowned, "I just want to know how old you are!"

Shuiyue said, "Don't joke. Let's go to Caesar to see the situation before making plans!"

The army wondered, "Aren't we leaving?"

"If there are more injured people, we can't leave. I don't think there are many magic soldiers in this town. We should plan the team here to treat the wounded!" Shuiyue can now see no unnecessary losses, and these soldiers will be the key to victory in future wars.

"Dajun, grandma, Xiner, the three of you stay in the hotel. Hua Shao and I will go back immediately. The matter here will be left to you. In addition, after I leave, you can go to the town to find out the situation and see how many magic soldiers there are."

If the magic soldier only arranges the eyeliner here, Shuiyue will take revenge once.

Following Hua Shao to the outside of the town, Kaiser has been waiting for a long time. Seeing the living water moon, Kaiser jumped up and said, "I thought you were dead!"

Shuiyue waved her hand, "Let's not talk about this. There are demons in the town. I'll take a look at everyone's situation before making plans."

Kaiser introduced: "Our team is the army of Huacheng. There are still more than 100 people left, seriously injured and unable to walk. There are more than 20 people with minor injuries. Almost every soldier is slightly injured, except for the two of us!"

In the woods, there were 100 people, and everyone was dirty. They looked at the bitterness of Shuiyue. The so-called serious injuries were these on the stretcher. Some of them were dying. When they saw Shuiyue, they had to get up to greet them. Shuiyue walked over and checked the wound of a wounded person. There was a knife wound on his thigh, which was seriously infected and purulent. I'm afraid that my legs can't be saved. This is the consequence of not being rescued in time after being injured again. There are more than 20 injured people like this, and others have scratches on their faces and arms.

"You two organize troops and follow me into the town. If it goes on like this, the wounded can't stand it!" Shuiyue ordered.

"I also have this idea, that is, Caesar asked to be careful before leaving the troops here." Hua Shao said.

Caesar defended, "This is also out of the security of the army. You and I know the means of magic soldiers along the way. A total of more than 300 people rushed out of the mountain city, and now there are only 100 left. The casualties are too large. It's better to be careful."

"Hua Shao, you gather the soldiers who can fight and prepare to fight."

Hua Shao nodded, "Are you going to take the magic soldiers in this town?"

Shuiyue booed, "Let's see how many magic soldiers there are in the town!"

The army dealt with the matter explained by Shuiyue and waited outside the town. Seeing Shuiyue, the army said, "In the town, in addition to the magic soldiers in casual clothes, there are more than 100 troops, plus about 200 magic soldiers in casual clothes, and they have begun to pay attention to us. When I first came out, I found wine. There are more and more demons in front of the store!"

There are more than 200 people. Although there are many people, there is still a chance of winning the fight. Shuiyue can't honestly avoid the demon clan. Although the world is big, the magic soldiers are everywhere.

Then Shuiyue deployed the battle. Kaiser took all the wounded and waited outside the town first. When the battle inside began, he directly carried the wounded into the hotel and held on.

Hua Shao led several people to attack directly from the side of the town. Shuiyue took the center to respond, while the army was first sent to the town to gather all the doctors in the town.

After the battle plan was clear, the troops separated, and Hua Shao did not forget to tease Caesar and took out the beef brought out of the hotel. "Brother, you eat slowly here first, and I'll treat you to a big meal when I finish everything."

Caesar scolded, "You boy, pay attention, don't be poked in the ass by the demon warrior!"

Shuiyue took the lead and took people into the town. As soon as the pedestrians on the street saw a group of fierce soldiers coming in, they ran away and did not escape. Shuiyue pointed to them and said, "No one of the demon clan will stay. They are all enemies!"

The soldiers rushed up and cut in along the street. For a moment, more magic soldiers came everywhere. Shuiyue opened [Yuanxuan] and did not look at these magic soldiers. Hua Shao killed them from the side, and the two troops surrounded hundreds of magic soldiers in it.

I don't know if it was because hatred occupied the dominant position. The combat effectiveness shown by the soldiers now surprised Shuiyue. The tall magic soldiers, under the soldiers' long sword, were not as good as a cucumber. The magic soldiers were surrounded by half. In an instant, the number of people were reduced by half. Caesar drank wine on his mouth and the beef was divided by the wounded. , rushed over from behind and directly sent someone to occupy the hotel first.

Shuiyue and Hua Shao continued to chase the fleeing magic soldiers. As soon as the magic soldiers saw the wounded, they all got into the hotel and formed a team to attack. More than a dozen magic soldiers broke into the hotel with knives. Sweetheart came out of the hotel and kicked over the two magic soldiers and smiled at Shuiyue, "Grandma is here. Grandson, you can do whatever you!"

The gate of the hotel became a place for both sides to compete. In less than ten minutes, the magic soldiers left dozens of bodies and fled.