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Chapter 309 Red Mouse

"Don't quarrel. What should we do if you scare the mice away? We are still far away from them now. The other party has begun to prepare to deal with us. Just be careful and follow me."

"Oh, oh, oh, grandma is the rat hunter!" Shuiyue said.

When approaching the destination, the sweetheart slowed down, and the moon and twilight followed and stopped. The sweetheart stared ahead without saying anything, like a statue.

"What happened?" Dusk asked in a low voice.

"The enemy appeared in front!" Sweetheart said.

"Where?" Looking at the moon and the Qingming Festival, there is only an empty corridor.

Sweetheart pointed, "Just in front, don't you feel it?"

The enemy was in front, but I couldn't feel it. Shuiyue was suddenly very nervous, "Distance?"

"Two hundred meters!"

At a distance of 200 meters, the water and moon should be visible, but what about the enemy and the mouse? Is it possible that the other party is invisible?

A minute passed, and the three people did not move forward. It was dangerous to be bold. If the sweetheart did not move, it showed that the enemy did exist.

Suddenly, sweetheart's pupils dilated, and Shuiyue took out a long sword, "Is coming?"

Sweetheart nodded and took out her knife, "It's close to us!"


A strong wind blew over, with quite strong heat in the wind, which made its hair float. After the strong wind, everything returned to calm. Shuiyue couldn't help asking, "Is this the enemy?"

"It's the enemy's attack. Haven't you found that these mice are fire attributes and have ecstasy in the wind!" After saying that, Shuiyue went to see the twilight, and now she fell weakly.

Shuiyue held the twilight, and the twilight also recovered. She complained, "I'm so dizzy. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Twilight poisoning is not serious, and it is much better.

"I also just found that we snakes are born with pits in all attacks on mice, so we are not afraid of its attacks!"

Shuiyue looked at the [spiritual power] on her chest, "I have this, so it's okay!"

Twilight sighed, "It seems that I shouldn't have come with you two. This is playing with my life!"

There is no movement on the other side of the cave. Does the other party only have the ability to shake a shot and then prepare for a more fierce attack. Although there is no enemy, the battle has begun.

Shuiyue summoned [Ruan Xuan] to release thousands of miles of chasing souls and guided them to explore the way forward. The sweetheart also slowly started, "The threat has been lifted. Let's continue to move forward."

Shuiyue was speechless, "Grandma, your prediction is not accurate. Didn't you say that the enemy had approached me just now, but you mean the hot wind?"

Sweetheart looked at the twilight, "Is this guy okay? I let you two be careful. How dare the rats dare to appear in front of me? It's nothing more than moving the door and playing with an axe!"

Twilight: "......!"

Shuiyue: "Grandma, we are all old. Aren't you afraid to flash your tongue when you say this?" Little bastard, if you two talk nonsense again, I will leave you here!"

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" The dusk greeted.

Shuiyue touched her chin, "covering is the truth, silence is silence, silence is admitting, grandma is smart!"

"Don't flatter, don't worry, I'm going to leave you here, and it's hard to guarantee that I will get out of here unafly."

Shuiyue Weizhen, "Is the other party so strong?"

"I said, these mice have fire attributes, and their bodies are highly poisonous and cannot be underestimated."

During the conversation, in front of the cave, three fiery red objects quietly moved to the three people, but the water moon did not notice it at all, because in the clustered cave, there was another tunnel on the end of the earth wall on the left side of the water moon. Three big objects were approaching their goal from here. Honey's judgment just now was not wrong. And this hot wind was released by another mouse in order to divert the sight of Shuiyue and others.

At this moment, Shuiyue is holding the earth wall and following the sweetheart into it, and the two sides are getting closer and closer.

Twilight opened her mouth and said, "Why has it been so long that the enemy has not moved?"

Sweetheart observed, "Don't mention that when you ask, the enemy's taste is heavier, but I feel that it is near us!"

The twilight turned pale, "Isn't it, grandma, you didn't lie to us?"

