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Chapter 304 The Last Person

Shuiyue rushed straight over, but found that the blue gas rising under the man's feet wrapped around his body.

The enemy disappeared in the blue gas.

Shuiyue looked at the battlefield. Not far away, the enemy appeared. Shuiyue understood the enemy's intention. Is this to lead herself over?

"Meteor, here, it's up to you. I'll kill the enemy's commander." This person can't see his appearance, but Shuiyue seems to have seen it. In any case, Shuiyue will be this person's opponent, even if the other party has prepared all kinds of traps.

Seeing this, the meteor was worried and said, "The enemy is obviously intentional to lead you over. Be careful. Let's still attack him together!"

Shuiyue shook her head, "You are needed more here. Believe me, there must be a way to deal with this person."

When he came to this person, the other party did not hide it. He looked at Shuiyue and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to have another artifact. It seems difficult to deal with!"

Nine demons.

The only person who survived from Shuiyue and others.

The powerful wizard of the demon clan, no presumptuous! It can't be said that he survived, because this person is too powerful. At the beginning, a person was controlled, Meng Hao, innocent and powerful. In the end, he escaped by himself. Shuiyue glanced at him and paid attention to the surrounding situation to prevent the emergence of wizards out of thin air. The other party's achievements in this regard is very good. Deep, you can't prevent it. Even if you prevent it, you may not be able to prevent it.

Wu laughed arrogantly, "What's the matter? Are you afraid of my array and that I will attack you?"

Shuiyue looked at Wuwang, and the old face was eroded by the years again. "The mountain city is regretful. How can it fail today? Nine demons and eight people return to the west. Can you survive?"

"It's still so arrogant. I received the leader's order to let you go that day. Don't treat me as a benevolent act. There will be no such opportunity again in the near future!" Wuwang showed the magic soul in her hand. Shuiyue looked at it and thought that this weapon had the ability to absorb the soul, and she couldn't help checking it.

[Unsoul] magic soul, grade god-level, spell attack power 7000-8000, additional attributes, first, devouring, the resulting subsidiary attack, a certain chance to launch an attack on the human mind, the attacker, the body falls into the environment, the weak state lasts for two minutes, second, summon the soul, absorb the soul of the dead Soul, improve the attack power of the weapon and improve the attack power, which is related to the level of the weapon. Third, it does not attract souls. This attribute is used with the soul. Every time a certain amount of souls are absorbed, the weapon attack will be improved!

Note: Absorb the amount of souls, 7729/300000

Poetry cloud:

Spring. Love only to the thin pear blossoms,

pian cui ling pian.

What's the sunset near dusk,

There are still unsouls in the world.

Shuiyue still remembers that the original number of souls absorbed was 134/300000, but now it has increased a lot and has reached a thousand, representing Wuwang's use of [unsoul] to kill many people.

"What, I'm afraid, I'm bringing you here because the leader sees you as a threat, so you can't stay, but I see that you are also an artifact holder and want you to fail."

"What a arrogant sentence, let the leader of your demon clan go to hell!" Shuiyue raised the long sword, attached the power of [Rong Xuan], and rushed to meet Wuwang. The wizard is a wizard. Shuiyue thinks that he is not the opponent of the other party on the long distance. He can only use close combat and can't let him use any wizard array.

"Do you really want to solve me in close combat?" Blue gas appeared around Wuwang's body. Shuiyue rushed up, lowered his sight, and slashed a sword. Wuwang unexpectedly disappeared. Then Shuiyue felt bad. Hopeless had insight into his attack, and he could not be taken advantage of in close combat?

A aperture appeared at the foot of Shuiyue, with strong suction, which surprised Shuiyue and seemed to drag herself into it.

Is this the formation that trapped the innocence at the beginning that can have a split shadow?

Shuiyue looked around and appeared unruly, stepping on a big blue array under his feet. Sure enough, Shuiyue imagined that to launch this small black array, at the same time, there must be a large blue array. The two arrays complement each other, but the mystery of Shuiyue has not yet discovered.

Wan left the array under his feet and said, "Do you remember these two formations?"

Shuiyue struggled to pull herself out of the black array, and then a dark shadow floated out of the eyes of the black array and raised a knife to cut herself.

