Mythical Beast

Chapter 192 Mysterious Purple Mist

Looking at the purple fog around him, Tang Longyan frowned, and a rosefinch spread its wings and broke out, drawing a blade. The sword spirit "swished" into the purple fog, and there was no wave.

Tang Longyan frowned and suddenly flashed. A figure suddenly rushed from behind him and was almost dodged by Tang Longyan. When Tang Longyan turned around again, he found that the figure had disappeared!

"Don't bother," a voice did not come from Tang Longyan's, but another sentence came from the predicament: "You have been trapped by my secret art." Looking back, the voice has come from the big beast position: "Everything here is set by me." When Tang Longyan closed his eyes, he found that the direction of the sound had been changed to the dry position: "Be good!"

Tang Longyan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed. His long sword was raised, and his body suddenly stabbed into the sky. There was a faint intention of turning into a sword, which turned out to be a straight through the sky!

"Sensing is also good!" A fierce move seemed to be understated for Yuwen Ping'an. A purple fog condensed out of his appearance, and then it floated away again and condensed again in the position of Guimei. At the same time, his arms were raised and the palms were together, and a fog-condensed purple ball pushed towards Tang Longyan!

What kind of evil kung fu is he using? Tang Longyan saw the purple ball approaching and immediately waved the sword and stopped it. However, at the moment when the sword came into contact with the purple ball, Tang Longyan seemed to hear a slight sound, and the purple ball was smashed with a "bang", and the purple smoke spread around again.

"Flying flowers all over the sky!" Yuwen Ping'an's lips moved, and the fog around him suddenly gathered like a group of crazy, condensed into thin flying needles, and rushed to Tang Longyan.

A drop of sweat slowly flowed down from Tang Longyan's forehead. When that drop of sweat slowly scratched his cheek, Tang Longyan had already waved his long sword, and his body turned like a top, constantly forcing the flying needles around him back.

With a sound, several purple air condensed needles pierced his body, as if ice and snow were encountering a heat current. As Tang Longyan's blood suddenly flowed around his body, Tang Longyan was shocked and immediately burst into the red flame true qi on his body, and his body kept hitting those purple with a magnificent red flame qi. The color fog slowly wears them out.

The attack of the flying needle slowly became less and gradually disappeared. Tang Longyan shouted loudly, and the 70 or 80 flying needles inserted on his body just now scattered around in an instant. A figure suddenly moved and emerged, looking at Tang Longyan with a touch of approval.

"You can force me out. It seems that you have found something." Yuwen looked at Tang Longyan calmly, and there was still no wave on his face, but there seemed to be a trace of sigh in his eyes.

Tang Longyan took back Chiyan's true qi and said, "Your silver needle is well hidden, and I was almost fooled. I'm afraid these purple fogs are the true qi in your body. I didn't expect your true qi to be so horrible. It's not only so huge in quantity, but also powerful. I just tried to let a trace of this true qi penetrate into my body. I didn't expect that they would occupy my sea of qi at the moment they entered. If I hadn't use Chiyanzhen I'm so angry that I'm afraid that I've been blocked by your true anger at this moment, and I can't move.

Yuwen nodded safely and said, "Yes, my true qi is very poisonous, and you can only restrain it a little with the red qi. In the past, Gongsun Futu could not beat his adoptive father, because your red Yan true qi was born to restrain this evil thing. I have been taking soaked poison when I was a child, so there is no place on my body that is not poisonous. That's why I dress so tightly all year round. It's just that I didn't expect that you found the existence of the flying needle.

Tang Longyan sighed gently and said, "I also thought you were releasing the true qi directly, but I found that the power of these true qi was too powerful, so I expected that you were attached to the object. However, the material you use to make flying needles is so special that it can be attached to my magic sword! It's really hard to wave the sword just now. Tang Longyan suddenly attached the true spirit of Chiyan to the enchanted sword. Due to the urge of the true spirit without listening, the Fumo sword was full of red light for a while. For a moment, a drop of ** like tears of the Fumo sword crossed the tip of the blade and slowly dripped down.

Yuwen Ping'an sighed gently and said, "It's a pity that these are special materials in meteorites falling from the sky. At this moment, they are dripping to the ground like objects from the sky by you." Seeing that Tang Longyan could sense the slight change in the weight of the Fumo sword, he realized that he had attached it to the sword with a flying needle. He couldn't help nodding his head secretly. He turned around and suddenly shouted, "But what if you can see through it? Even without a flying needle, you still can't hurt me at all!" While talking, the man had been hidden in the fog, and several purple true gas attacked Tang Longyan again.

