Artifact vertical and horizontal

Chapter 311 Where to go

"Grandma, you have to be careful!" Before leaving, Shuiyue did not forget to remind him.

"So are you, so stubborn!" Honey also wants to say that Shuiyue is wrong and she is right.

Shuiyue's judgment is well-founded. If the blood stains remain at the left fork, it doesn't matter, but the blood stains have been extending far. Shuiyue left the sweetheart and looked for the blood stains on the ground. The speed slowed down a little, but he firmly believed that the red mouse must take this route, which was wrong.

Shuiyue smiled bitterly and wanted to find the red mouse as soon as possible and prove to her that she was right. The red mouse was still a very smart guy. He actually dispersed the power of the two people here, but lost its tail. Shuiyue did not pay attention to it. She put away [Yunxuan] Shuiyue only left thousands of miles to pursue the soul outside the body, so that she It will be more convenient to act.

Mouses run fast in the mouse hole because they are familiar with the terrain. They are mice. If they run slowly, they will become the prey of the people behind them.

Shuiyue ran in the mouse hole. He was not a mouse, but became a mouse. He ran slowly and may never see the twilight again.

I blamed myself for being careless at that time and forgetting this guy. If something happens to him, Shuiyue will not be at ease and turn into the driving force under his feet. Shuiyue may not have run like this in his life. Although in the tunnel, it is no less than outside. What's more, he is not running for his life, but saving his life.

There are more and more corners. Shui began to attach the power of [Yuan Xuan] to his legs, but [Yuan Xuan] shows excellent attack power, not speed. Shuiyue is planning to turn these attack power into a speed that is beneficial to her.

The attack power is different from the speed. Shuiyue runs and looks at it with one heart and three uses. The form of attack power is explosive, sharp and strong, and the speed lies in endurance, stability and average.

These two forces can be compared to the attack power, the speed power is soft, and it is not easy to convert the rigidity and softness. After attaching the power of [Ruan Xuan], the speed of Shuiyue has increased significantly, but the effect is not great. Shuiyue wants the feeling of flying.

As soon as the fire enters, it is as soft as a clear stream. The fire can not only dry the clear stream, but also drown out the fire. Only when the two are fully integrated can the two be strong and soft. The power at the foot of the water and the moon belongs to [Mianxuan], but how to turn the fire into a clear stream, that is, turn the attack power into speed, and can also turn the two freely and quickly. In other hand, when you want to improve the speed, you can increase the speed, such as improving the attack power and improving the attack power. For ordinary warriors, almost they have never thought about this problem. The power of Shuiyue comes from [Yuan Xuan], so he can think of it.

[Yuan Xuan] has already reached a certain spiritual state of Shuiyue, that is, what Shuiyue wants to do, summon it or recall it. [Yuan Xuan] all knows it, and its reaction speed is getting faster and faster. At present, the pursuit of thousands of miles of soul has also become the patron saint of Shuiyue. Of course, what Shuiyue thinks of it knows that it has such a spirit. The sexual artifact has cleverly changed in the body of Shuiyue.

[Spirit Power] is also an artifact. It spends more time playing the role of a doctor and a guardian. Of course, it also participates in the attack of the water moon, which can attach the power of nature to the water moon and make the mind clearer. It can decompose and transform the power of [Muan Xuan].

Suddenly, Shuiyue felt that the speed under her feet had improved, and a ball of blue appeared under her feet.


A wind blew past Shuiyue, and the speed of Shuiyue's movement speed was more than a few times higher than when it was used [Muanxuan]. Shuiyue was feeling of flying. It seemed that she didn't take a step, so she reached a corner. Then in a blink of an eye, she walked dozens of meters. Of course, the turning technology depends on water. Yue realized that energy transfer could be carried out at such a high speed. Shuiyue did it and did it the first time. When people run forward again, any object will produce forward strength when moving quickly. If you want to turn, you have to slow down and slow down the force, so that you will not change too quickly. It can't change, but Shuiyue didn't slow down at the first turn. He wanted to slow down, but the speed was too fast and the power could not be recovered. He could only strongly change the direction of this forward force. He only felt that a strong twisting force was churning in his body, which was the result of the adjustment of [spiritual power], and then turned it many times. After that, Shuiyue can adapt well, and the combat effectiveness will become a terrible impact in the future.

There is no need to slow down the speed, coupled with ordinary swordsmanship assassination, how terrible this blow should be, that is, the most basic swordsmanship, with such speed, will become a new swordsmanship.

When I first knew my speed, Shuiyue was a little complacent. Looking ahead, I still didn't see the speed of the red mouse. At present, it was about four times that of the red rat. It shouldn't have been so long that I couldn't catch up. Shuiyue said: "I should not be accurate by my sweetheart. I was fooled by the red mouse and was so well-informed. Where the hell is the end?"

Shuiyue worked a few more corners, and finally stopped and began to look carefully. There was no blood in the hole, which only showed that the red mouse had not arrived here, and after walking in the cave for so long, Shuiyue still hasn't found one more thing.

Isn't the red rat eating all the sheep? What about the bones? Isn't the mouse an animal that eats meat without spitting bones?

The water moon meditated and knocked on the earth wall. The muffled sound came. The other side was an entity, not hollow, and the other side was knocked. There was also no empty sound. That is to say, the tunnel stretched out by the water moon now is not connected to the left and right, and this cave will lead itself to where.

The three caves of cunning rabbits say that rabbits have three fake nests. In order to avoid natural enemies, sweetheart said that mice are the same. They will have some nests, but the more they think about the maze, the more they are not real nests. That is used to deceive natural enemies.

Shuiyue thought that this heaven and earth cave is likely to lead to the exit, or its nest, two forks. If one side is his nest and the other side is a trap, the other party will not take the enemy to his nest for his own nest. The reason why the red mouse is doing something at the fork is to disperse the power of himself and his sweetheart. When I came here and couldn't find the blood stain, I would have just gone to support my sweetheart, but Shuiyue was just immersed in my understanding of speed and didn't pay attention to my feet. This walk has come to the depths of the tunnel. Shuiyue decided to continue walking. The red mouse broke its tail, and the sweetheart is its natural enemy. There must be no accident. Going down, in a word, we have to prove whether the sheep of the dark uncle were taken away by the red rats. If we can't find the complete sheep, it is also an explanation to find the wool. Now there is still the fragrance of pickled mutton between Shuiyue's mouth and teeth. On the grassland, this thing is really delicious. If this flock of sheep is spoiled by a few mice, it's a pity. It's a pity.

A blue light came out at the foot of the water moon, like an arrow shot by [Muan Xuan]. It rushed forward a few steps and came to a corner. In front of it, because of the faint light, although it was not strong, it may be some kind of larger space. Shuiyue judged that it should be the nest of the red mouse. The further forward, the air circulation is much smoother, as if there are vents in the opposite space, and the smell of mice in the tunnel makes Shuiyue tired of it.

When you come to the exit of the tunnel, Shuiyue looks up. This is not the nest of the red rat or the world above. This is a huge underground complex, covered with black, black spires and black houses, and these houses look very old. This is ancient, with a thousand-year color. Exactly where it is.

The years have changed, and the thousand-year-old city buried under the grassland?

The hell in the Red Rat Channel?

Or did you come to another unknown dark world?

Carat's dark nest?

The entrance of the cave is on a rock wall. Looking down, it is unfathomable. That is the ground, and how high should those buildings stand so that the water moon can see the top? The architectural style of these buildings does not belong to the style of any human city on the mainland.

Shuiyue closed her eyes slightly, experienced the wind on the stone wall, and said to herself, "How can I go down?"