This dark shadow, Shuiyue can't fight against it and kill him. They will be accompanied by the number of deaths, and more and more. This point of innocence has been tested. Shuiyue blocked the attack in black and said in the interval of the shadow attack, "Isn't it too underestimated to solve me with two arrays?"

said arrogantly, "Of course, that's more than that. I will definitely keep a killer mace to deal with a warrior like you!"

In the black array, the shadow has been bothering Shuiyue, so that he can't be distracted at all. In desperation, Shuiyue summoned [Yuan Xuan] to release thousands of miles of chasing souls and thousands of miles of soul pursuit. After appearing, Shuiyue commanded thousands of miles to chase souls to deal with this dark shadow. The situation has been eased. Shuiyue can escape from the attack of the black array. Goodbye Qian The soul chase trapped the shadow and almost completely suppressed the other party. Shuiyue licked her lips, "Maybe you should improve this array more and always use the old way to deal with the old enemy. Isn't it too careless?"

The blue array, as long as it is scattered, the black array will disappear. Shuiyue can't understand the connection between the two, or the blue array is the source of power of the black array. Only when the blue array stops will the black array disappear.

Shuiyue is close to Wuwang, but the target is not Wuwang. The pursuit of the soul of thousands of miles can only release one shot. Shuiyue can't be wasted on the black array. He wants to defeat the enemy's blue array.

"It's enough to deal with you with the old method!" Wuwang does not dodge, and a small ball of blue fire appeared at the fingertips of the phosphorus fire, which can burn the enemy's mind. Wuwang once used this to stop the way of Shuiyue and others in the mountain city, and also escaped under the cover of phosphorus fire.

Shuiyue has to pay attention to this thing. If it gets a little bit, it will be over.

The phosphorus fire was still out and smashed on the grass. The grass withered and walked into the phosphorus fire. In this way, it was bothered by the melee of Shuiyue, and the phosphorus fire also covered the blue array in it, making it inaccessible to Shuiyue. The plan to defeat the other party by using the melee battle basically failed.

Shuiyue threw away the long sword and took out [Ruanxuan] to try to understand the power of [Ruanxuan]. It is waking up little by little, implementing the whole body of Shuiyue. The light of [Ruanxuan] is the light of the water and the moon, shining on the four sides. On the battlefield, the meteor found the powerful power of the outbreak of the Shuiyue, facing Wuwang, and the meteor sword pointed to Wuwang, the most For an embarrassing scene.

The shame attribute of [life-prompting] broke into two pieces, and the meteor recognized it and couldn't help cursing: "You're an old man again!"

"Haha, are you stupid again, coming to die?" Laugh without blasphemy.

"Meteors are none of your business here!" Shuiyue shouted.

The meteor didn't think so, "The magic soldier has been killed and scattered. Although [non-lifely] is very disappointing, I still have a unicorn arm!"

After saying that, despite Shuiyue's dissuasion, the meteor burned a red flame on his right arm, but his clothes were not damaged.

The unicorn arm, which is looking at the meteor, is a little pale, "The fire of the unicorn, burns everything!"

"Then let's see if your phosphorus fire is powerful or Kirin fire is powerful!" The meteor said, holding the unicorn's arm and hitting the phosphorus fire.

"No, you idiot, you will kill everyone!" No big shock.

Shuiyue didn't understand why he was so afraid of the unicorn fire. When he was in the mountain city, he really didn't perform. Maybe now the meteor has understood the power of the unicorn arm and made him start to fear?


The unicorn fire collided with the phosphorus fire, and a powerful force broke out between the two flames in an instant. Shuiyue felt as if she had been thrown into the air by a force, and then fell to the ground. With a splash, she felt pain all over her body. Looking at the meteor, she was lying motionless on the grass, and her body was emitting black smoke.

What about Wuwang, disappeared?

may also be killed.

The phosphorus fire met the unicorn fire, and the two flames, each with powerful power. At the moment of contact, the two flames merged and hit fiercely, resulting in an explosion. Wuwang was at the center of the explosion at that time. The lethality he suffered can be imagined, and he would be injured even if he did not die.

The twilight was the most clearly seen. A white light and an explosion made the whole earth tremble.