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Chapter 410 Noah's Ark 2

Water Moon finally understands!

Mao Se suddenly opened, and suddenly realized!

The owner of Sunset has driven hundreds of ships full of sand and stone. Is it still worried that there is no way to uproot this century-old sunken ship from under the mud and sand?

After the ropes were fixed on the sinking ship, the Lord of Sunset ordered all the ships full of sand and stone to pour the sand into Haiti. After the sand and gravel was poured out, the water line eaten by the sea began to rise, and the ropes seen with the sunken ships began to tighten.

The city owner smiled and said, "I didn't expect that Noah's Ark, which we haven't salvaged for decades, will finally surface today."

The meteor lay on the boat and drank a lot of seawater. "Finally came out. That's good. That's good."

Shuiyue can't stand the shaking of the hull, especially when the sunken ship is gradually lifted out of the sediment by buoyancy, the wave marks on the sea surface are very large. It can be seen that the size of the sunken ship is indeed very large.

It's better to stay on the water than to stay on the boat. The water and the moon will not be afraid of sinking. The waves rise under their feet, and a pattern slides down from the feet, and even the instep of the water moon can't be covered. Now the water moon is less than the weight of a piece of wood chips on the water surface, and the sense of [spiritual power] is becoming more and more sensitive.

No one expected that the water moon would be seasick!

There is always a small shortcoming behind the so-called big man.

Meteor laughed and said, "Shuiyue, your shortcoming seems to be useless, because you don't have to take a boat at all. Why did you have to squeeze with us just now? If you have learned to dive, it would be the best."

Shuiyue despised, "Of course. If I learn to dive, you don't have to dive. If you think about this, fart, four waves will burst out on the water."

"Hey, don't say too much. If your brother hadn't risked my life to tie the rope to the boat, could you see it?"

Shuiyue shook her head, "I can't see it now."

After hundreds of boats dumped sand and rocks, the buoyancy increased and could only drag the sunken ship out of the sand, but could not make the sunken ship surface, which was delusional.

The Lord of Sunset, smiled and listened to the two quarrels, ordered all the ships to gather together and move in one direction, dragging the big guy back to Sunset City in the water.

"The city owner is really a good way. Is this using the power of the sea to counterbalance the power of the sea?" The meteor also saw the mystery.

"Don't pretend to be dead. Get up quickly. The traction of these hundreds of boats is a little difficult for the sunken ship!" Shuiyue noticed that although hundreds of boats slid in one direction and each sailor tried his best, the speed was very slow, just like walking on the surface of the water.

"What can I do? This big guy is really too big!" The meteor got up from the boat with an innocent expression.

Seeing this, the city owner had no choice but to order the guard ships behind him to help, and even his own ships tied ropes to pull this huge thing.

"Let's work hard together. We can't give up all our previous efforts here." The city owner encouraged everyone.

In this way, almost five or six hundred people were together to deal with this big guy. With the soldiers' strength exhausted, the speed of marching turned into climbing, and the climbing was still very slow.

"How can this work? At such a speed, when I transported the big ship to Sunset City, the Protos and horses had already come after it. Didn't they make a profit? As I said, let's take a boat back to Sunset City first to find assistance. What do you think?" The meteor rowed instead of a warrior, and the unicorn's arm beat with red flames and did his best.

The city owner nodded, "Maybe that's the only way. We can't pull this big ship, so we must use reinforcements."

Shuiyue looked at the straight rope and asked, "City lord, what did you just say the name of this big ship?"

"Noah's Ark!" The owner of Sunset City gave a clear answer.

The name made Shuiyue have a question in her heart, "What does it mean?"

"When the Protoss built this big ship, it claimed to be a permanent truce, so the name was the name given to the big ship by the Protos people, which was Noah's Ark. From then on, the ship was named after this name, but later, the ship symbolizing peace still fell into the quagmire of war!"

A ship that symbolizes peace!

Noah's Ark, even for peace, will let the water and moon set sail again and bring peace to the other shore.