Shuiyue's finger suddenly flashed on the soil wall. The soil wall was originally cool and had a moist feeling, but there was a trace of heat. Although the heat sensor was not strong, for the keen Shuiyue, it was enough to find the abnormality.

Shuiyue stopped, "It's a little, something wrong!"

Sweetheart turned her head, "Have you also found it?"

The heat on the soil wall has not disappeared. Shuiyue pulled out the long sword, and the blade pointed to the place with heat on the soil wall. "Here, it's a little hot!"

Shuiyue stabbed the long sword hard and penetrated the wall. He only heard the squeaky cry coming. Shuiyue immediately dodged away from the dirt wall and saw that there were blood stains on the sword, dark red, and poison in the blood. Finding that Shuiyue was succeeding, the twilight was understanding, and the soft sword also stabbed, but the puncture was empty, and there was a trace of swelling in the earth wall. The water and moon pulled the twilight over, and the three ran forward together.


The earth wall collapsed, and a black nose was exposed from the inside. The water moon commanded thousands of miles to chase the soul. The other party appeared to be a mouse, but the fur was red, and there was like a layer of fire burning outside the body, but it was not fire, but poison. The thousands of miles of chasing soul passed through the mouse's neck, and blood gushed out. The mouse When he fell down, his body was sandwiched between the earth walls, and his body was bigger than two cows.


After their companions were injured, the other two mice immediately found Shuiyue's place and grabbed the earth wall in front of them. Shuiyue blocked the mouse's attack with a sword. The sword sank, and the other party was very powerful.

Twilight is ashamed, "What a big guy!"

Another mouse appeared, and the sweetheart met her, shook her body and turned into a python. She had never seen it in the twilight. She was shocked, "Shuiyue, your grandmother, she...!"

Shuiyue turned around, and the sweetheart was spitting out a red separation letter and forcing the red mouse back into another hole. The red mouse was still very afraid of the shape of the sweetheart, but did not escape.

"This is grandma's body, otherwise how can she say that she is a snake!"

The twilight was surprised, "Isn't it too big?"

Shuiyue said, "Don't talk too often. Let's go and help grandma solve the mouse. I'll drag this one."

Twilight shook the soft sword and rushed up. The red mouse took the lead in standing with the twilight. The ground hole was very large, but it was difficult for the sweetheart to play. Her size was far larger than that of every red mouse.

After several rounds of battle with the red rat, it was soon found that these red rats were not afraid of the damage of the sword. It can be said that the attack of the water moon sword could not destroy its fur defense. On a red and hallucible red skin, there were few fluff, and these fluffs were not like ordinary mice. Soft, its hardness, comparable to a sharp needle, has also become its weapon, and its most powerful weapon is still its claws, the area of a palm, which can reach the area of the whole face of Shuiyue. It has been caught in front of Shuiyue every time, like a sharp knife. Shuiyue dares not be careless with such an enemy. When people fight, they still need to understand the strength of the other party first. Shuiyue grasps the neutral block of the opponent's attack to see it.

The flame mouse, which has lived under the grassland for a long time, has a strong explosive power. Its body is as hard as steel, and its body is rich in highly toxic, causing the surface of the body to be red. When attacking the other party, there is a poisonous gas around the body. This poison can disturb the opponent's mind and reduce the opponent's attack speed. In serious cases, Fall into a coma.

"It turns out that this red mouse also has a very good name, called the flame rat. You can't fight with it. During the battle, the poison in the flame rat's body will flow out of the sweat glands and be applied to the opponent through the air. Once you inhale this poison gas, you will fall into a nervous disorder and it is difficult to resist the opponent's attack. Hit it!"

"Okay, I see, but why didn't you say it earlier? I'm feeling dizzy."

When Shuiyue spoke, the twilight had already fought with the flame mouse for several rounds, and had already absorbed the poison gas. The sweetheart spit out the letter, forced the flame rat back, rolled up the twilight with her tail and put it behind her body. As soon as she saw the sweetheart who was unable to move, she turned into a human form again. Shuiyue was a little suspicious. Grandma's pink Why did the clothes arrive so quickly after the transformation?