Tang Longyan raised his eyebrows, and the true qi of Chiyan in his body was rapidly stimulated. For a moment, the red light of the Fumo sword flourished again, but he saw that the blade of the sword was red, and the sword body seemed to have increased several times. The long sword touched the flying needle. First, there was a burning sound, and then with a "ding", a thin silver needle fell to the ground.

Sure enough! Tang Longyan was happy. He relied on the sharpness of the Fumo sword and the hard body. He had always resisted the hidden weapon of the local blade with the Fumo sword itself. However, it was different at this time. After Yuwen's true qi attached to the flying needle, he could actually directly attach to the Fumo sword and lingered, which seemed to be due to the existence of these substances. In this way, Tang Longyan can't escape the sight of Yuwen Ping'an at all, and every move seems to be as clear under Yuwen Ping's eyes.

Sure enough, Yuwen Ping's face was slightly stunned, and his figure dispersed. Tang Longyan's mind flashed, and his long sword pointed straight behind him, but at the moment he turned around, he suddenly found that there were eight Yuwen Ping'an figures around!

What's going on! Tang Longyan was shocked when he saw that Yuwen Ping'an had condensed eight of himself. With his sensitivity to Yuwen Ping'an, he felt that he was only six paragraphs of great success at this moment. How could he have seven paragraphs of shadows to condense? Moreover, the shadow can only last for a period of time, but these eight figures are standing around Tang Longyan.

"Are you surprised?" Yuwen Ping'an saw that Tang Longyan didn't know how to take action for a moment, so he said, "I am a monster created by Gongsun Futu. These are all the moves I thought of myself. In those years, Gongsun Futu endured pain and tortured me with poisons and insects, which made me have such a strange truth today." While talking, eight figures have begun to move.

As if eight Yuwen Ping's action at the same time, Tang Longyan felt great pressure in an instant. Everyone used different moves, which were clearly eight figures, but everyone's true qi seemed to be so full. Yuwen Ping's right palm was full of purple true qi and waved to Tang Longyan's left shoulder. Tang Longyan was about to turn sideways. Yuwen Ping'an on the right side had released a purple true qi. The true qi condensed into a thin flying needle and flew towards Tang Longyan.

At the same time, the rest of Yuwen Ping'an also began their own actions, either attacking their legs, or focusing on the key points such as the small abdomen, or directly attacking his back. Tang Longyan suddenly felt a pain in his back, and a true qi had invaded his body again. He only felt a numbness in his back, and then there were bursts of tingling from his veins.

He suddenly lucked the true qi and wanted to eliminate the true qi in his body. As soon as he opened the meridians on his back, he felt another soreness on his left calf. He immediately knelt down and hit the tingling again. When he carried up and dissipated the purple true gas again, he found that several figures on both sides were attacking him again.

No, if you are passively beaten like this, you will be dragged down sooner or later! Tang Longyan frowned and burst into anger. He didn't care about the attack on both sides and behind him, and his body rushed forward like a sharp blade.

Without any hindrance, the figure in front of him was torn by Tang Longyan's sword and instantly turned into a purple smoke and floated into the air. However, this time, the smoke was no longer condensed into Yuwen and safe, and there were only seven figures around.

It turns out that these are not ordinary illusions! Tang Longyan glanced and found that the other figures had a trace of pain. It could be seen that the disappearance of this figure was still harmful to Yuwen Ping'an. But when Tang Longyan turned around again, he found that there seemed to be a chill in his body that sealed his muscles and limbs, and he could not move at all.

"This body is led by the ice silkworm. You break it, the ice silkworm is broken, and the ice/poison gas is released. Just now, your whole body has been contaminated with its poison gas during your breathing activities. Although I have lost a poisonous insect that has been cultivated for many years, you will also lose here. Yuwen Ping'an explained, and the other figures slowly came up.

Unexpectedly, Tang Longyan smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his body seemed to break the ice. His body began to move. He turned around and waved his sword and stabbed into another figure. The figure was stunned for a moment, and then broke away and turned into a fog.

"From the first breath I inhaled, I have noticed something wrong, so at the moment when this ice/poison gas sealed my meridians, I have opened up the meridians with red qi, that is, waiting for you to relax my vigilance. In such a close situation, I will suddenly exert my strength to break you one by one. Unfortunately, there seems to be something clamping my sword this time, otherwise it won't just smash this figure. Tang Longyan could still keep calm under the fog, but at this moment, he suddenly felt numb and couldn't move!