Originally, Shuiyue could not deal with Noah's Ark, but Shuiyue was willing to try it. Noah's Ark symbolizes peace, and it also guides peace. Isn't it suitable to guide this big ship?

"Lord, let me have a try. If I don't succeed, we will go back and ask for help." Shuiyue said with great ambition.

"Are you okay?"

Is Shuiyue trying to prove that he is stronger than hundreds of sailors?


Everyone should hold peace firmly in their hands. How can they easily let go? But in peace, there must be evil, and the person who took the lead in the war with evil is Shuiyue.

"All the ships, follow my orders and unload the ropes together!" Shuiyue shouted to hundreds of ships.

Everyone was surprised. Is Shuiyue going to deal with Noah's Ark by herself?

Whether you can get what you want by pulling the light of peace depends on the will of the moon.

Shuiyue picked up the rope behind a small boat and wrapped it around his waist. [Spiritual Power] received the perception, making Shuiyue produce greater and stronger buoyancy on the water.

Ten feather arrows, on the take-off head, are united with the water, moon and heaven, forming an upward and forward impulse.

Everyone present doesn't know what Shuiyue is going to do!

Finally, a more exciting picture appeared. Shuiyue held [the world] and unfolded the wind kendo, and the powerful vortex made the blowing sea breeze blow back.

[World] Under the action of Fengdao Kendo, it is a spiral, forcefully to the outside. Shuiyue shouted, "All ships, release the ropes, give it to me here, hand over the peaceful Noah to me, and let the evil darkness go to hell."

The ropes of hundreds of boats fell into the water together. The sunken ship lost its traction and began to sink. The rope between Shuiyue's waist was instantly straightened. In the powerful abdomen, it made Shuiyue's feet sink, and the sea water passed over her knees. Most importantly, Shuiyue had to endure the pain on her body, and the rope was about to tear itself in half. The power of [Mianxuan] To protect the body, Shuiyue is still in pain.

He gritted his teeth and said that he was about to do it. The man was so arrogant.

"Water Moon, are you all right?" The meteor was worried.

Shuiyue nodded. Although the sunken ship brought itself into the sea, Shuiyue could still control the sinking power.

"Let's go!" Shuiyue said firmly.

A firm look tells the soldiers that what I can do is the king, and peace is always in our hands.

"Okay, let's move on!" The city owner commanded.

After Shuiyue boosted the power of Fengdao Kendo, it inserted it into the sea, and the whirlpool of outer rotation formed a strong driving force and pushed Shuiyue forward. It was this force that made the rope between Shuiyue's waist more tense and squeezed the internal organs of Shuiyue. A stream of blood surged from the internal organs of Shuiyue to the mouth of Shuiyue, and Shuiyue was born. I swallowed it back.

Shuiyue rushed forward, regardless of the severe pain in her body, and the speed exceeded everyone's imagination. The waves wrang up behind [the world] were more than three meters high.

"Is such a warrior still the God of War?" The city owner asked.

"The God of War is just a god-like man, but the water moon is ordinary. We have only one ordinary goal. We give our lives for the eternal aura of peace and do not hesitate to block all the difficulties we see. As long as we still insist, we will definitely break through. This is the moon, not the God of War." The meteor smiled.

Shuiyue has to accelerate. He can't stop. He knows that he is fighting against nature. In fighting against the whole sea, no matter how strong a person's ability is, he will not get any cheap in the hands of nature. There is continuous blood pouring up in his stomach. [spiritual power] has been able to stabilize on the sea for himself, and With unremitting efforts, there is no time to treat Shuiyue's injury.

Shuiyue closed her mouth and couldn't say that she couldn't hold on. Once she fell down, how could she sail far away?

Finally, Shuiyue left everyone behind and came to the gate of Sunset City. Fengdao kendo cut off the rope. Shuiyue suddenly turned black in front of her eyes and fell down on the water. She also felt that her mouth began to bleed out.